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Jun 17th 2023
1/12 📢 BREAKING: The #Puntland Government of #Somalia has issued a comprehensive proposal on solutions to the challenges of the state-building process in the country.…
2/12 #Puntland has raised concerns over the Federal Government's lack of political will & systematic delays in reaching negotiated political settlements, and now opts for bilateral negotiations. #SomaliPolitics
3/12 The proposal outlines ten key challenges facing the state-building process, and offers potential solutions to each. Here's a breakdown: #SomaliaStateBuilding
Read 12 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
🪡 1/4: #COP27 live from the #GreenZone | Hall B | The Role of Ecotourism in Racing to Zero

#TogetherForImplementation #JustAndAmbitious #COP27CivilSociety Image
2/4: “Much like the concept of #Ecotourism is new to #Egypt & lacks proper #resourceallocation there’s also a #skillsgap that is hindering its progress.”

Mohamed Elewa, Founder & CEO, Eco Egypt & Mainstreaming Biodiversity into the Tourism Sector Project Manager, UNDP Image
3/4: “We’ve been focusing a lot on working together & building private-public relationships that can enable our #protectorates to facilitate #sustianabletourism.”

Hoda El Shawadfi, Assistant to the Minister of Environment for Ecotourism Affairs Image
Read 4 tweets
May 29th 2022
"If we want web3 to make good on the promise that it can materially improve the situations of everyone within the ecosystem, and not just a handful of people at the top, we need to design it according to principles that will make that happen." -- @ljin18…
Read 13 tweets
May 4th 2020
3 Observations of China’s macroeconomy in Q1 by Dr. Gao Shanwen:

1. Both offline and online consumptions plunged, showing the complexity of consumer behavior amid the pandemic. Even if economic activities are resumed, spending won't fully recover until the virus is eliminated.
2.1. Economic growth rate under the pandemic’s shock slumped by 4 times as much as that back in 2008, while COVID19’s impact on the general price level is only 20% of that of the financial crisis.
2.2. Changes in total demands and supplies and the gap in between worth equal attention in policymaking efforts. It’s unwise to rely too much on aggregate demand management.
Read 5 tweets

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