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Oct 17th 2020
1/ For all those #Armenians who say that #Ganja bombings are just a response for “shelling” of #Xankendi/#Stepanakert. THREAD.

#Azerbaijan #Armenia #StopArmenianTerrorism #GanjaCity

AZ: #Ganja is 101 km away from the warzone. Why is it being targeted?

AR: Xankendi/Stepanakert is in the CENTER of the #Karabakh WARZONE. Armenians know this, and they should & mostly already HAVE evacuated the city.

#Azerbaijan #Armenia #StopArmenianTerrorism

AZ: Az. needs to destroy depots & other mil. infrastructure in Xankendi to shorten this war. This is good for all civilians.

AR: Ar. targets=Az. homes, as they’ve already inadvertently admitted that targeting civilians is their strategy to create panic:
Read 11 tweets
Oct 17th 2020
1/ Hi @JoeBiden. Have you seen the recent live footage of death and destruction from Ganja, Azerbaijan? At least 12 civilians (including 2 babies) have been found dead so far from under the rubble and >35 are injured. What happened? Let me tell you:
2/ Armenia fired long-range ballistic Elbrus missiles at the 2nd-largest, densely-populated city in Azerbaijan with no military installations in the vicinity. Why? Let me tell you that too:

3/ The aim of this attack, as any military expert will tell you, was to trigger a response from Azerbaijan onto Armenian soil, which would then have to be responded by Russia attacking Azerbaijan, due to something called CSTO treaty. #Azerbaijan
Read 7 tweets

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