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Sep 29th 2020
⚡ For #Debates2020 and GOP #HunterBiden allegations: Trump sought deals with corrupt Moscow Mayor with ties to mafia. Detailed thread with links below. 👇… #DebateTuesday #debate
In 1995, Trump lost $916 million according to his 1995 income tax returns. In the early 1990s, he sustained loss due to failed projects like his three Atlantic City casinos, airline business and purchase of the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan.…
In November 1996, Howard Lorber and Ben LeBow brought Trump to Moscow and arranged discussions about a joint venture between their Liggett-Ducat tobacco factory, Trump Organization and the city of Moscow with Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov known for his corrupt practices.
Read 17 tweets
Dec 4th 2019
#ImpeachmentHearing #Giuliani Giuliani's overlooked contacts with the Kremlin/KGB/oligarchs thread. In 2004, #Giuliani visited Moscow & Magnitogorsk to meet Moscow corrupt mayor #Luzhkov, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov & more. The screenshot of the video (now deleted.
Luzhkov--Trump. In Nov1996, Howard Lorber & Ben LeBow brought Trump to Moscow & arranged discussions about a joint venture between their Liggett-Ducat tobacco factory, Trump Organization and the city of Moscow with the Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov’s office.
3. During the 1993 and 1997 campaigns, USSR-born Sam Kislin, his relatives and companies donated $46,250 to #Giuliani’s mayoral campaigns. Kislin landed a post on the city’s Economic Development…
Read 12 tweets
Apr 20th 2018
⚡️⚡️🏦🕶🏙⁉️🔥 A quick and incomplete (!) thread on #Giuliani who is joining Trump's legal team to "help bring #Mueller probe to a conclusion."…
2. During the 1993 and 1997 campaigns, USSR-born Sam Kislin, his relatives and companies donated $46,250 to #Giuliani’s mayoral campaigns. Kislin landed a post on the city’s Economic Development Corp.…
3. A 1994 FBI report obtained by The Associated Press said Kislin is “a member or associate” of a Brighton Beach crime group run by Vyacheslav Ivankov, the imprisoned godfather of Russian organized crime in the United States.…
Read 15 tweets

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