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Die Ursprünge von #Covid: Gepostet von dem verstorbenen Dr. Vladimir Zelenko #ZelenkoProtocol am 16. November 2021:

Wie eine Waffe der #Eugenik, des #Massenmord-s und des #Völkermord-s geschaffen wurde.

1. Im Jahr 1999 konstruierte #AnthonyFauci (Direktor des #NIAID) in…
Zusammenarbeit mit #RalphBaric und der University of North Carolina Chapel Hill ein "#infektiöses, replikationsdefektes" #rekombinantes #Coronavirus, um menschliche Zellen zu infizieren.

2. Im Jahr 2002 meldeten das #NIAID und die #UNC ein Patent an, um sich die Rechte an…
der chimären #Biowaffe Spike-Protein zu sichern, die nun für den Einsatz in der als #Impfstoff dargestellten #Gentherapie modifiziert wurde.

3. 2003 ließen die Centers for Disease Control and Prevention #CDC das Genom des #SARSCoronavirus #patentieren und sicherten sich…
Read 11 tweets
This is an important story about tech, surveillance, and college campuses.…

Let's talk about it a bit.
(The UNC system figures prominently: UNC, A&T, NC State. Also note: "The company also changed the name of the service from Social Sentinel to Navigate360 Detect earlier this year.:)
The promise of social media monitoring is a gift from Facebook but also an extension of our culture's obsession with carceral solutions to social change. I've talked before about how campus police is more robust than the general public realizes.…
Read 12 tweets
We are roughly 2 months away from the start of #CFB season! Lets talk expectations. Ill go through each team & give what my model predicts as the % chance each team gets to bowl eligbility, and also the % chance each team gets 10+ Ws given their respective schedules. Lets go!🧵
#SEC (% Chance @ 6+ Ws/% Chance @ 10+ Ws)

#Alabama #RTR 99.9%/89.5%
#Arkansas #WPS 55.3%/11.0%
#Auburn #WarEagle 36.9%/1.8%
#Florida #Gators 81.0%/17.4%
#Georgia #UGA 99.9%/93.3%
#Kentucky #BBN 66.7%/7.3%
#LSU #GeauxTigers 81.8%/29.1%
#HailState 47.8%/2.6%
#SEC (% Chance @ 6+ Ws/% Chance @ 10+ Ws) (cont)
#Mizzou 69.2%/11.6%
#OleMiss 96.9%/41.4%
#SouthCarolina 31.2%/0.8%
#Tennessee #Vols 95.3%/35.6%
#TAMU #GigEm 99.0%/75.1%
#Vanderbilt #AnchorDown 2.3%/ <0.1%
Read 12 tweets
Ready for the #CFB Analytics Spring Top 40? Here we go. This Power Ranking is derived from a model which utilizes full Coach Staff efficiency metrics, roster talent, & returning production among other metrics. No opinion here, I just regurgitate the numbers. #NoOpinionJustNumbers
40 #Kentucky #BBN #SEC Power Rating: 61.726
Returning Production for the Wildcats may be a problem. At 39.72%, it puts them at 113th in the country. The schedule is manageable tho drawing Ole Miss & Miss State out the West. #CFB
39 #Washington #PurpleReign #Pac12
Power Rating: 62.271
Really like the new coaching staff in Seattle. Should put them in a better position to win. Roster talent purge from the prev regime will have an early effect (last 2 classes were 39th, 86th) but the ship has been righted.
Read 42 tweets
Hello Monday!

Post #opex
Post #NFP

With #PMIs and 3 Fed speakers beginning with Brainard on Tuesday and Bullard 🦅 on Thursday, today may be the quietest day of the week.

