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Mar 28th 2023
#OakMtg Tonight, 6-8p, the Militarized Equipment ad hoc is maybe going to finish the explosive breaching policy, the last of the policies written to comply with AB 481. (Hope springs eternal.)
Zoom link and phone access info here:…
To date, explosive breaching has not been used outside of field training. If OPD were willing to make it off limits, they wouldn't need to write a policy about it. Conversation's been in light of that: #OakMtg
Charge have storage requirements and have to be replaced every 5 yrs, and learning how to use them takes training- so there are costs to keeping explosive breaching as an option #OakMtg
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Mar 26th 2023
#OakMtg Thread: Public safety, Tues, 3/28, is at 4p this week (not 6p like last week).
You can comment if you're observing by Zoom, but you'll need to email the clerk, say you'd like to make comment at the 3/28 4p Public Safety meeting, and give your Zoom name / phone, plus the agenda item you want to speak on, before your item's called. Cityclerk@Oaklandca.Gov
(You can also email the clerk if you can't attend the meeting but have an opinion about one or more of the agenda items. But in that case, you need to email Cityclerk@Oaklandca.Gov by no later than 4p Monday 3/27.)
Read 37 tweets
Oct 26th 2021
We're finally here. Sup Valle intros the item, says 3 constituent mayors support non-binding resolution to further evaluation. #alcomtg #HowardTerminal
Speakers lined up. Valle still speaking, says HT is worth exploring. Would feel most comfortable if A's paid for study (whatever that is). #alcomtg #HowardTerminal
Sup Haubert now speaking. Lines up behind Valle's desire to explore possibilities, study HT further. Notes that HT will have a broad regional impact, TBD. #alcomtg #HowardTerminal
Read 78 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
Oakland City Council has started. @nikki4oakland: "I believe lots of progress has been made thru the discussions to date with the A’s." She notes that today's vote is not a final vote and many more approvals need to happen, including final EIR.…
Public comment now. Each speaker gets 1 minute. #oakmtg
Most speakers so far are against the project:
Oaklander: "The A’s are like an abusive bf & u need to stand up to them"
Coliseum worker: "The A’s have not done anything for the employees, they have not done anything to upgrade the Coliseum ... they just want to leave the Bay Area"
Read 32 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
#HowardTerminal #oakmtg livestream link. Have a beverage ready.…
Public comments will lead off. There is a regular City Council session at 1:30 PM today. #oakmtg #HowardTerminal
So far the tone of the comments is overwhelmingly negative, but this is #oakmtg after all, so I didn't expect anything different. #HowardTerminal
Read 55 tweets
Jul 7th 2021
Speaker Melody Davis: “2 minutes isn’t long enough, we need a day retreat” to talk about the #HowardTerminal project. #oakmtg
Spkr Patricia Lamborn goes over the sordid history of the #HowardTerminal site and says the Draft EIR does not properly address the site’s issues. #oakmtg
UPRR’s Adrian Guerrero: Company still has concerns over #HowardTerminal project, cites UP’s 3 yards in the area. As part of train switching activity, trains stop for up to 45 minutes in front of HT. Grade separation required. #oakmtg
Read 71 tweets
Jul 7th 2021
CM Kalb is laying down the ground rules for today’s #oakmtg - A’s present, then City staff, then public comments. #HowardTerminal
By popular request, #oakmtg is leading off with a separate public comments period, then the presos. 35+ comments #HowardTerminal
BTW I’m not going to tally or quote every public comment because frankly, we’ve heard these arguments on both sides ad nauseam. Looking for something new. #oakmtg #HowardTerminal
Read 4 tweets
Jan 25th 2021
Thread: 1/25 Finance Committee. 1st Finance Committee of year; members Bas, Thao, Reid, and Kaplan, Committee Chair. On agenda: accepting 10 million in unanticipated funds from Coliseum, report back on budget deficits by City, legislation to appropriate funding for OFD #oakmtg
A procedural motion to covene as a full mtg. That has to be done whenever there's more than 4 council members present at a mtg, even if just speaking, due to Brown Act. At least Kalb will speak at this mtg, tho not on the committee
At Public Comment, Michael Patterson, electrician with City who maintains street lights and signals: We cant have cuts to staff and that not affect services. We've talked to the City at looking at other ways to save money but met with same answers about concessions right away
Read 69 tweets
Jan 19th 2021
Oakland City Council meeting 1/19/2021 has begun. #oakmtg This is the thread:
CM President Bas announces that CMs will get a two minute clock during the meeting [though not strictly held at two minutes. There's a max in Council rules of 10 minutes]
Kaplan talks about Coliseum JPA meeting [she's a recent appointee]. Coliseum will potentially be used as a large scale vaccination site. She also says JPA identified $10 mil of dollars that can be returned to City of Oakland. She says it can be used to bridge budget deficit
Read 55 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
New Council members Treva Reid and Carroll Fife were just counted in their first Council roll call, 1/12/2021 #oakmtg
In opening remarks, newly appointed Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas observes the Capitol assault of last week, also clarifies that despite vaguely described misinformation, the EMP is not on the agenda, rather only alternatives for shelter during a camp eviction #oakmtg
Bas already marking a distinct style from preceding Presidents as she explained the map of the agenda, and says that she observes rule that no CM can speak longer than 10 minutes on any item, and will ask Clerk to run the 2 minute clock for Council comments.
