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Jul 30th 2022
1) Sanket Mahadev Sargar - 🥈

Silver in weightlifting in Men's 55kg category

#CWG2022India #CWG2022
#weightlifting #Silver #SanketMahadevSargar ImageImageImage
2) Gururaja Poojary -🥉

Bronze in weightlifting Men's 61kg category

#CWG2022India #CWG2022
#weightlifting #Bronze #GururajaPoojary ImageImageImage
3) Saikhom Mirabai Chanu - 🥇🔥

GOLD in weightlifting Women's 49kg category

#CWG2022India #CWG2022
#weightlifting #Gold
#MirabaiChanu ImageImageImage
Read 63 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
Wasn't expecting my recent article in @FortuneIndia "Balancing Act Of #HigherEducation in India" to become contextual in sad light of an Indian student losing life in a distant European conflict in #Ukraine. A short thread summary & link for those interested @rajeevdubey
2/9 "Augmenting Quality Of Average Institutes" in India is paramount to making India the world's "academic capital". Not only does pedigree qualify us to stake a claim but also at stake is a USD $600 B domestic education market & USD $6 trillion global economic opportunity
3/9 Roughly 5 million students defined as #InternationallyMobileStudents study outside their home country each year of these 7 lakh are Indian students a third of whom go to the U.S. & rest to others & spend close to $13 billion under RBI’s liberalized remittance route
Read 9 tweets

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