Let's dig into the 🧮!
Asia started the week 💪↗️

$NIKK 27736 +0.25%
$SSEC 3283 +0.95%
$TWII 17626 -0.4% 🔻
$HSI 22509 +2.15% ⬅️
$KOSPI 2758 +0.65%
$IDX 7116 +0.55%

Australia ↗️
$ASX 7514 +0.25%

India 💪↗️
$BSE 60408 +1.9%
Good move to cover your 🩳
Europe trading ↔️ at the open

$DAX 14397 -0.35%
$FTSE 7554 +0.2%
$CAC 6677 -0.1%
$AEX 732 +0.6%
$IBEX 25127 -0.15%
$MIB 25132 -0.1%
$SMI 12288 +0.9% ⬅️
$MOEX 2773 +0.5% 🪆

$VSTOXX 28.50
Read 11 tweets
90.01/ Week ninety, April 2-8, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 89 below.
90.02/ Was not a fan of "Is it COVID or is it allergies or is it a cold" season the first two times and I can honestly say the third time is definitely not the charm.
90.03/ This is a really great thread, esp. re: translating vernacular thoughts into corporate-speak.

Read 59 tweets
A sorry story about the state of free speech at UNC:
In September a freelance writer interviewed me at length for a Carolina Alumni Review feature "about #AcademicFreedom and #FreeSpeech at #UNC, going beyond the @nhannahjones saga to explore larger issues." (freelancer's words)
The topic of the interview was the @UNC_System Bd of Governors' booting me from long service on the governing board of the UNC Press last summer because they didn't like my public commentary on law, race, & the university.
My situation was just one of several the freelancer was profiling in the feature.

In October, the UNC General Alumni Association brought on a new editor at the Carolina Alumni Review. The academic freedom story languished.
Read 6 tweets
#ProjectGrant ll Gov #USA tramite l'Uff del Dip Salute #NIH , #NIAID "Tony Fauci" ed #EcoHealthAlliance ha finanziato l'Istituto di Virologia di #Wuhan dal 2015 al 2019… Image
Email #NIAID di "Tony" #Fauci a Peter #Daszak, boss zoologo di #EcoHealthAlliance per la sovvenzione #NIH di un progetto chiamato "Capire il Rischio di emergenza del bat #coronavirus" (2018) Image
Emails dalla #Cina dell'Ist virologia #Wuhan, Ist Ricerche avanzate #ECNU, Yunnan Isti #YEDC, Guandong #CDC... coinvolgono il #NIAD USA di Tony #Fauci, #EcoHealthAlliance #Daszak e #UNC di #Baric nel finanziamento R01 del progetto emergenza rischio bat #coronavirus ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Re COVID-19 clusters at UNC: My understanding is a cluster is only a cluster if they are all related to the same event i.e. the pharmacy school event or five people attending the same party

5+ cases on the same floor is not a cluster unless they are all from the same event
This could explain why we’re seeing less housing clusters but still a plethora of cases on campus. If I’m understanding this incorrectly please let me know.
cred to @PaulDelamater on reddit for the definition
Read 4 tweets
Line for a #CarolinaTogether covid-19 test this morning. Easily 40+ people ahead of me. The center opened at 9am today - timing how long it takes me to get through.
I’m in the Walk-In line. There is a separate reservation line which is moving quicker than our line. My experience in the spring testing program was that reservations did not matter usually as we were all in one line which moved pretty quickly.
The only Carolina Together testing site is at the Carolina Union this semester. The spring had three sites but testing was mandatory the entire semester even past vaccination.
Read 17 tweets
Gang, let's talk about the question posed by NC Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) in this piece.

“What’s happening at those other 15 campuses?” Berger said. “We’re not seeing anything like what’s happening at Chapel Hill.” #NCPol #UNC…
I'd imagine that most of you who read newspapers, listen to news on the radio or watch TV news in North Carolina could provide the senator at least a half dozen examples of scandals at other UNC system schools. Most directly or indirectly involving the BOG.

