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Oct 13th 2019
#JokerMovie #JokerReview

A thread ... with points awarded or subtracted, a brief review of the Joker, and a take-away for InfoSec awareness programs.
#JokerMovie #JokerReview

-1 for boring.

Many movies today slow things down to seem artistic. Joker is no different. Nothing much happens for over an hour. I argue the movie only starts with Randall and David in Joker’s apartment.

InfoSec: Time to security. Pacing matters.
#JokerMovie #JokerReview

+1 for humor?

But that scene with Arthur and David? That was one funny. I laughed. It’s maybe one of three funny scenes. But I did laugh. I'll give them that.

InfoSec: Use humor as appropriate to keep people engaged. Don’t over do it. Don’t forget it.
Read 16 tweets
Oct 6th 2019
Michael Moore understood Joker more than any other liberal commentator. The film shows how capitalism deranges people, encourages cruelty, exacerbates loneliness and turns our living space into a grotesque nightmare. It should be used to help further discussions of austerity.
It has more genuine progressive credentials than Marvel, Doctor Who or more celebrated properties on Left Twitter and provides a raw portrayal of what cuts to social safety nets do to people, providing this example in a manner accessible to popular culture via a familiar figure
I'm aware this is too late now. The damage is done, and this film is Right Twitter's cuddly toy and Left Twitter's mortal enemy, but damnit if I'm going to stop trying to course correct this discourse.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 5th 2019
It took me about a day to fully understand the #JokerMovie. I thought I was going to see a movie, and instead I was subjected to two hours of anger provoking programming.

I'm writing a review for the November issue of the magazine. @NickJFuentes, we should talk about this.
The movie pushes these disaffected, young white men towards nihilism. They want you to go out and pickup a gun, and they're praying that this happens.

It does not have to be this way. People can back away from this abyss, and embrace something good and productive.
Last night at the @OwenComedy show, I lost count of how many people came up to me telling me how they came back to the Church, or got married, or are having their first kid. One woman had 9 kids, and the whole room cheered! These people are backing away from the abyss. ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Oct 5th 2019
As someone who is ... let's just say... a big fan of Heath Ledger's Joker ... I am SOOOOOOO EXCITEDD for today!!
OK #Joker loses one star for handholding the audience a little too much. Not everything needs to be explicitly explained.
Other than that...
Also, get ready for a year of people blaming #Jokermovie for societal violence..
Read 5 tweets
Oct 3rd 2019
Februari, 2004.

Malam belum terlalu larut, jalanan masih padat oleh lalu lalang kendaraan bermotor. Maklum malam Minggu. Kuhabiskan waktu bersama teman ditempat favorit buat nongkrong saat itu. Jalan belakang sebuah stadion terkenal disalah satu kota di Jawa tengah. Image
Biasanya kami habiskan malam minggu dengan minum ciu, salah satu minuman trademark kota kami. Ya, seperti sudah menjadi rutinitas setiap akhir pekan, untuk melepas penat setelah seminggu penuh sekolah.

Tapi malam itu akan berbeda dengan malam Minggu yg lain. Semuanya akan merubah kisah perjalanan hidupku. Malam yg akan selalu terkenang dan tak terlupakan.

Read 687 tweets
Aug 31st 2019
Crowd at #Venezia76 went absolutely ballistic for #JOKER. Film is dark, sick, twisted. I’m with a crowd of fellow critics right now, running through the streets of Venice just screaming. Hollering. My legs are tired. We’ve been doing this for hours. Joaquin is an Oscar contender
#JOKER will change superhero cinema forever. Sure to be controversial. The film is a literal riot. I just flipped a car with two of the guys from IndieWire. A Guardian reviewer fell down and we all kept running. I stepped on his hand. REALLY impressed with Todd Phillips
Thank you to everyone checking in on my safety after two of the German critics tried to jump onto one of the canal boats and drowned. The rest of us are safe and enjoying a much-needed dinner at Buca di Beppo. Upon further discussion we’ve decided that #JokerMovie is just okay
Read 3 tweets
Aug 31st 2019
#JokerMovie is an efficacious & disturbing film that's equally meritorious & tragic. Phoenix's roaring, monstrous performance as the Clown of Crime is so immaculate, so maestoso, it's a prodigious accomplishment, and marks the apex of his already superlative career. #Venezia76
Todd Phillips crafts an audacious & compelling portrait of the disintegration of a man full of ennui, driven to unthinkable extremes, with inspiration from classics like ‘Taxi Driver’, both featuring men whose mental instability drove them to ambiguous extremes. #Joker #Venezia76
Phoenix evokes a sense of tragic, melancholic beauty in his transformation as the #Joker, going beyond impersonation & disturbingly explodes on screen in an act so flawless in timing & character perception, it's quite frankly one of the most impressive method acting feats.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 22nd 2019
@swayinthewoods @navneet_mundhra @FuschiaScribe My review of the 1956 classic MOBY DICK starring #Hollywood star #GregoryPeck on my Instagram page.…
@swayinthewoods @navneet_mundhra @FuschiaScribe Review of #Article15 on my Instagram page. A Bollywood thriller that attempts to bring to light the various facets of exercising Article 15 of the Indian Constitution.…
@swayinthewoods @navneet_mundhra @FuschiaScribe My review of ABOUT SCHMIDT starring Hollywood legend Jack Nicholson in the lead.

A moving tribute to the inevitable space of retirement and old age.…
Read 68 tweets

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