Read 102 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
Light coverage of the ad hoc committee on Militarized Equipment. Specifically now creating a use policy for the Bearcat and other Armored Vehicles
Several community members don't actually want a Bearcat, at all. The OPD did not have a cogent policy for Bearcat or Armored Suburban last year when the Council denied their request to use grants to buy a new one, Council asked them to come up with one with Police Commission
A local encounter with the Bearcat from this Summer, not to far from where I live.
Read 36 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
12/1/2020 Council Meeting Thread starts here #oakmtg
D5 CM Noel Gallo is reading an official honor for Mike Lee, a homeless advocate and homeless person who passed away in August…
Speaker calls in to ask Council to delay action on the Kaiser Auditorium item that would, among other things, give Kaiser corp naming rights and control of a marquee on the civic auditorium, until the new Council is seated #oakmtg
Read 95 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
Today, OPD will ask for authorization to accept a 325k "Port Security Grant" from DHS that requires City to match 108k to accept. Its for a new patrol boat. OPD already has 2-3 boats, a tactical Catamaran and [possibly 2?] standard patrol boat from Almar, pictured below #oakmtg
OPD says it needs a new boat because its "other" Almar vessel lacks shallow water capability. Last year, OPD got same grant for new engines for its catamaran, a boat OPD acquired in 2011 but don't mention now. At that time, OPD boasted of its cabin & shallow water capacity ,too
The 2006 Almar purchase was for two 29 ft Almars if this 2009 report is accurate. If the City still has two Almar's and one Cat, then it currently has three boats.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 30th 2020
A thread on what's of note at tomorrow's City Council meeting, either the last or second to the last for the year and for the old Council. There's one more scheduled 12/15, but it might just be a placeholder. #oakmtg
The City will report on how its expenditure of CARES Act $. Like an 80s comedy, City must spend the $ by end of year or lose unspent $. A sidenote, CARES funded City WIFI isn't going well, probably owing to fact it was rushed together to pad Equity Budget
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Nov 10th 2020
Reposting my #oakmtg 11/10/2020 tweets as one thread.
James Vann points out that no homeless people are on Schaaf's appointee list for the Homelessness Commission, on the agenda today for Council approval. Joey Harris, however, is formerly homeless, but also an employee of the Temescal Business Improvement District #oakmtg
Ty Hudson of Unite Here complains that service workers at the Coliseum are about to be fired as the food services contractor is replaced. #oakmtg
Read 35 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
ok... half an hour late, we are in Police Commission #oakmtg. Time for public comment.
Michelle V, speaker for Bandabaila family, asks for adequate staffing for missing persons unit. #Oakmtg
*Avenaio... not sure how to spell it, my apologies.
Read 48 tweets
Oct 15th 2020
At Reimagining Public Safety Taskforce. On mobile so my tweets will be more sporadic. We have 2 #oakmtg (Appreciation) Club members on Advisory boards. But there are also 120 people on the Advisory Boards.
