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May 13th 2023
Let's play Six Degrees of Kevin Putin

Pelosi said to Trump "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Mike Pence - Manafort - Deripaska - Putin
Don Jr - Torshin - Putin
Sean Hannity - Firtash - Putin
#MoscowMitch McConnell - Deripaska - Putin
Bill Barr - Deripaska - Putin

#GOPTraitors Image
Let's play
6 Degrees of Kevin Putin

Pelosi to Trump "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Mike Pompeo - Rybolovlev - Putin
Jared Kushner - Veselnitskaya - Putin #LeningradLindsey - Deripaska - Putin
Rudy Giuliani - Firtash - Putin
Rand #RedPaul - Kilimnik - Putin
#PutinWarCriminal Image
Lets play

6 Degrees of Kevin Putin

Pelosi to Trump: "All roads with you lead to Putin"

Steve Mnuchin - Blavatnik - Putin
Wayne Lapierre - Butina - Torshin - Putin
Tucker Carlson - Deripaska - Putin
Ivanka Trump - Rybolovlev- Putin
Eric Trump - Closet - Lost

#IStandWithUkraine Image
Read 4 tweets
Apr 1st 2023
Perché Putin (non) può vincere la guerra (military equipment edition)

Questo sarà il primo di tre Threads sul perché, allo stato attuale delle cose, Putin é fisicamente e matematicamente impossibilitato ad avere la meglio nella guerra da lui scatenata per distruggere (la russia)
Come sempre sarò il più sintetico e digeribile possibile, in modo che tutti possano leggere e capire senza fondere. Ovviamente non garantisco per i fegati dei filorussi che, inevitabilmente, scoppieranno come popcorn alla lettura (non mi assumo responsabilità).
Siamo partiti dal "secondo esercito più forte del mondo" che invade il 22esimo, sulla carta di stimava che l'ucraina avesse tra un decimo ed un ventesimo dei mezzi corazzati e della potenza bellica della Russia, ci si aspettava una vittoria schiacciante degli orchi.
Read 27 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
During Xi's visit to $moscow, not a single contract was signed, such as the "Power of Siberia 2" that putin dreamed of. In addition, the agreement on economic cooperation between #russia and #China does not contain any accusations against the West.👇
#Stoprussia #UkrainerussiaWar
👆It is important to note putin didn't even dare to recite the point about geopolitical realities, which, according to russia, should have been taken into account in #China's peace plan. During his three-day visit to moscow, #Xi met separately with #Mishustin and Zyuganov, 👇
👆which may indicate that Xi is choosing putin's successor. After all, when Xi issued a ticket for putin to rule, he not only supported him, but showed the whole world that it is China that appoints the ruler of russia.👇
#putinWarCriminal #russiaInvadedUkraine
Read 5 tweets
Mar 23rd 2023
В ходе визита Си в москву не было подписано ни одного контракта, такого как "Сила Сибири 2", о котором путин мечтал. Кроме того, соглашение об экономическом сотрудничестве россии и Китая не содержит никаких обвинений в сторону Запада. 👇
#China #russiaInvadedUkraine
👆Важно отметить, что пункт про геополитические реалии, который по версии россии должен был учитываться в мирном плане Китая, #путин даже не осмелился произнести вслух. За три дня визита в москву, Си встретился отдельно с мишустиным и зюгановым, что может указывать на то, 👇
👆что Си выбирает приемника путина. Ведь когда Си выдал ярлык на правление путину, он не просто поддержал его, а показал всему миру, что именно #Китай назначает правителя россии.
Китай не будет продолжать проигрывать в экономическом плане👇
#russiaIsLosing #PutinXi
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Mar 12th 2023
Über falsche Hoffnungen bezogen auf Entwicklungen der russischen Invasion in der Ukraine und warum die Implikationen solcher riskant für den Erfolgt der Ukraine sind:

1/ 🧵⬇️
Einleitend meine Gedankenwelt und den Hintergrund dieses Threads. Ich bin mittlerweile davon überzeugt, dass es bei den Verbündeten (pauschalisiert) der Ukraine die Erwartung gab Russland würde an einem Punkt von einer militärischen Lösung ablassen und verhandeln wollen.2/
Es geht nicht um die gesamt-militärische Niederlage der Russen in der Ukraine, man will dass Russland selbst den Fehler einsieht und zum Verhandlungstisch kommt. Hier Olaf Scholz in einem Interview für den RND.3/…
Read 21 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
1. Soldiers from the 126th brigade of the Russian Armed Forces refused to fight "for reasons of conscience", Russian media reported, adding photos of the reports.

