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Oct 21st 2022
10 qualities that make a #doctor popular (among #patients)
Surprisingly, it is not the #NEETPG score, reputation of medical college, gold medals received in medical college or number of research papers published. After 30 yrs as a practicing doctor, I present my observations here
1. Ability to #listen: You will be #popular if you let your patients speak without interrupting them. You should start only after patients have finished saying what they have to. Also, they like it, if you don't interrupt or cut them short, while they are speaking.
2. #Smile: Patients love it, if you smile while receiving them. A serious face puts them off. If you get angry (even if it is their fault such as if they arrived late, or they have not followed your instructions), your popularity as a doctor would diminish. Smile relaxes them.
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