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Feb 18th 2023
1/7)💣BREAKING BOMBSHELL: #VinylChloride MANUFACTURER CAUGHT REVISING Safety Data Sheet THE DAY AFTER THE #OhioExplosion that put it in the air! #Scandal2023
#OhioChemicalDisaster #OhioChernobyl #OhioTrainDisaster #OhioCoverup
2/7) The Chemical Company, manufacturer of #VinylChloride, REVISED their Safety Sheet to REMOVE Skin Absorption + Remove "FIRST AID REQUIRED ASAP"
Compare the "INHALATION" SECTIONS shown below
(Red = today. Blue = 2017) #OhioChemicalDisaster #OhioChernobyl #OhioTrain
3/7) It appears the #VinylChloride Manufacturer, the day following the #TrainExplosion also altered the Safety Data Sheet section called "FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES" to downplay the severe toxins
(Red = today. Blue = 2017)
#OhioChernobyl #OhioTrain #OhioChemicalDisaster
Read 7 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
not @DHSCgovuk altough #GUILTY by association while @CommunityCCRC @NCA_UK @LordsIRCom @wabbey continue to carry on as if the very same politicians in @GOVUK who are not serving any purpose whatsoever

@Keir_Starmer needs to be fully investigated
and for #ZelenskyWarCriminal #PutinWarCriminal #UkraineRussianWar to stop allowing @RoyalFamily to sit back while more of our #peoplesverdict is providing the @FullFact that #MSMlies will attempt to divert away from @RussianEmbassy @Ukraine just as we have seen
Read 6 tweets

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