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Nov 8th 2019
Two independent sources have ID’d two of the #IslamicState women from #Belgium escaped from #SDF camp in #AlHol months before the Turkish offensive already. They appear to be two of our most dangerous ones (1/5)…
Kaoutar Bioui (32), aka Umm Haniefa, is the wife of former #Shariah4Belgium headpiece Hicham Chaïb. He appeared in an official #IslamicState video shortly after the #BrusselsAttacks, executing a prisoner with a shot in the head (2/5)
Rahma Benmezian (31), aka Umm Nusaiba, is the sister of one of the women who escaped last month from #SDF camp #AinIssa and was recently caught in #Turkey after crossing the border near Kilis (3/5)
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Feb 21st 2019
Sifted through mobile phone contents of #IslamicState supporter from #Belgium, released by @GhostSquadHack. 19 y/o male from Antwerp, who tried in vain to reach #Syria in 2016 and was arrested shortly after on suspicion of plotting an attack at home (1/6)…
He spent some time in a juvenile institution, but while 2 recruiters and 3 co-conspirators were convicted in December 2017, he wasn’t prosecuted because of his minor age. Recent contents of his phone show that he isn’t deradicalized, nor disengaged (2/6)
It contained a notorious #IslamicState video demonstrating how to make TATP at home and behead a human being most efficiently, a flyer pleading for the release of #Shariah4Belgium founder Fouad Belkacem, and lots of other jihadist stuff (3/6)
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