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Nov 14th 2020
Thread 1
"..ሳይቀድሙን እንቅደም.."
ጦርነት እንዴት ተጀመረ? የሚለዉን የቀድሞው ብአዴን: የአማራ ክልል ተወላጅ የሆነው ህወሓት ጌታቸው ሴኩቱሬ እቅጩን ነግሮ ገላግሎናል። ህወሓት "ሳይቀድሙን እንቅደም" ብሎ ይህን ለምን እንዳደረገ የኔ ሀሳብ ይህ ነው Image
Thread 2
ኢህአዴግ "ራሳችንን ማጥራት ያስፈልገናል ፣ ይህንን ለማድረግ ደግሞ በውስጣችን የነቀዙ (corrupt) ግለስቦችን ከአራቱም ፓርቲዎች ለህግ እንድናቀርብ ይሁን" ብለው ተስማምተው የአሁኑን 'ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር' መርጠው ህወሓት አላቸው የተባለውን
Thread 3
ተጽእኖ ሁሉ አዲስ ለተመረጠው አካል ሰላማዊ በሆነ መንገድ ባስረከቡበት ሁኔታ ፣ ውግዘቱ ፣ ማስፈራራቱ መሳደዱ ግን ከአራቱ የኢህአዴግ ድርጅቶች ( ህወሓት/ብአዴን/ደህዴን/ኦህዴድ) ይልቅ የበረታው በህወሓትና በሚወክለው ህዝብ ላይ ነበር
Read 23 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
1. The #WarOnTigray, as the Oromo public intellectual @awolallo rightly put it in his latest appearance on @AJENews, is ''an extension of the war that @AbiyAhmedAli has been prosecuting in places like Oromia”.
2. The recent military confrontation in #Tigray cannot be properly understood without making a reference to the underlying nature of & the alignment of forces in the already ongoing conflict dynamics all over #Ethiopia.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 5th 2020
Thread on dictator @AbiyAhmedAli’s latest diplomatic attempts to label the people & gov’t of #Tigray as terrorists:
@BBCAfrica @CNN @BBGAfrica @ReutersAfrica @aljazeeraprdcr
1. We’ve learnt from credible sources that the tyrannical regime of @AbiyAhmedAli & his cronies are in a political & diplomatic charm offensive in galvanizing domestic & international partners so as to label Tigray’s ruling party, the TPLF, as a terrorist government.
2. It is a fact that the TPLF is the only legitimate party and government in Ethiopia that is in power with a renewed mandate to govern Tigray with more than 2.7 million people voting for it.
Read 9 tweets

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