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Feb 12th 2020
In light of the news coming out of North Carolina, if anyone has questions about the history of #SilentSam let me know. I literally wrote the book on that monument. 1/…
To briefly summarize. The UDC offered to cover around a third of the cost of the monument but failed to meet their planned amount. They refused to sign any contract that would make them fiscally responsible for #SilentSam. Instead they let @UNC's President take responsibility 2/
Then, the UDC left him holding the bag and he had to pay the last $500 out of pocket that they didn't raise (but the school's BOT later paid him back). The University raised the money for over 2/3 of the monument. UNC's president signed the contract for #SilentSam. 3/
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Dec 2nd 2019
I’ve received a number of questions about what’s in the court docs from the #SilentSam agreement between the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the UNC System/Board of Governors. I went to the Orange Co Courthouse Wednesday to pull the files, and I’m attaching pics. (THREAD)
Pages 5-8
Pages 9-12
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Sep 12th 2019
Hillsborough Hog Day is coming up at the end of next week. One of the organizers is a man named Al Hartkopf, who once threatened @UNC students with mass murder. Here's what he had to say about the protesters who pulled down Silent Sam last year. @KevinGuskiewicz #silentsam
I don't think Al Hartkopf was serious about carrying out his mass murder threat, but I'd be surprised if he wasn't in that minority of Americans who own a gun or four. He was just putting it out there, maybe hoping his ACTBAC pals would take him up on the suggestion. #silentsam
And, perhaps, hoping that people like me would see it and think twice about going to a protest where Al Hartkopf might start shooting. It was something I did think about, as I would make my way towards campus for the regular events that began soon after 8/20/18. #silentsam
Read 6 tweets
Feb 6th 2019
Randomly flipped through the 1979 UNC-Chapel Hill yearbook today just to kill some time, and found this photo on one of the fraternities' pages. Holy shit.
Full page from the 1979 yearbook, for those curious about which frat, etc.
Probably isn't surprising, then, that #SilentSam was a popular part of fraternity yearbook photos at UNC in the 1970s
Read 4 tweets
Jan 26th 2019
James Johnston Pettigrew, #UNC Class of 1849. Born 1828 to Ebenezer and Ann Shepard Pettigrew. Pettigrew Hall on UNC’s campus is named for him (building adjacent to where #SilentSam stood). His family’s involvement in the slave trade is deep and well-documented. #samsreckoning
James Johnston’s grandfather Charles was an Anglican minister in Edenton, N.C. Finding it difficult to make ends meet as a religious leader, he decided to start a plantation. In 1778 Charles married Mary Blount, a wealthy heiress, and received 9 slaves and land from her family.
Three of Charles’ parishioners started the Lake Company, land venture to buy up 100,000 acres of swamps around Lake Phelps and convert to usable land. To do this they needed (free) labor. They sailed a slave ship from Boston to Africa, captured 100 people, transported back to NC.
Read 22 tweets
Jan 6th 2019
The NC Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy was well-connected to the world of higher education a few years after #silentsam was installed at UNC. Let's take a look at the names of the people who were leading the Chapel Hill chapter in 1917. #NCUDC
NCUDC President Mrs. W. S. Long was Mary Virginia Gaskins Ames, married to William Samuel Long, founder & first President of Elon College.
Vice-President Mrs. F. P. Venable was Sallie Charlton Manning, daughter of former UNC Trustee and law professor John Manning, sister of medical school dean Isaac Manning, and married to Francis Preston Venable, UNC President from 1900-1914.
Read 17 tweets
Jan 3rd 2019
THREAD: at #AHA2019, I will discuss conflicts between fascists/neoconfeds and anti-racists after the fall of #SilentSam. How should academics should react when confronted with the worst of the issues we study? I argue that UNC's response amounts to collaboration with fascism. 1/
First - let’s establish the presence of fascists on the side UNC describes simply as “pro-Silent Sam.” Activists have documented the participation of several groups who marched with Nazis in Charlottesville during the Unite the Right rally in 2017. I'll list a few examples. 2/
By 8/30/18, 4 members of NC Shield Guard had RSVP'd to an event organized by neoconfederate hate group ACTBAC. 3/
Read 25 tweets
Dec 16th 2018
This is a long one about #SilentSam especially if you're going to be on campus today supporting the students/faculty. It's about white supremacists we probably all know as native North Carolinians. We grew up with these people. #StrikeDownSam
Today, I reported the first person I actually know to Facebook because W.T.F. I unfriended this person a while ago because he was just not a person I cared to associate with any longer. I grew up with this person. I'm not exactly surprised but am disappointed, sad, and angry.
His is the second comment in the photo below.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 27th 2018
THREAD. In light of his social media relationship with the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, I’m going to provide some background on Danny McMahon AKA Jack Corbin, the fascist who has been harassing @UNC anti-racists. CW: extreme racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, misogyny. 1/
What does he believe? Jack is a self-described fascist. He objects to the ‘socialism’ part of national socialism, but seems fine with the genocide part. Won’t subject you to his mockery of Holocaust victims or torture fantasies, so here’s a basic shot that proves the point. 2/
On National Coming Out Day, Jack Corbin praised the Pulse Night Club shooter. 3/
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Sep 7th 2018
In preparation for Hispanic Heritage Month the ⁦@UNCSchoolofEd⁩ kicked out the Latinx Ed Research Hub. That’s how my school does equity and social justice work!

@IMEUNC⁩ ⁦@HRI_SIG46⁩ ⁦@UNCDiversity⁩ ⁦…
Meanwhile I receive this announcement from @hri_sig46
Ironically, the Latinx Ed Research Hub was founded on principles of spatial justice.
Read 16 tweets

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