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Nov 3rd 2020
#Subex is setting the market abuzz with many brokers talking of relisting above 20 Rs - which is across a major 8 year breakout level of around 18.50

#CrunchMetrics #IDCentral #DigitalTrust #IoT #IoTSecurity
Will be see a dream run in #Subex post relisting given fundamentals are fast improving for both business operations and balance sheet

See embedded thread for brief history of its turnaround.

#CrunchMetrics #IDCentral #DigitalTrust #IoT #IoTSecurity #CyberSecurity
Typo-plz read “Will be” as “Will we”

I think we will 😊-next 2yrs at #Subex should be similar or better to what #TanlaPlatforms achieved in same time since #Karix acquisition in Aug2018

Cash books are ringing at Subex with good visibility

So watch this space for M&A/BuyBack!!
Read 59 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
Thought of developing a bit more on comparisons being made between Route and Tanla

Both are in an undeniably hot sector and therefore attracting lot of attention

One needs to b careful while making any loose comparisons of Tanla & Route

#TanlaPlatform #Tanla #RouteMobile
When one dispassionately looks at both scrips, it can be easily seen that they are miles apart on financials,business operations, promoters, clients, regulatory front

Will list some of the reasons here below for everyone's consideration.

#TanlaPlatform #Tanla #RouteMobile
While reading this, please take your eyes off the share prices and price action because that doesn't represent value - price largely just represent sentiments.

(1) Route is a recently listed company post IPO in September 2020...(contd..)

#TanlaPlatform #Tanla #RouteMobile
Read 23 tweets

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