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May 12th 2023
Oggi si è tenuta a #Mosca la conferenza stampa del "#GruppoPatriotiArrabbiati", una formazione della galassia cosiddetta "#Ultranazionalista" russa, critica verso la gestione dell'operazione in Ucraina da parte del #Cremlino..
Tra i relatori #PavelGubarev, ex-leader Image
della #RDP, ed #IgorStrelkov, già ministro della Difesa della #RPD..

"La situazione al fronte continua ad essere stagnante. Le nostre forze armate non sono in grado di intraprendere un'azione decisiva. Questa situazione è umiliante per lo stato russo"; ha dichiarato #Strelkov.
"I nostri leader non capiscono quali azioni sono necessarie affinché tutto non finisca in un nuovo 1917", ha aggiunto..

Secondo #MikhailAksel, "gli obiettivi dell'operazione in Ucraina sono lontani dal raggiungimento. Se stiamo effettuando la smilitarizzazione dell'Ucraina,
Read 4 tweets
Jun 10th 2022
Le saviez-vous ❓

70% de la population européenne habite en #ville, mais on connaît encore trop peu la météorologie particulière de ces zones... alors qu'on sait qu’elles seront particulièrement touchées par le #changementClimatique.

Gros thread⤵️ @kalimullin
Cet été, une série de campagnes de mesures de terrain va converger en #ÎleDeFrance pour passer au crible l’#atmosphère de la ville de #Paris et de ses environs.
#Paname2022 Image
Sur les quais de Seine, dans les rues de Paris, sur les toits de Jussieu, sur la grue du chantier de #NotreDame sur le plateau de Saclay ou dans la forêt de #Rambouillet ...

Vous pourrez peut-être repérer un avion, des ballons, des stations météo, des lidars ...
Read 18 tweets
Oct 29th 2021
Have you listened to this week’s deep dives on The Recount Daily Pod with @reenaninan?

Test your knowledge and catch up on these stories 👇
Q1: What is the total amount of combined student loan debt?
Do you have student loans to pay off?

Listen to Monday’s episode of #RDP with @YuPersis of @NCLC4consumers where she discusses the student loan debt crisis.…
Read 10 tweets
Oct 25th 2021
RDP brute-force attacks were up again in T2 2021, with 55 billion detections – a 104% increase compared to T1 2021. #ESETreserach also saw a massive surge in #RDP attacks against Spanish entities in August, accounting for a third of global all detections that month. 1/4 Image
Attackers seem to have a hard time finding new #RDP targets, yet those that are already on their list are hit more aggressively, confirmed by an increase in average daily attacks per unique client, which doubled from 1,392 attempts in T1 2021 to 2,756 in T2 2021. 2/4 Image
Password guessing was the top external network intrusion vector with 53%, followed by attempts to exploit #ProxyLogon #vulnerabilities (22%) and attempted deployment of NSA backdoor #DoublePulsar (10%). 3/4 Image
Read 5 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
Have you listened to this week’s deep dives from The Recount Daily Pod with @reenaninan?

Test your knowledge and catch up on the stories 👇
Q1: True or False: President Biden is the first president to officially recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Listen to Monday’s episode of #RDP with @NickA_Martin of @highcountrynews where he discusses Indigenous Peoples' Day and the fight over the Line 3 oil pipeline.

Read 10 tweets
Oct 8th 2021
Grab your cup of coffee and let’s catch up on the news with this week’s #RDP deep dives:

👉 Making sense of America's deep divisions
👉 Keeping our children safe from guns
👉 Diving into US-China Relations
👉 Revealing the harm Facebook has on kids
After a decade of reporting abroad, @eosnos returned to the U.S. to find a country more fractured than ever. Evan shares his insights on increasing polarization, the election of Trump, January 6th, and more.

Deep dive on #RDP with @reenaninan:…
There was ANOTHER school shooting this week. What will it take to stop violence in schools and keep children safe?

Deep dive on #RDP with @reenaninan and @NicoleHockley of @sandyhook:…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 16th 2021
“Our mission in Afghanistan was never supposed to have been nation-building.”

— President Biden addresses the nation as U.S. troops head to Afghanistan to help evacuate Americans and allies.
“I’m adamant we focus on the threats we face today in 2021, not yesterday’s threats.”

— President Biden addresses nation after Afghanistan falls to Taliban.
“It is wrong to order American troops to step up when Afghanistan’s own armed forces would not.”

— President Biden doubles down on withdrawing troops from Afghanistan
Read 7 tweets
Jun 4th 2019
New Unpatched Bug Could Allow Client-Side Attackers to Bypass #Windows Lock Screen On RDP Sessions


All the attacker needs to do is… interrupt the network connectivity of a targeted client system and Tadaaaa...! the lock screen will disappear
Starting with Windows 10 1803 and #Windows Server 2019, this flaw exists when login over #RDP requires the clients to authenticate with Network Level Authentication, an option that #Microsoft recently recommended as a workaround against the critical #BlueKeep RDP vulnerability.

"Two-factor authentication systems that integrate with the Windows login screen, such as Duo Security MFA, are also bypassed using this mechanism. Any login banners enforced by an organization will also be bypassed." @wdormann confirmed.
Read 6 tweets

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