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Jun 14th 2023
Welcome to a somewhat overdue (mega)thread devoted to the @AppleTV / @bbcstudios series #PrehistoricPlanet season 2 (#prehistoricplanet2 if you will), streaming NOW, and specifically to the first episode: ISLANDS... Image
Islands is one of my favourite episodes of #PrehistoricPlanet2. We knew early on that we’d cover stories relevant to the Late Cretaceous island faunas of Romania and Madagascar (since both places have revealed numerous amazing Late Cretaceous island-dwelling animals), but…
... what else could we show? The producer for this episode – Paul Stewart – worked really hard to find appropriate stories, and succeeded in focusing on amazing animals doing interesting things…
Read 120 tweets
Jun 17th 2022
Welcome to the 5th and final of my #PrehistoricPlanet threads in which I talk about the science and background to what we showed in this new @AppleTVPlus @bbcstudios production. This time we look at EP 5: FORESTS… #dinosaurs #Cretaceous
I was lead scientific consultant on #PrehistoricPlanet and was extensively involved in our many decisions, all of which were science-led or scientifically informed. I was, of course, merely one among many in a HUGE team that involved hundreds of very talented people!
Ep 5 focuses on the #dinosaurs and #pterosaurs that lived in forests during the Maastrichtian (the final part of the Late #Cretaceous). The Maastrichtian world was heavily forested, with temperate, subtropical & tropical woodland covering around 78% of the land surface…
Read 83 tweets
May 27th 2022
Ok, here we go on a thread relating to the science and decisions behind ep 3 (FRESHWATER) of #PrehistoricPlanet , our new @AppleTVPlus @bbcstudios series devoted to Late #Cretaceous life. Here we go... #dinosaurs #pterosaurs #plesiosaurs #frogs
Freshwater kicks off in north-east Asia (a location consistent with the geology, climate and animals we show) with a spectacular waterfall connected to canyons. Juvenile #pterosaurs - they're young #azhdarchids - have gathered here to roost... #PrehistoricPlanet
We know essentially nothing of the roosting or resting habits of #azhdarchids but see it as likely that they would have gathered in numbers (fossil evidence does show that they were social) in places that predators couldn't easily get to. Hat-tip to discussion with @MarkWitton ..
Read 36 tweets
May 26th 2022
Join me in this thread as I talk about the science and decisions behind what we show in ep 2 - DESERTS - of the new @AppleTVPlus @bbcstudios series #PrehistoricPlanet . Deserts aired on Tuesday, but better late than never. Here we go...
Deserts kicks off in western South America on an arid plain where a mass gathering of the giant #titanosaur #Dreadnoughtus have gathered to display and compete for mates. Dreadnoughtus, from Argentina, was named in 2014 by @kenlacovara [shown in photo!] and colleagues...
The idea that sauropods might have gathered and competed is based on behaviour seen in modern birds, mammals and other animals. Remember that events like this MUST have happened in the past, as they do today...
Read 34 tweets
May 23rd 2022
OK, hello and let's go as I #livetweet during a watch of ep 1 of #PrehistoricPlanet! I'll try and keep everything in the same thread. This is the COASTS ep - 1 of 5 - that will be streaming one a day on @AppleTVPlus ... Here we go!
Like all eps, Coasts was years in preparation and a huge team are behind its completion. I'll mostly be tweeting about science and not ppl but I will be mentioning some key individuals... #PrehistoricPlanet
The ep starts with a swimming #Trex. T. rex lived north to South east to west, across Laramidia (western N America) and was in near-coast environments in many places. Plus ... like just about ALL animals.. it was surely a great swimmer. We WANTED to show something new, and...
Read 25 tweets
Dec 15th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/15/2021…
Well-Structured German Study Shows No Deaths among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11 ⋆ Brownstone Institute…

#MedicalStudy, #germany, #COVID19, #mortality, #children, #SchoolClosures
Fast superhighway through the Solar System discovered - Big Think…

