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Sep 10th 2020
Mining built #NovaScotia!
The old #BankofMontreal building in Sydney was built 1900-01 of sandstone from Wallace, the area that provided stone for so many historic buildings like our legislature and parts of Ottawa's parliament buildings.
#nspoli #cbpoli @HomeMattersCB @OldSydney ImageImage
The bank was built because of the economic boom that occurred in #Sydney in that era. Large steel plants located in Sydney, fed by nearby #coal mines, made Sydney a hub of commercial and industrial activity.
#nspoli #cbpoli @HomeMattersCB @OldSydney Image
The building was designed by renowned architect Sir Andrew Taylor of Taylor and Gordon. Its Palladian windows, copper dome, columns, and pediments combine to make a striking building. It’s one of the best examples of commercial Neo-classic architecture in NS.
#nspoli #cbpoli Image
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Aug 25th 2020
McKeens Quarry in #Pictou County is one of the oldest quarries in #NovaScotia. It began producing sandstone in the mid-1800s under the name Fogo Quarry and was worked continuously until the 1940s.
#nspoli @TimHoustonNS @karla_macf_pc @SeanFraserMP @TOWNofPICTOU @PictouCounty_NS ImageImageImage
It was later quarried to produce rock fill and armour stone.
McKeens stone was used in many heritage buildings, including the Charlottetown legislature and @NewGlasgowNS Town Hall which was built 1884-1887…at a cost of $43,285.61!
#nspoli @TimHoustonNS @karla_macf_pc ImageImage
It was commissioned by Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald, one of 78 Post Offices/Custom Houses he built across Canada. It was also briefly the town's courthouse. The Town of #NewGlasgow bought the building after the old Town Hall was severely damaged by fire in 1957.
#nspoli Image
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Jan 17th 2020
We love getting questions about #mining, #minerals and #geology!
We were recently asked about historical #coal mining in #Thorburn, #NovaScotia. Here’s our answer:

#nspoli #NS #Pictou #PictouCounty @ns_moi @NS_Museum ImageImage
@ns_moi @NS_Museum The #Pictou coalfield is roughly 18x6 km and comprises 15 major coal seams in the #Westville, #Stellarton, and #Thorburn-Greenwood areas. Although small, the coalfield has produced about 55 million tonnes in the last two centuries.
#nspoli #NovaScotia #NS Image
@ns_moi @NS_Museum #Coal was discovered in the #Pictou coalfield around 1790 by Scottish settlers. The first substantive #mining operation was Collier John MacKay’s mine, sunk in 1809 on the west side of #EastRiver.
#nspoli #NovaScotia #NS Image
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Sep 16th 2019
Many #NovaScotia #mines/#quarries in the 1800s used tramways (horse-drawn wagons on rails) to transport rock. They were ancestors to our first railways because they showed the advantage of steel rails (instead of wood) and gave a platform for early locomotive experiments.
#nspoli Image
#NovaScotia's first railway (meaning it was powered by steam, not horses) was the Albion Mines Railway in Stellarton, built in 1839 to haul coal from the #Stellarton mines to docks in #Pictou Harbour. It was only the second steam railway in Canada. It operated until 1961.
#nspoli Image
Samson, the oldest locomotive in Canada, was 1 of the iron horses imported from England in 1839 to haul Albion Mines trains. Retired in 1883, it was displayed at Chicago's World Fair, in Baltimore, #Halifax and #NewGlasgow. Today it's at the Stellarton Museum of Industry.
#nspoli Image
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