#AfricanLanguages #Multilingualism

This @SOAS "Language for Lockdown" video is a great introduction to the 1,200 years history of Swahili: .
#SOASLangs #SOASfromHome

Among them figure a few copies of al-Inkishafi "The Soul's Awakening", a 19th cent. poem by Sayyid Abdallah bin Ali bin Nassir.
#Swahili #SOASLangs #SOASfromHome #Inkishafi

Check out one of our copies, Ms 373 : digital.soas.ac.uk/LOAA000079/000…
#SwahiliPoetry #Utenzi #SOASLangs #Ajami

Have a listen and let your soul awaken with the beauty of this reading: bit.ly/38it6Dx
#Swahili #Utenzi #Inkishafi

Here's blog she wrote about one of those sesions: bit.ly/2ZlTN65

Some have been partly digitised, such as /
#SOASLangs #Swahili #Archives #Linguistics #SOASfromHome
- Alice Werner bit.ly/2BRorfy
- William Hitchens bit.ly/3dH289B
- W.H. Whiteley bit.ly/3eMYfRS
- W.E Taylor bit.ly/3ifn8rK
- Jan Knappert bit.ly/31pb2pX
#SOASLangs #Archives

While waiting for our reopening to the public, you can browse those collections in our catalogue: bit.ly/2Bp2nci
Consider it as our challenge! #MondayMotivation
#SOASLangs #Swahili

You'll catch a glimpse of @SOASLibrary too 😉, because that's where #SOASLangs happen!
#SOASLangs #Swahili #MotherTongue

Hausa is the most extensively researched of all sub-Saharan languages & has a long tradition of song and poetry within a cosmopolitan Islamic culture.

Many of them are poems, such as this anonymous 19th century #Hausa poem Ms380271 (bit.ly/38dbqJD) that recounts the final battle between the Filanis and the men of Kabe.

This narrative has considerable importance for the study of the 19th c. history of Western Africa, particularly #Ghana.

The Frederick William Parsons collection (PPMS 50) includes research/teaching materials relating to his work on the Hausa language. They reflect his knowledge of Hausa grammar and include writings on a variety of topics.


It is indexed online at: The Hausa Popular Literature Database bit.ly/3dO78t4

Which African language do you reckon are we going to scrutinise in our #SOASLangs collections next? Beware the trick question!
Is there an African language you'd really like us to look up in @SOAS_SpecColl? No promises, but we'll try our best to make you happy😀!
It is one of the African languages taught @SOAS and is the first language of 20+ million people.
Telugu, Uradhi and Batak may come up later, when we look up at our material in Australasian, South Asian and South East Asian languages 😉!

Ilé ọba tójó ẹwà ló bùsi
Do you recognize it?
Find its meaning on the ATLAS webpage (a UCL project further developed by SOAS): ucl.ac.uk/atlas/yoruba/p…

Some of those works can be found @SOAS_SpecColl in our amazing Church Mission Societies archives.
#SOASLangs #Archives

But here is a full-text PDF of a 1852 "Grammar and Vocabulary of the #Yoruba Language" compiled by Rev. Samuel Crowther, native missionary of the Church Missionary Society (ref: EB85.252 /20857) [see bit.ly/3dQ5Rle]


#Igbo is another major language of Nigeria.
This work in 2 parts is digitised, check it out: bit.ly/2BXUQkC
It is a great window on the Igbo culture of the time!

#SOASLangs #Igbo

It tells young people to listen to the advice of their wiser parents! bit.ly/3ggUNj0

Going back to East Africa, to #Eritrea and northern #Ethiopia, and further back in time with the ancient script and language that is ግዕዝ / Ge'ez or Classical #Ethiopic.

Today, Geʽez is used mainly as a liturgical language.
#SOASLangs #Ethiopic


We love how flaws in the vellum are just worked around!

@SOASLibrary holds 1,000+ titles on/in Amharic and @SOAS_SpecColl a little trove of rare books and archives.


Check out what our students have to say about studying Amharic @SOAS:


See it all at bit.ly/2AwFaEU.
It includes a cool #map and a comparative table of alphabets.
#SOASLangs #RareBooks

Learn about her journey in the 1923 #Amharic report written by Heruy Walda Sellase ኅሩይ ወልደሥላሴ : bit.ly/2BAFK4T

The papers of @SOAS 1st director and polyglot extraordinaire, Sir Denison Ross, include for example a grammar of Amharic (ref: PPMS 8, Ross, Box 31). bit.ly/3ita3eA
#SOASLangs #Archives #AfricanLanguages
We are brilliant at #languages, but what do you think of our drawing skills?
#SOASLangs #Zulu

It is a #Bantu language and closely related to #Ndebele, #Swati, and #Xhosa.
#SOASLangs #AfricanLanguages
The @SOAS textbook "Say it in Zulu = Shóno ngesíZulu", from which we drew the illustration above, was written by D. K. Rycroft and A. B. Ngcobo in 1979.
Read and listen to it at:bit.ly/3f47ZHD

The drawing is much improved by then 😄!
Listen to Mbombela (Stone Game song) here: bit.ly/2YYPPl5
#SOASLangs #Zulu #Language #Music

- William Arthur Crabtree (Ms380335) bit.ly/3iwM7qz
- Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston (Ms193299) bit.ly/2ZEsSmj
- Prof. Malcolm Guthrie (PPMS27) bit.ly/2BF7yVO

Alas, they are not yet digitised.

The music score appears in the article "A Royal Account of Music in Zulu Life" by D. Rycroft in the BSOAS, 38, 2 (1975).


But our online catalogue bit.ly/2O1KB1Hit shows what an awesome collection it is for anyone interested in learning or studying #Somali!


SOAS digitised some...
Here are 3 examples of such #Borno Qur'anic copies with Old Kanembu commentaries: ../


This manuscript belongs to Yerima Mustafa Mukhtar, the current Waziri of Borno.

#SOASLangs #Multilingualism

Check out the gorgeous suras headings and medallions!
#SOASLangs #Old_Kanembu

#Multilingual #Manuscripts #AfricanLanguages #SOASLangs

We hope you liked it, and stay tuned for the next round of #SOASLangs!