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Feb 23rd 2023
Open Letter I just now posted on #SMHCF's feedback page.
👉I write to comment on the unartful (read: despicable) way you treated Dr. Nelson Littell during your meeting on #CovidProtocols. Your closed-mindedness keeps you from grasping truths that are beyond
your prejudices. This will be to your detriment as an organization. That you are a such a closed system means that you will not have sufficient information about your environment to adjust to changes and challenges. Like any other closed system, you will eventually collapse into
Read 15 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
A journey which started in 2016 has led to the publication of the #PREPARE study in @TheLancet today. In this #randomised study, we show that a 12-gene panel can reduce #adverse_effects by 30%. @CDSS_Liverpool @pandtuol
A 30% reduction in adverse reactions from a single #intervention is remarkable.… #pharmacogenetics #personalisedmedicine #adverse_effects. The study was funded by the Horizon 2020 program by the @eu_comission
Led by @HenkJGuchelaar and @JesseSwen as part of the #UPGx consortium: All #ADRs were assessed for #causality by the Liverpool Causality Assessment Tool (LCAT):…
Read 7 tweets
Jan 22nd 2023
THREAD: #Virology: Unmasking a 100+ Year Old Lie

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong.

#vaccinegenocide #vaccines #vaccinedeath #PfizerLiedPeopleDied #thread…
We Need To Base Our Understanding of Reality Upon Reality, Not Manipulation.

Everything You Think You Know About Disease Is Likely Wrong....
In order to understand the world around us as the truth about it is emerging from a 100+ year slumber, it’s going to be important to challenge ideas that have absolutely zero basis in reality.

I will start off by saying that we have been duped - ALL OF US.
Read 266 tweets
Oct 21st 2022
10 qualities that make a #doctor popular (among #patients)
Surprisingly, it is not the #NEETPG score, reputation of medical college, gold medals received in medical college or number of research papers published. After 30 yrs as a practicing doctor, I present my observations here
1. Ability to #listen: You will be #popular if you let your patients speak without interrupting them. You should start only after patients have finished saying what they have to. Also, they like it, if you don't interrupt or cut them short, while they are speaking.
2. #Smile: Patients love it, if you smile while receiving them. A serious face puts them off. If you get angry (even if it is their fault such as if they arrived late, or they have not followed your instructions), your popularity as a doctor would diminish. Smile relaxes them.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 18th 2022
Just a friendly reminder @moderna_tx told the @SECGov that the @US_FDA defines #mRNA as gene therapy. And called it an unprecedented new category of #medicines tho they really want that #vaccine classification anyways for liability protections & fear the public wouldn’t take it.
They know the #COVID19 #vaccine isn’t a vaccine but human #gene #therapy.
The @US_FDA #fda reaffirmed their definition of modified viral #nucleic acid that alters #CELL Jan 30th 2020 #COVID ImageImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Oct 30th 2021
Muurarien miehittämä @HUS_fi disinformoi:
Deltamuunnos kaataa odottajia sairaalaan
- Kysymme vaivihkaa äitiyspoliklinikkakäynneillä - alle puolet on saanut rokotteen.
Tekay muistuttaa, ettei #mRNA-rokotteiden ole todettu aiheuttavan sikiölle haittaa.…
@HUS_fi #Pregnant women must NOT get #COVIDvaccine in first trimester | Feb 4
- women who are pregnant are more likely to develop a severe form of the disease than their peers who are not,” Yariv Yogev, director of the obstetrics and gynecology dept.…
@HUS_fi Former #Pfizer VP urges pregnant, childbearing age women not to get COVID vaccine | Aug 12
- “We never, ever give #experimental #medicines to #pregnant women," said Yeadon, Ph.D., in a presentation.…
Read 7 tweets
Jul 14th 2021
According to the #pharmacy council @OfficialSAPC over 90 #pharmacies have been destroyed and looted beyond revival, with KZN being the hardest hit. @SECTION27news @HealthZA @kznhealth @molelekwa98
Among the looted items are #COVID19 #vaccines and scheduled medicines, which when used without proper pharmacist counselling on storage and dosage may result in harm to one’s health. @CovidCommsSA @CovidSupportSA @HastSig @PHMSA1 @CovidCoalition @MSF_southafrica @RHAPnews
The @OfficialSAPC urge those who looted these #medicines to not use them or give to others but rather return them to their nearest pharmacy for proper disposal. We caution the public to only source medicines from legitimate health establishments such as pharmacies.
Read 3 tweets
May 22nd 2021
We're releasing a list of important government resources for #Karnataka concerning #COVID19 treatment.

These are verified and will help citizens by reducing costs incurred by them.

Please amplify them and do your duty as a responsible citizen.

#Karnataka | Revised guidelines for asymptomatic and mild symptomatic cases for patients in home isolation / home care.