Aman Sebahtu says they are extending the timeline, but advisory boards are meeting 3x in 2020 & 1x in 2021. Still concerning. Rocky start to this meeting included not having enough space for all AB members as panelists & approval of mtg notes misinterpreted as roll call. #oakmtg
Ok, I was wrong. It's 130 advisory board members. #oakmtg
Read 25 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
Ok, signing in to live tweet the Police Commission meeting. Public comment, Bruce S complains about Manheimer showing up to City Council meeting with that training video and last-minute showing up with a new Use of Force policy. #oakmtg
Rashida Grinage thanks Anderson and Jackson for their presentation at the City Council meeting. @meganasteffen asks about stop data that should have been released Sept 30th and should be in Attachment 6. @UCBRachelB comments and I'm so sorry I couldn't capture it in time #oakmtg
A caller asks to prioritize missing victims unit, gives examples of failures in the missing persons cases. #oakmtg
Read 112 tweets
Oct 7th 2020
Hi, please don't let this huge liar defeat @Kaplan4Oakland

We've updated the voter guide to reflect this latest change, but Johnson’s candidate profile needs to be rewritten to incorporate this news. Thanks for your patience while we make our updates.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
The City's Reimagining Taskforce Meeting is about to begin. Last one was introductory, so this will be first for actual business. Looks like they'll be walking members thru police budget, and bodies/agreements that affect that… #Oakmtg
The City's been releasing data. One that's interesting, the place of residence of OPD's current 740 residents. While Oakland is single-lived in City, only 10% of OPD officers live here. Other big ones, Castro Valley, Hayward, Oakley, Tracy, Brentwood & [checks notes] SF? #oakmtg
As they begin the meeting, Loren Taylor mentions last night's late meeting [of joint bodies/Reimagining] and also notes that there are 27 participants in the Zoom meeting. #oakmtg
Read 44 tweets
Sep 30th 2020
BCDC, the state body with power over City/County coastal water-way adjacent land, is finally issuing a long-threatened cease & desist order on Union Point Park encampment, which would obligate City to close it by February 2021 #oakmtg
City had tried to stay ahead of an C&D Order by following a closure plan for UPP last year, relocating camp to an end of UPP, w/a planned closure by April, 2020. Covid postponed that. BCDC now plans to make good on the Order at next mtg--compelling City to close camp by Feb, 2021
The City still opposes the 2/21 date and hopes to push it back until after County and City Covid orders are lifted, but it appears that BCDC likely won't agree. For the moment, the date of order remains to be determined, tho. Mtg is 10/1 at 9:30am…
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Sep 29th 2020
The special council meeting introducing the Reimagining Public Safety Taskforce to CPAB, SSOC and Police Commission has begun.…
The Special Meeting is having video glitches and failures, Kaplan and Clerk Landingham observe that this has happened before during Zoom meetings with a large number of participants [vs attendees] #oakmtg
Second call about OPD failures to enforce "basic laws" around Lake Merritt to this meeting. This caller is concerned about Reimagining will lead to "more problems", and wants to "building up new capabilities", suggesting police need to back those as well #oakmtg
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Sep 25th 2020
Ces Butner, a Port of Oakland Commissioner, has so far spent 20k on candidate & independent expenditure committees. He supports the most conservative candidate in every Council race: Jackson, Walton, Johnson thru direct exp--via PACs, McElhaney & against Fife/Kaplan #oakmtg Image
One of these is from his wife. Usually when there's a power differential like this in the marriage--Teresa isn't employed-- its just a way for the more powerful partner to make an extra contribution, but I can't state that as an absolute fact, so.
If people paid attention to the Port appointment process, they'd have to ask under what possible rubric you'd keep appointing this fella. But its obvious that a Port Commission appointment is an influence/favor factory
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Sep 25th 2020
Jackson says there will be no community engagement process for the police chief search because several candidates want to be kept anonymous. #oakmtg
Gage responds to the idea of keeping candidates anonymous. He urges ad hoc committee to at some point make the finalists public #oakmtg
Rashidah Grinage says that there have been community engagement processes in the past, and says that Police Chief candidates who wouldn't want to be involved in that should be considered to have a demerit because of it #oakmtg
Read 3 tweets

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