If not, read on...
First it should be said that the disastrous COVID response cited in this piece, leading to huge clusters of avoidable infections and students being sent home en masse, wasn't just a Chapel Hill thing. Several large UNC System schools walked into that one, including State and ECU.
Read 18 tweets
Phil Berger, one of the most powerful politicians in North Carolina, said the CDC’s guidance on wearing masks is like its caution against eating raw cookie dough: “guidance to ignore.”

Any agency, entity, or department that relies on state funds in North Carolina may be afraid to contradict Phil Berger (in word or deed) because he controls the North Carolina Senate.
"A fundraising email sent Wednesday morning said the latest CDC guidelines aren’t based on science but a method by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the media and liberals to control the American people."… #NCPol
Read 6 tweets
Had some early Sunday morning thoughts on errors, corrections, conflict, resolution, faith and journalism.

This is applicable to #UNC and the #NikoleHannahJones story, of course. But honestly, these are things I think about as a reporter all the time -- and have for many years.
We all, whatever we do, make errors.

I struggle with them as much as anyone. But I come to them with what I consider two enormous advantages:

1) I was raised by Southern Women, the Catholic Church and the United States Marine Corps.

2) I'm a professional journalist.
Let's take these one at a time.

What my mother, a Southern woman, taught me about making errors: It's inevitable. If you can laugh at it, laugh at it. If it's more serious than that, correct it and make restitution early. If you can do both, you're golden.
Read 19 tweets
Some context in tge discussion over #NikoleHannahJones, #UNC and journalism values.

Walter Hussman was so committed to his core values of journalism, centering objectivity and the separation of news and opinion, that he touted them on...Tucker Carlson.…
Carlson has depended in court on the argument his reputation is such that reasonable people would not consider anything he says on his show to be a statement of fact.

Even when he *literally tells you* he is offering undisputed facts.…
Carlson also used to work for Hussman at the Democrat-Gazette, which is not disclosed in this clip.

That disclosure would have been standard for small town newspapers for which I worked as a matter of basic journalistic principle.

Or, if you would prefer, a "core value."
Read 6 tweets
NEW: In a response to a public records request I filed, #UNC just sent me a letter that Hussman School Dean Susan King sent to #NikoleHannahJones in February.

It highlights elements of Hannah-Jones' offer, responsibilities to which she agreed, and info about tenure.

In the letter, Dean King writes:

“…the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost has allocated a very generous start-up package of $100,000 to support your work and which may be used for research, professional activity, teaching support and student engagement.”
“You will receive a relocation compensation lump sum payment in the amount of $9,000 in consideration of the costs of transitioning to employment in Chapel Hill...”
Read 6 tweets
NOW: #UNC campus groups - Black Student Movement, Carolina Black Caucus, Black Graduate and Professional Student Association - are holding a news conference about “next steps for UNC’s Black community.” This comes after #NikoleHannahJones controversy and police chief resignation.
Speakers from BSM are talking about the 2021 priorities. They are under two umbrellas -- safety and equity.

Under safety, they are asking for anti-racist alerts, full-time Black counselors trained in racial trauma, increase of Black staff in Title IX & the Women's Center. #UNC
They are also asking for the immediate termination of Officer Rahsheem Holland, who we learned yesterday was promoted to interim Chief, since former Chief David Perry resigned. UNC did not give a reason for his resignation.

Background from @JoeFisherTV:…
Read 5 tweets
Meeting with #NikoleHannahJones for an interview this week made me reflect on my June interview with Walter Hussman, the conservative Arkansas media magnate and #UNC megadonor who lobbied against hiring her.

It's worth talking a bit about these two people and interviews.
When I interviewed Hussman last month, he projected an intense folksiness -- sort of Mr. Rogers meets Bill Clinton.

Given Hussman's history with the Clintons in Arkansas, he might not love that comparison. But it's apt.…
A part of this was Hussman saying to me, repeatedly, "Well, Joe, you and I are both reporters..." or "Well, since we're both journalists I think you understand..."

This is a common rhetorical device. Find an area of common ground, assert affinity, create a bond.
Read 25 tweets
Gang, we should talk about some of the things I saw at yesterday's #UNC BOT meeting on tenure for #NikoleHannahJones.