#ArchesOfChaos, #SpaceTravel, #SolarSystem, ScientificDiscovery
Read 20 tweets
Nov 25th 2021
#Azhdarchids, a brief thread concentrating on my involvement with this amazing group of #pterosaurs. Azhdarchids have to be regarded as the most distinctive and unusual of pterosaur groups, and views on how they might have lived have varied considerably... (images by @MarkWitton)
In 2008, @MarkWitton and I examined the skeletal proportions, cranial anatomy and sedimentological setting of #azhdarchids and concluded that they were strongly adapted for quadrupedal walking in terrestrial settings....
They were likely striding predators of small and mid-sized prey, analogous to ground hornbills. We termed this the ‘terrestrial stalking’ model. See our #OA @PLOSONE paper A Reappraisal of Azhdarchid Pterosaur Functional Morphology and Paleoecology… cont...
Read 15 tweets
Dec 26th 2020
Scientists Solve 200-Year-Long Mystery Behind Origin of #Pterosaurs—First-Known Flying Animals…

(📸: Elenarts / Adobe Stock)

By @deekshith_np
#Evolution happens in the form of small, gradual, progressive changes over thousands, even millions of years. The tree of evolution acts as a guide to trace back the evolutionary pathway of a particular species to understand different traits it possesses.
The case of the most-popular ancient flying creature, #pterosaurs, however, was quite peculiar!
Read 19 tweets
Dec 2nd 2020
Just did more organising of #TetZooMCon with @thejohnconway, we're aiming to launch website today. #Paleoart event will HAVE to have limited places (sorry!), but we're anticipating most interest in the talks. Still more to get sorted, but I can confirm some speakers... (thread) ImageImage
Ok, we definitely have Becky Wragg Sykes @LeMoustier - author of #Kindred - on #Neanderthals, Natalia Jagielska @WryCritic on #pterosaurs, David Lindo @urbanbirder on supposedly extinct #birds.... #TetZooMCon ImageImageImageImage
We also have THE RJ Palmer @arvalis on matters of creature design, a BRITISH BIG CAT discussion event involving me, Rick Minter and others... #TetZooMCon ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
#Azhdarchid Revolution -- starting in 2008, @MarkWitton and I published a series of papers instigating a paradigm shift on the spectacular azhdarchid #pterosaurs. New data supports our model and it continues to evolve. Most of our papers on this are #OA. Thread... ImageImageImage
Our opening salvo was the 2008 @PLOSONE paper, which laid out the case for TERRESTRIAL STALKING as the primary way of life for these animals. At this point, our argument was that all #azhdarchids were - more or less! - alike in ecology and bauplan...… Image
Fieldwork in Romania (led by the late Matyas Vremir, who died earlier this year) led to the 2015 discovery that some #azhdarchids were proportionally 'thick-necked' and, furthermore, that niche partitioning was present in some faunas...… Image
Read 7 tweets
Sep 4th 2020
Our new #IsleofWight #theropod #dinosaurs - Vectaerovenator (not as scary as it looks: 'vect-air-oh-ven-a-tor') from the Greensand of #Shanklin - was published yesterday in an #OA paper, available here:… Brief thread on this research...
This dinosaur - so far known from four extremely unusual, anatomically interesting vertebrae (two of them shown here) - was discovered by three different collectors, our work on describing them was led by University of Southampton PhD student @palaeoguy12 ... #FossilFriday Image
It was obvious from the start that this was (1) a theropod (or predatory dinosaur), (2) a new species and genus, and (3) interesting in being highly pneumatic (that is, it has loads of air-filled cavities and openings: you can see those features in these photos)... #dinosaurs Image
Read 10 tweets
Mar 27th 2020
I've just received the most extraordinary new book on #dinosaurs, a real treat for those interested in #palaeoart and for dinosaurs in pop-culture. It's in Korean! But follow this thread for images (a short video coming later too). #dinosaurbooks
Ok, I said that there would be a thread on this book. I've finally had time to look at it properly, so here we go. It's called The Cartoon Guide to the #Dinosaurs, and is by Do-Yoon Kim (and published by Hanbit Biz). My copy is signed!! So, why is it so FUN and brilliant? Well..
Kim is our guide, and the hero of this work. He's a professional comic artist, evidently has scientific training, and is obviously a big fan of natural history, science, and the history of science. The book includes numerous very amusing and informative self-portraits...
Read 19 tweets

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