#Karnataka | Circular fixing the rates of High Resolution CT scan (Rs. 1500) and Digital X-Ray scan (Rs. 250) to prevent laboratories from charging exorbitant amounts

Verified by Veda & Abhay.

Read 20 tweets
Mar 10th 2021
Nestled in the #UNESCO World #Heritage Site of the Western Ghats, Marudhamalai Sri Subrahmanya Swamy #Temple lies on the outskirts of #Coimbatore. Here is an awesome aerial view of this Temple.
This 1,200-year-old Temple on a small hillock at a height of about 500 ft in a plateau on Western Ghats, amidst lush vegetation & salubrious #climate. The Temple can be accessed via long flight of steps, & from the top you can experience the views of the surrounding landscape. Image
The hill is also home to a multitude of #medicinal #herbs that are used in the preparation of various #Ayurvedic #medicines .To know more about this Temple pls visit:…
Video credit: YouTube ()
#SanatanaDharma #SanatanaSanskriti
Read 4 tweets
Jan 9th 2021
Remember woman who tuk multiple @SriSriTattva products 4 range of problems frm diabetes 2 gas 2 liver disease & developed liver failure, listed for liver transplant?
Here is original thread:

23 samples, Analysis results
#MedTwitter #livertwitter
Before I go into results, I must say this was overwhelming. There was SO MUCH the lab identified, impossible to put everything here. So I made a summary. At the end of this thread, I have linked a full analysis described in Excel format. Some results were VERY concerning
How did we analyse?
Here R links 2 methods
They R high end, done under strict protocols
Frm Ministry of Forest, Environment, Climate / NABL approvd Lab
Here is list V analysed 👇
Read 10 tweets
Dec 13th 2020
#Ayurveda treatment for alcoholic #liver #cirrhosis - case based protocol, described in a case series of 3 patients.
Once again, forget @NetflixIndia comedy shows, this is where all the fun, comedy and jokes are now.

Caution: This limited series will drop your IQs
🔅#Ayurveda is a philosophy. Correct. No therapeutic value.
🔅Uncertainty due to uncertainty😳 HUH?
🔅#Ayush guys got 'sanskrit' spelling wrong 😵 whats with that?
🔅Time to combine evidence based medicine with case based medicine. What #herb is the author on?
🌿Alcoholic is not correct. Alcohol related/associated. More compassion toward patient. But what does #Ayurveda know abt compassion right? Need a herb 4 that.
🌿Specifically note the sentence bad mouthing scientific, conventional care. That's hw these #ayush #quacks survive.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 24th 2020
#Thread on how Alberuni (970-1039 CE), the Iranian scholar has paid his tribute to Charaka, ancient genius researcher & practitioner in Ayurveda & Indic medicine system, & Nagarjuna, our legendary Indian chemist from past. #history #india #medicines #ayurveda #science #medieval
Alberuni in his book, has recorded the following about Charaka, the ancient genius in Ayurveda :-
“Medicine belongs to the same class of sciences as astronomy, but there is this difference, that the latter stands in close relation to the religion of the Hindus...
Read 17 tweets
Oct 8th 2020
The RED Talk on The #Business and #Science of #Healthcare is now live! Still time to join us at
The next big issue facing NICE & #healthcare will be our relationship with the European Medicines Agency after Brexit; it will impact our #medicines research, trials. We could see a dramatic reduction in research, access to medicine and disrupt the supply of meds - @steve_mccabe
The British #taxpayer makes a phenomenal contribution to the development of new #drugs - but these can then be prohibitively priced. We need to improve access to new medicines and there is a question around cost, access and funding. @steve_mccabe
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Oct 4th 2020
Separating the #men from the #boys
Here is a #PubMed #indexed, #Elsevier published #journal reporting '#exclusive' #treatment of #covid19 through #Ayurveda leading to full recovery in a #patient. Great #news right?! No. The #proof of the #pudding is in the eating! Spoons out
The #journal. Its legit, 'becoz' its publishd by #Elsevier. Journal ownd by World Ayurveda Foundation & Trans-Disciplinary Univ, #Bengaluru. 4mer, a 4-men 'world foundation'[], latter @TDUFRLHT founded @sampitroda, vettedby likes of @kiranshaw
The study - 43yr old #newyork #banker develops fever,cough durng peak #COVID season, 'PRESUMED' to be #coronavirus. Self #Quarantine at #home, phone calls #ayurvedic #Doctors at #Chennai, #india, offer☎️ treatmnt until fever break, therby reporting #covid19 cure via Ayurveda
Read 13 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
The #deficit #myth #deficitmyth by @StephanieKelton #MMT modern monetary theory
Myth N. 1: The #state should budget like a #household
#RealityCheck : unlike a household, a #SovereignNation, which owns its national #centralbank, issues the #currency it spends
Myth N. 2: #deficit is evidence of #overspending
#RealityCheck: look to #inflation for evidence of over spending
The purpose of #taxes is not to pay for #government expenditures but to help rebalancing the #wealth distribution #MMT
Read 56 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Hmm. Maybe you could explain exactly how granting temporary approval for a not-yet-fully-licensed medicine, while indemnifying the companies selling it and the non-medically-registered people injecting it are "safeguards"? (Without exacerbating antivaxxer sentiment, if possible.) Image
Read the consultation carefully! These changes are presented as "supporting" #COVID19 vaccination but, as drafted, they seem to apply FAR more widely. Given how far off a vaccine still is, you gotta ask if this is actually more about other agendas...…
...noting @MHRAgovuk just got itself a new Chair:…

