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Mar 22nd 2023
Earlier today, @STS_News asked about researchers studying the history of #standardization.

That reminded me that I haven't had a chance to share some of the highlights from @LindaHall_org's latest exhibition: The #Standards That Built America!

Time for a 🧵! (1/8) #histSTM #STS
Curated by reference assistant David Crawford, this exhibition showcases a few of the 100,000+ industrial #standards in LHL's stacks.

Many of these standards were once part of the Engineering Societies Library & are hard to find anywhere else! (2/8)…
LHL's #standards are often overlooked compared to our #RareBooks & #Journals, but they tell an important #engineering story. Groups like @ansidotorg, @IEEESA & @isostandards have helped promote interoperability, safety & accessibility in a variety of technological contexts. (3/8)
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Feb 10th 2022
We've seen this bookplate on several digitization requests @LindaHall_org recently, @JECumby and I are charmed by it. It is the bookplate of František Fischer, and here's a thread about who he was & how we put a name with this bookplate. #rarebooks #speccolls #histstm #histastro Bookplate depicting a house with an attached observatory, wi
We often see bookplates and cannot suss out whose they were. I took a go at "Mag. F. Fischer" in the googler, and came up with a catalog from Jeff Weber that identified Fischer as an astronomer from Prague. Now we have something more than a name!…
There is also this MS (Oversize Ms. Codex 618) at Kislak (fyi, @leoba ):…
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Apr 29th 2021
What an intriguing #earlymodern #bookbinding to come across with. A calfskin binding decorated with monks, bees and fleur-de-lis by blind-tooling. Moreover, it contains flyleaves of #medieval #manuscriptwaste: a beautifully #illuminated Latin manuscript @libservice BIB.JUR.001422
Because he incorporated his initials in the binding, we can identify the bookbinder: 16th-century Jan Van Ryckaert of Ghent, who made this binding for the St Peter’s Abbey in Ghent, as indicated by the handwritten provenance mark /2
#bookhistory #rarebooks
Some details of the binding:
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Feb 22nd 2021
While I’m not officially taking part in the #FirstsOnline virtual book fair, I thought you might enjoy this item from my personal collection. Published by Bilton & Scaggs of Greek Street in 1651, this crown octavo would have set you back about 4/- unbound, or 5/6 bound. Part of an old bible, the page weighted down by a small pair
There are several errata that make this copy interesting. As you can see, the poor typesetter was having something of a bad day. There are also some additional verses in Genesis, and the text itself is an odd marriage of wording from the Geneva and King James Bibles.
Possibly this non-standardised (and doubtless unlicensed) text was B&S’ attempt to appeal to a public still fond of the Geneva version, but with a streamlined, cheaper edition, lacking the marginal notes. An unauthorised hybrid was certainly not likely to have met with approval.
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Jun 29th 2020
This #SOASLangs week, we'll delve in our #African languages holdings @SOASLibrary and @SOAS_SpecColl, or rather just brush on their surface: with several 100s of languages and dialects represented, it is our most #multilingual collection!

#AfricanLanguages #Multilingualism ImageImageImage
Let's start with #Swahili also known as #Kiswahili.

This @SOAS "Language for Lockdown" video is a great introduction to the 1,200 years history of Swahili: .

#SOASLangs #SOASfromHome Image
@SOAS @CAS_SOAS @SOAS_SpecColl hold a great collection of Swahili manuscripts, see

Among them figure a few copies of al-Inkishafi "The Soul's Awakening", a 19th cent. poem by Sayyid Abdallah bin Ali bin Nassir.

#Swahili #SOASLangs #SOASfromHome #Inkishafi Image
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