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Apr 24th 2021
#THREAD How Modi govt is ensuring #Oxygen supplies to States

The @MoHFW_INDIA is closely monitoring the availability & supply of Medical #Oxygen and necessary infrastructure available with respective State/UT for management of #COVID19 effectively
The @MoHFW_INDIA with Empowered Group-2 (EG-2) looking after essential medical supplies have conducted various review meetings on Medical #Oxygen Supply with States/UTs including High Priority States & North Eastern States

#IndiaFightsCorona #OxygenCrisis
Regular Video Conferences have been organized by Union Health Ministry & DPIIT with State Nodal Officers for Oxygen and Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) nodal officers.

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Apr 23rd 2021
How can we Supply more O2 & Save Lives?
Problem Statement: Liquid Medical Oxygen carrying tankers can travel by road at Max speed of 50kmph only.
How to increase speed of these tankers without compromising on safety? #Hackathon #CodeNinja #solutionforlife #innovation #iit
Train carrying Liquid Medical Oxygen tankers (tankers mounted on Wagons) can travel at a Max speed of 20kmph.
How2 increase speed of these trains without compromising on safety? @abhayjere @anandmahindra @anandesh @debjani_ghosh_ @rekha_m_menon @amitabhk87 @udaykotak @hackerrank
Liquid oxygen has a density of 1.141 g/cm3 (1.141 kg/L or 1141 kg/m3), slightly denser than liquid water, and is cryogenic with a freezing point of 54.36 K (−218.79 °C; −361.82 °F) and a boiling point of 90.19 K (−182.96 °C; −297.33 °F) at 101.325 kPa (760 mmHg).
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