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Sep 22nd 2021
2 Strong Memorial ICU team leaders --Dr. Paritosh Prasad and Nurse Manager Chris Burleigh -- will address #ROC media about how #HCWs are coping after 18 months of #Covid_19 care. 12:45p Follow the discussion here. @UofR #BetterTogether
@UofR Here at #StrongMemorial, we’ve never stopped. Been going 150 mph since March 2020 when #COVID_19 began. We are mentally and physically exhausted, but we still come to work every day, because caring for people is our life’s calling, Dr. Paritosh Prasad, #ROC #FLX #BetterTogether
@UofR There’s been palpable a shift in our community. Early on, we were heroes. Now, we watch protests out our windows. We need support. We need everyone to get through this, Dr. Prasad. #ROC #FLX #BetterTogether
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