Having visited #Ukraine, the Russian mercenaries "found no traces of the Nazis there" and found out that the local⬇️ ImageImage
2. residents were against the Russian Armed Forces "liberating" them. According to the "refusalists", now Russian propaganda in the brigade against Ukrainians has intensified, one of the arguments is "they are bombing our cities."
After the Russian soldiers wrote their reports,⬇️ ImageImageImage
3. commanders came to them for the first time in several months, who explained the decline of patriotism to the effect of alcohol.
"Alcohol has created ulcers in the heads through which bad thoughts get there," one of the contractors quotes the commander as saying.⬇️
#StopRussia Image
Read 4 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
1. The Russians surprised again. The first was grills on tank turrets to protect against #Javelins and #NLAW.
Now this "miracle" isn't analogous: the ship's anti-aircraft guns were welded to the hull of the infantry fighting vehicles... I'm laughing to the point of tears...⬇️ Image
2. What, they find the remains in the graveyard of vehicles, and then do this?
#stupidRussia #RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsaWarCriminal #PutinWarCriminal #StopRussia #stopputin
3. The ship's anti-aircraft automatic installation 2M-3M with KPVT machine guns is welded to the MTLB.

R2-D2, is that you, admit it?🤣🤣🤣
#StupidRussia #StopRussia
#StopPutin #RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsaWarCriminal
Read 4 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
1.❗️Attention, fake!

A fake British intelligence report is now circulating all over the telegram, which allegedly says that Putin is trying to persuade #Ukraine and the West to negotiate on the terms of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the #Kherson and #Zaporizhzhia ⬇️
2. regions in exchange for #Crimea. At the same time, the report allegedly says that the Russian General Staff has enough resources to completely capture the #Donetsk and #Luhansk regions. Thus, the fake report promotes a narrative favorable to the Kremlin about leaving the war⬇️
3. with the occupation of Ukrainian territories.

Why it's fake is very simple.

1. The text is written with errors. The city of Zaporozhye (#Zaporizhzhia) is twice written differently - in Ukrainian and Russian transliteration - Zaporizhzhia and Zaporozhye.⬇️
Read 10 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
1. In #Russia, they decided to respond to the visits of the Ukrainian command to the front - and pretended that Shoigu had personally appeared at the front. Namely, in the command post of the troops.
On the right, the destroyed building, against the background of which Shoigu⬇️
2. appeared, bears little resemblance to a control post. Inside, too, everything speaks of a hastily put together decoration: camouflage netting on the walls, a bunch of tables, hanging campaign posters, scattered colored markers and mineral water in a glass (maybe vodka?🤣).⬇️ Image
3. And of course, orders to "heroes of special operations". An interesting moment - one of the awardees says that she is happy to receive the award from the hands of Shoigu:⬇️

#StopRussia #stopputin ImageImageImage
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Mar 2nd 2023
1. Right now, on all Internet resources, you can see news about “Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups”, which allegedly killed people, injured children, took hostages, "but, at the same time, hastily left, and so on.⬇️
#RussiaIsATerroristState #putinisawarcriminal
2.All this is a lie of the #Kremlin propagandists.
The Russian Volunteer Corps came to the #BryanskRegion to show their compatriots that there is hope, that free Russian people with weapons in their hands can fight the #Putin regime.
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Mar 1st 2023
The miserable life of #Putin

#VladimirPutin and mistress gymnast #AlinaKabaeva, the likely mother of his spawn, live in opulence together in a residence in Valdai. Corrupt gains is what funds Putin, who has vast properties, and he indulges his cohabitant vatnic lover #Kabaeva
#Putin's main source of funding is the Cypriot company #ErmiraConsultants, which holds stakes in enterprises important to Putin.