@NICEComms is 'cleaning house':…

and the #Medicines & #MedicalDevices Bill is still being hustled through:…

Welcome to the Brave New #LifeSciences Economy!
Read 4 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
#Ayurvedic treatment of fatty #liver – real world evidence: A #Thread
Overweight woman, early 40’s. Routine liver tests, mild enzyme abnormalities. Advised #ultrasound liver, showed grade 2 #fattyliver. GP advised vitaminE and #weightloss, review in 3mo
Patient and husband doubtful. Hears fatty liver disease can lead to #cirrhosis. Seeks advice from #Ayurvedic practitioner nearby #home since #Herbal #DRUGS = safe. Assures complete #cure through #Ayurveda. Prescribes multiple #medicines, advises almost all foods restriction.
Lets look at medicines. #tablet APFIL. Packet mentions ‘for liver #diseases’. Which liver disease? There is #alcohol related, #hepatitis B/C, #NAFLD, primary biliary #cholangitis and more causes. Nine #herbs extract combo - clinical #evidence on safety and benefit ❌
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Jun 23rd 2020
Lost Book of Herbal Remedies - Buy It Now!
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies is an award-winning ebook by Claude Davis and Nicole Apelian that offers a comprehensive overview of the many herbs and plants that are used as both medicine and food. #thelostbookofherbalremedies
The book covers everything from the dangerous poison mushrooms to the yummy salads of garlic, to the wonders of nutmeg.

If you are interested in learning about the many medicinal uses of plants and herbs, this book will show you just how useful herbs can be.
The lost book of herbal remedies is a must-have for any herb garden. Its informative tone will teach you more about the many uses of herbs than you ever thought possible. Read More Details Here:…
Read 12 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
"#Cuba is known worldwide for its universal public #healthcare system, but the #embargo has led to shortages of #medicines and #medical supplies, particularly for patients with #AIDS and #cancer"… #Trump #CubaEmbargo #COVID19 #Covid_19 #coronavirus
"While #BernieSanders paid a #political price for uttering something positive about #Cuba’s #literacy program, the current #pandemic has shown the whole world the heroic side of Cuba’s #healthcare system."
by @medeabenjamin… #health #coronavirus #Covid_19
Read 5 tweets
Dec 11th 2019
"People are dying."

Elizabeth has witnessed the difference between the UK and US health systems. She knows the human cost of high prices. Don’t allow the US to sabotage access to meds on the #NHS.

There has been a lot of debate on the impact of a #tradedeal with #Trump on #NHS medicine prices. Here’s a thread detailing why people are right to be worried… 1/
Firstly, the US has history. #Bigpharma spends more influencing politicians in Washington than any other industry. So the US has repeatedly used #trade agreements to force changes on countries that will boost the industry’s profits. 2/
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Sep 28th 2019
What if I told you that #BigTech and #SocialMedia platforms are manipulating you, steering you toward #Health information that they think is right, rather than letting you evaluate content for yourself?

Commentary by @MaryamHenein (Thread 👇)…
Accredited professionals, meanwhile, who stand for #Health freedom and who criticize Big Anything, are losing posting privileges, getting banned, being buried, finding themselves deranked, and getting digitally assassinated.
Content is literally disappearing from the Internet along with our #Health choices.

It sounds conspiratorial because it is. Independent #Journalists and health experts are blowing the whistle. But it’s become a silent one.
Read 94 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
001/ [article content in this tweet series 001-180 reproduced with permission from Martin Howe QC of Lawyers for Britain @lawyers4britain]
#quote "Leaving the EU on WTO terms: pulling down the barriers to world trade
Introduction: why prices will FALL after Brexit, not rise" /002
002/ #quote "Over the past couple of weeks, the media have been full of lurid scare stories about what will happen if the UK leaves the EU on WTO terms, because negotiations with the EU do not result in a withdrawal agreement." /003
#tariffs #NoDeal #Brexit #WTO #ProjectFear #shortages #food #medicines
003/ #quote "One of the most ridiculous and UNJUSTIFIED of these absurd scare stories is that it will lead to higher prices, and even shortages, of foods and medicines." /004
Read 180 tweets

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