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Mar 6th 2021
"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,...
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."
#Shakespeare Macbeth

WHEN @JustinTrudeau clasped the hand of @jzarif, ON THAT DAY Canada was (effectively) diplomatically neutered. Full stop.

#PS752Justice #cdnpoli
@OmarAlghabra tweets: "Canada will accept nothing less from the Iranian regime than a FULL and HONEST explanation of the circumstances surrounding this TRAGEDY"

Our choice of words matter. #PS752 - IT IS NOT a "tragedy". IT IS an "atrocity. (Attach)

"FULL and HONEST" [emphasis added] -

“You speak like a green girl / unsifted in such perilous circumstances.” (Shakespeare)

Nothing betrays greater a naivete than these most feeble of words.

@ps752justice @AvidehM @CouncilOfIC @NahidGhani #PS752WarCrime #PS752HumanShield
Read 4 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
When @JustinTrudeau genuflected before #Iranian Foreign Minister @JZarif in Munich February 2020, he was bowing to a murderous #IranRegime.

The Farsi hashtag #اعدام_نکنید (Do not execute)
#StopTheExecutions #Iran
Cc: @HeshmatAlavi

My original Tweet (see next Frame) - I meant these words, then; I mean them, still.

When will CDNs, sickened by such gross obsequiousness, say: "Enough!" ?
#PS752 #PS752WarCrime #PS752HumanShield
Cc: @cafreeland @FP_Champagne @RalphGoodale

Read 3 tweets
May 10th 2020
Let me level with you, it's [insert your own adjective • intensifier here] embarrassing when the behaviour of Prime Minister Trudeau draws international ridicule.

Whether Hanoi, London, Munich or India - I won't even try to list them all - something is wrong. #cdnpoli
Some of his actions are childish, while others are more, serious - even rephrensible (i.e. shaking hands with @JZarif 🇮🇷~ #PS752 #PS752WarCrime).

Regardless, a cringe-worthy 'speaking moistly' was, in the end, laughable. Today's 'asking Moms to leave the room' ...
(AS IF, like FDR's Fireside Chats, CDN families find themselves gathered daily around the TV spellbound) in his special Mother's Day message from Rideau Cottage ... one could sense people fidgeting in their seats watching it.

Is he writing this material, himself!?
Read 7 tweets

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