In particular, Ermira controls the eal Invest company registered to a figurehead - a lawyer from St. Petersburg #VladislavKopylov.
Purchases for #PutinWarCriminal and his relatives were paid from Ermira's accounts. He also bought apartments and houses with this money. Since 2015, offshore ownership has probably passed to the people of the oligarch #ArkadyRotenberg
Read 6 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
#Putin points to:
- historic #Russia territories
- Ukraine (compared to 3rd Reich)
- 🇺🇦 depicted as "they"
- 🇺🇦 is anti-Russia, coup d’état
- 🇷🇺 operation is preemptive
- 🇷🇺 don’t fight 🇺🇦 people
- war responsibility is 🇺🇦/🇪🇺
- existential issue for 🇷🇺 Image
#Putin address (cont.):
- 🇷🇺 to protect 🇷🇺 children from the rotten west
- 🇷🇺 is multinational and all support war
- individual (!) professions were thanked
- citizens & human duty to fight
- Azov Sea is only 🇷🇺
- 🇷🇺 is strong in producing peace
- aware of the numbers of WIA
#Putin address (cont.):
- veterans must be protected
- 2021-2025 MoD development plan mentioned: all units must reach the modernization levels as nuclear SRT
- all best technologies must go to the #RussianArmy
- all talents for victory
- war, information, economy is 🇪🇺 weapon Image
Read 13 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
@FactCheckIndia that you are all no different than any other of us @TwitterParents to see a @GrievingMothers screams for a #helpinghand to be seen beneath #HumanRights as the #lies that are still pouring out of #MarkRowley's mouth that he has to read word to word from a scrip
because coming out of #retired that means #braindead as whoever is #socialmediamanager floods #TwitterFiles with #NicolaBulley, this I also find really sad, so so sad for those who like poor #MollyRussell and those who mare reaching out for @CruseSupport as a senior
Read 17 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
not @DHSCgovuk altough #GUILTY by association while @CommunityCCRC @NCA_UK @LordsIRCom @wabbey continue to carry on as if the very same politicians in @GOVUK who are not serving any purpose whatsoever

@Keir_Starmer needs to be fully investigated
and for #ZelenskyWarCriminal #PutinWarCriminal #UkraineRussianWar to stop allowing @RoyalFamily to sit back while more of our #peoplesverdict is providing the @FullFact that #MSMlies will attempt to divert away from @RussianEmbassy @Ukraine just as we have seen
Read 6 tweets
Feb 8th 2023

Zielig hè, dat pageboren baby'tje dat werd gered onder het puin vandaan, met de navelstreng nog vast aan haar overleden moeder ...

#Syria #aardbeving #MiddenOosten…

... terwijl elders boven hetzelfde gebied Assad nog even wat meer verwoesting over de bevolking uitstortte door er nog wat bommen op te gooien. Heeft het nieuws hier niet eens gehaald.

#Syria #aardbeving #MiddenOosten…

Maar denkt iemand nog wel eens terug aan Assad en zijn chemische wapens tegen de Syrische bevolking en de "rode lijn" van Obama? En dan niet een keertje, maar keer op keer?

#Syria #aardbeving #MiddenOosten #burgeroorlog
Read 18 tweets
Feb 5th 2023
der Rechtsanwalt @haintz_markus kann es nicht lassen. Aktuell pendelt er ja zwischen sämtliche Themen, Corona, Brasilien, böse NATO, böse Ukraine u. selbstverständlich noch viel bösere Politik in DE. Nach meiner Meinung stachelt er gezielt auf, andere würden es direkt als
stochastischem Terrorismus bezeichnen. Warum ich ihn nicht längst blockiert habe? Weil es Widerspruch gegen diese, seiner Art geben muss. Was er ganz frisch losgetreten hat, finde ich abartig u. bewusst nimmt er die Reaktionen in Kauf. Reaktionen wie diese 👇🏻
2/ verschiedene Screenshots der Kommentare unter seinem Tweet.
Er teilte heute ein ca. 2 Jahre altes Video, provozierend aufgenommen von einer mutmaßlichen Person aus der Szene der #Querdenker. In einem Penny der @rewe_group (Penny-Markt Schenefeld-Bz-Hamburg). Aufgenommen um Stimmung gegen die Maskenpflicht zu machen. Subtil stellt er
3/ Tweet von Markus Haintz. Er fragt ob Faschismus in DE jederz
Read 14 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
1. The face of #RussianNazism is the commander of the Rusich Airborne Assault Reconnaissance Group Alexei Milchakov🤮
#PutinIsAWarCriminal #StopRussia #StopPutin ImageImageImage
3. From torturing animals and killing homeless people in the #RussianFederation, he moved on to killing #Muslims in #Syria, and then civilians in #Ukraine. ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
This is what the Genocide of the Ukrainian Nation looks like.
Russia did something similar in Grozny (Chechnya), #Georgia, Idlib, Arikha, Sarmin (#Syria).
#Mariupol, #Severodonetsk, #Volnovakha, #Popasna, #Liman were destroyed... The same is done in #Bakhmut, #Soledar.⬇️
2. Wherever the Russian soldier goes, there is murder, rape, looting and destruction. #Russia is a country of killers.

