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May 6th 2022
I see #NHSEx has published the slides from its @HDR_UK “Data Access & Discovery” event, charmingly subtitled “A Forest Through the TREs” - on YouTube, if you want to listen:

*I thought the phrase was “cannot see the forest for the TREs”, but hey...
Let’s take a look:…

One reason we use the category term #TRE to refer to Trusted Research (or any other use) Environments that meet the #FiveSafes is that everyone wants to call their own TRE something different, so no-one really knows what they mean...
Call yours what you like (e.g. for @ONS it's their Secure Research Service) but if it only does four #Safes, or three Safes - and if it isn’t also #consensual and fully #transparent - then it's not a #trustworthy TRE...
Read 24 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
my friend @lolitataub asked for a #founders #startup guide on #legalissues & @paulbz tweeted about how founders often overlook tax issues in early days. So, here's a thread of things I've published in (far reaches of) @WSJ @Forbes & via my #VentureCapital class @Columbia_Biz
2) Let's start with #StockOptions: #VestingOptions for #startups in @WSJ Accelerators (might have paywall) - esp for grants to advisors…
3) Vesting stock grants & #Section83b #83bElections for founders & others (with detailed math + tax law) #restrictedStock…
Read 31 tweets

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