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Aug 4th 2020
@KingYusufYusuff @MohmettDu No more invitition, they have to beg us to let them in, this serves our republic better today, bc we cannot be accused of expensionism intentions from our neighbors. We will always be present in their markets bc where #Somalis live #Somali products sell better.#Somalia #Mogadishu
@KingYusufYusuff @MohmettDu I want to give U my reasoning, I hope you have Mr. Uunsi & Co. in mind #NDF & #SomaliState instead of working with d Oromo to gain their independence. Lately Xabasha guy tried to destroy the Sayidka monument in front of their eyes. No emotions, they Quit. #Somalia #Mogadishu #KGS
@KingYusufYusuff @MohmettDu I'm interested &follow exactly #SomaliState #Pundits &lately they've been constantly talking about #Jubbaland &verbally attacking #SFG as if it were Isreal instead of being preoccupied with their future in #Ethiopia &dealing with others 2get their fair share.. #Somalia #Mogadishu
Read 7 tweets
Jun 29th 2019
1/ Update if you are interested on Rocklin, CA Service Center status going into end of quarter weekend. #SFG There are approximately 80 to 100 M3's with build dates of 6/19. A new Model S for 77,000 with 4k incentive. A handful of other S&X. Mostly a ton of 3's. ImageImageImageImage
Here are photos of the lot ImageImageImageImage
And some of the 3's tags. Not an inventory geek but if you are here you go. Decent foot traffic. Maybe 6 to 8 groups looking Fridau at 4. ImageImageImageImage
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