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May 20th 2021
How is India under the leadership of PM Sri
facing the Covid-19 challenge in 2021?

This detailed thread will give you an insight into work done by the PM with emphasis on K'taka

Here's what the govt has done on vaccination


Vaccination • #PMCares procured 66 million doses of COVID vaccines under Phase-I for Healthcare & Frontline Workers.

Our doctors are safe today because the PM ensured they get vaccinated on priority & VIP Culture in the country is shunned.



Vaccination • Karnataka has administered over 87L first doses & over 25L second doses to beneficiaries

There are 5,308 vaccine sites in the state with 97.5% of them being government sites where vaccination is provided free of cost



Read 22 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
#THREAD How Modi govt is ensuring #Oxygen supplies to States

The @MoHFW_INDIA is closely monitoring the availability & supply of Medical #Oxygen and necessary infrastructure available with respective State/UT for management of #COVID19 effectively
The @MoHFW_INDIA with Empowered Group-2 (EG-2) looking after essential medical supplies have conducted various review meetings on Medical #Oxygen Supply with States/UTs including High Priority States & North Eastern States

#IndiaFightsCorona #OxygenCrisis
Regular Video Conferences have been organized by Union Health Ministry & DPIIT with State Nodal Officers for Oxygen and Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) nodal officers.

Read here:…
Read 21 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
Since I have been hearing about oxygen train ad nauseam, here’s the truth about Oxygen express and isolation coaches from former a former Railway EDME/ Freight 1/n
Good optics but not of great practical value as people gasp for oxygen The tankers loaded from LKO to Jharkhand for bringing oxygen are cryogenic tankers that come in different sizes.Smaller tankers that we see on the train are under 10% of all tankers in India 2/n #OxygenCrisis
So despite best efforts the LKO train was run with only 6 tankers which is still very less for a city like Lucknow and also pale in comparison to the effort taken to move a train all the way to Jharkhand and back 3/n #Lucknow
Read 7 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
A thread on #OxygenExpress train carrying liquid medical oxygen to Maharashtra.
The Oxygen Express carrying 7 Oxygen tankers began its journey from Mumbai to Vizag on 19th April morning. The train returned this morning i.e. 24th April. So turn around time is almost 120 hours.
According to @Central_Railway press release train avoided normal route (and took a longer route) as it was not possible to pass through tunnels with tankers mounted on it. #OxygenExpress @alokdesh @ameytirodkar @Marathi_Rash @ChitnisPurva (2/5)
The distance between Mumbai and Vizag is 1344 km via NH65 (Google Map). By road, a tanker with an average speed of 50-60Kmph would have reached Vizag in 22-26 hours. #OxygenExpress
Read 5 tweets

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