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Apr 22nd 2021
How do I comment on racism
How do I bring about change
What can I do to ensure
It doesn't happen again
I watch the news
I hear the recordings
"I can't breathe"
What was he thinking
And then I hear from friends
I hear the reality
The hate and fear
The embedded inequality..
What can I do?
What can I say?
I can only be me
Speak as me
But I am speechless
When it comes to the injustice
I see in the US
But also here in the UK
Experienced by people
Of different races

#racismuk #racism #napowrimo
I'm a white British woman
That gives me security
I can't know the fear
Or know the injustice
I haven't experienced hatred
At the hands of racists

#RaceReport #poetry #NaPoWriMo #SystemicRacism
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