#StopRussia #StopPutin
#SanctionsRussia Image
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Jan 26th 2023
1. #Russia organized an operation to destabilize the situation in #Sweden on religious grounds: #RLI spoke about the plan of the Kremlin and the main actors.

In addition to blocking the application for #NATO membership, the operation of Russian military⬇️…
2. intelligence in #Sweden could increase the level of the terrorist threat in the country. Yes, a copy of the #Koran was publicly burned near the #Turkish embassy in #Stockholm.

"Russian military intelligence probably used the unsuspecting Paludan through Chang Johannes⬇️
3. Frick, who, according to numerous indications, is an agent of the #GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate) of the ₴RussianFederation, recruited to conduct psychological operations. The location of the action is the area in front of the #Turkish embassy in #Stockholm⬇️ Image
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Jan 26th 2023
1.The video shows what "remained standing" in the Ukrainian city of #Soledar after #Russian shelling and bombing.

This is how the reality of the "Russian world" looks like: death, pain, destruction and annihilation.

Yes, this is a small city, its area is only 14.108 km², but⬇️
2. this is a Ukrainian city that no one gave the #Russian bastards the right to wipe out from the face of the earth, just like any other city or town in #Ukraine.

And, you know, looking at these shots, I would really like the cities of everyone who lives somewhere in #Europe⬇️ ImageImage
3.or any other country that is not Ukraine, supports #Russia, Russians, protects #Putin and the army of his killers, to look like this now, what the front-line cities in #Ukraine look like and that these people and their families live in the same terror that Ukrainians⬇️l ImageImageImage
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Jan 25th 2023
1. The American of Ukrainian origin, Hryhoriy Stepanets, indicated in his will to give 1 million dollars each to Commander-in-Chief #Zaluzhny and the Israeli army, and 2 million dollars each to the Ukrainian Catholic University and⬇️ #StandWithUkraine…
2. the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

General #Zaluzhnyi immediately transferred the received funds to the needs of the Armed Forces!
Bravo General!
3."General #Zaluzhny sent this money in full to a special account of the National Bank of #Ukraine to collect funds for the needs of the army, which was confirmed by the bank's #SWIFT message dated January 5, 2023," the response of the Public Relations Department of the General⬇️
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Jan 24th 2023
1. Special forces raid of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of #Ukraine on the command post of the Russian occupiers in the #NovaKakhovka area.⬇️ #RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsaWarCriminal #PutinWarCriminal #StopPutin #StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
2. Special forces raid of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of #Ukraine on the command post of the Russian occupiers in the #NovaKakhovka area.
#StandWithUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsaWarCriminal #PutinWarCriminal #StopRussia #stopputin
3. In the course of the battle, at least 12 Russian invaders were destroyed, 1 was captured, and an BTR-82A was destroyed.
One Ukrainian special forces officer was wounded. Everyone returned after completing the task.
Glory to the Ukrainian defenders-warriors!
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Jan 24th 2023
1. State TV channels in Russia cover in detail the grandiose diplomatic success of Russia - Lavrov's visit to Eswatini.

For the first time in history, Lavrov came to the small kingdom of Eswatini (former Swaziland, not to be confused with Switzerland😄), where he is scheduled,⬇️
2. to have talks with the prime minister, head of the Foreign Ministry, and acting defense minister.
True, 99.9% of #Russians have no idea where it is.
And this is a tiny #African state of 1.35 million people, where 70% live in poverty, and 26.1% of adults are infected with #HIV,
3. which, according to the #UN, is the highest level of any country in the world.

Putin's #Russia has no other partners in the world.
#RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsaWarCriminal
#StopRussia #StopPutin
#BoycottRussia #SanctionsRussia
Read 5 tweets

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