I should start by saying my observations are informed by 20 years of professional reporting - covering cops and courts, local and state government, higher ed.
Given the controversy over the Nikole Hannah-Jones tenure issue, #UNC had to know there was going to be a large crowd at this meeting and they would see protests.

I wish I was kidding when I tell you I've seen multiple small town boards of aldermen handle protests much better.
I've been to a number of BOT meetings at The Carolina Inn, where they're generally held in one or several large ball rooms. Pre-pandemic, chairs were provided for the public. In the pandemic, those chairs were eliminated. A 75 person cap was in place yesterday, everyone standing.
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Foundation which awards multi-million dollar grants reminds #UNC it seeks "integrity, honesty, and sound judgement of those with whom we work" and asks for assurances that Nikole Hannah-Jones “is being treated fairly and equitably in decisions regarding her appointment."

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has given over $131 million in grants to UNC since 1972. In the last two years alone, the foundation has given UNC more than $9 million.

“To honor our commitment to ethical conduct and practices, we ask that the UNC Board help us understand the steps it is taking to ensure that Ms. Hannah-Jones is treated fairly and equitably in decisions regarding her appointment,” letter from RWJF to UNC says.

Read 7 tweets
ALEC taught GOP lawmakers to make "deals" with Black legislators on elections bills as a tactic.

In NC's voter ID trial, GOP said, in their defense, that a handful of Black legislators had voted for bill.

1/… #NCPol
"Republican lawmakers said, in their defense, that a handful of Black Democrats in the legislature supported voter ID in 2018. One was even among the bill’s primary sponsors."

2/ Full story by @will_doran:…
Leaked audio recording from an ALEC meeting revealed how state lawmakers were taught create an appearance of bipartisanship.

From 2019:
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Edith Wiggins came to the Town Council circuitously in 1996 after being appointed by the Council to complete the term of the late Barbara Powell. She then was elected in 1997 and reelected in 2001 for a second term. In 2003, she became Mayor Pro Tempore. (1/3)
Previously, Wiggins served on the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education for two terms, from 1979 to 1987. Retired from a university career in student affairs administration, Wiggins served as an advocate for affordable housing, pay equity, and public transportation. (2/3)
#CHTC last night paused for a moment of silence at the beginning of its meeting to recognize her life and the contributions to #ChapelHill, #CHCCS, #UNC, and beyond. (3/3)
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NCGOP ties to NC Sons of Confederate Veterans & white supremacy agenda go deep.

Deeper than just confed flags & white power shouts at #NCGOP rallies.
Deeper than a couple dozen campaign donations.

Really deep.


#NCpol #BlackLivesMatter
Been a long fall for NC GOP to being a foremost US white supremacy political party.

In 1870, it was #NCpol Republican Constable Wyatt Outlaw that took reasonable, non-lethal action against KKK.

Today's #NCGOP mocks Outlaw's subsequent lynching.

We all know 19th century KKK were Dems, Repubs freed slaves.

We know bc GOP always tells us. Forest did it. So did Hawthorne.

Bc they don't have much else to say about race in polite company.

Bc today #NCGOP is a white supremacy party, #ncpol.
Read 45 tweets
Dear friends and #Resisters. As you might know, I am a #COVID19 survivor. It took 91 days the first round, and 27 the second to get on my feet. Many of my tweets in the next few days will be about the impact on my town (1/x) #NorthCarolina
Due to the poor planning of @unc to account for the fact that having students return to a community in which cases were already rising, @KevinGuskiewicz and other #UNC personnel are endangering the lives of those living here #ChapelHill #Hillsborough #carrboro (2/n)
This is also endangering the lives of our lowest paid workers at the university. @unc4cola , @workersunionunc , including graduate students, black and brown staff members and of course, the housekeepers. (3/n) Listen to staff and students and community
Read 11 tweets

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