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Good morning from the Keck Center @theNASEM where I am so pleased to be part of their workshop this morning to support and sustain the workforce to care for people with serious illness! #hapc #pedpc #wellness #wellbeing #suffering Image
The first panel shared experiences from the front lines so vulnerably and beautifully. @MaguirePeggy @PhilRodgersMD @RachelMayAdams ImageImage
Now @CAPCpalliative CEO @BrynnBHealth discussing the current and future workforce we need in #hapc Image
Read 12 tweets
🧵 So I have contacted @3M a # of times regarding a serious safety issue. Many users have experienced catastrophic failure w/ 9205 masks. An #N95 fail miduse is literally life threatening in professional situations. Why has @NIOSH not addressed this? It’s a simple fix. #HCWs ImageImageImageImage
I have reported the 9205 design flaw & so have numerous other practitioners. Why hasn’t @NIOSH or @OSHA_DOL acted?They have know that these break mid use, exposing us to dangerous pathogens. Yet @3M can’t seem to do the right thing & use braided elastic exclusively like the 9210! Image
It would be one thing if @3M weren’t aware. But they are! I have been trying for a year to get this flaw fixed. Dozens of others reported the SAME problem on my tweet about this last night. That’s a SINGLE tweet. Yet many lives are put at risk? #ClassActionLawsuits anyone? #3M Image
Read 6 tweets
I want to share an analogy & call to #Hospitals to #ProtectHCWs. 2+ years yet hospitals leave workers open to PREVENTABLE death & disability. They need to held to task & REQUIRED to properly & fully protect their workers. Please join me & share this. #HCWs #Covid #LongCovid (1/3)
#HCWs DESERVE government protections, as do patients! It is unethical for them to continue to skirt proper air filtration & personal protective equipment MINIMUMS. @OSHA_DOL are you listening? #OSHA #P100 #respirators #Ventilate #HEPA #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp (2/3)
Providing P100 respirators, increasing proper indoor air filtration, & testing workers regularly will help attract & retain staff. In addition to it being the RIGHT THING TO DO! Questions? Contact me #DoTheRightThing #LegislateProtection #ProtectHCWs #Nurses #ProtectRNs (3/3)
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VE vs omicron
"Among those who had
received 2 doses of AstraZeneca, there was no effect against #Omicron (against symptomatic disease) from 20 weeks after the second dose."

That's among those who have completed their 2nd #COVISHIELD (AZ) dose before Aug 22nd of 2021.
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#HCWs were vaccinated earliest in India, with majority completing their second dose of AZ as early as April 2021. (That's >35 weeks since 2nd dose)

They currently face greatest exposure risk as noted in many large outbreaks in hospitals and affect delivery of healthcare.
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At-risk population were vaccinated next in India, and so were the elderly. Vaccine efficacy has shown to have more profound immune waning in elderly individuals.

These populations are an urgent priority, to prevent severe disease & death (The 2x dose still does that well).
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1/ Q: Case numbers are jumping QUICK! What should I be doing?

A: Share your gifts without sharing COVID. Helpful gestures come in many shapes.…

#Omicron #ThoseNerdyGirls
2/ One HUGE help: Cancel non-essential plans.

Unfortunately, this includes New Year’s Eve plans. The perfect storm of a new variant & holiday get-togethers is hitting communities & health care w/ FORCE! Testing is in short supply.
3/ Health care is under extreme pressure with surging cases. If you can avoid even one additional contact, you are helping. This is a temporary and urgent request (from a health care provider).

#MedTwitter #HCWs @IMPACT4HC
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Whew this hits home- @JoShapiro3 talks about how we are "asked to metaphorically debrief on a toxic system" on an individual level.
This is why #organizationalcompassion in #healthcare is necessary!
Ooh there it is! "The best results are organizationally driven...there are factors that are organizational driven that are harming our wellbeing. Often organizations don't know what those factors are."
I really appreciate @JoShapiro3 invoking #shame in medical errors & touching on how systems issues can set us up for medical errors.
We all know the impact of #safety interventions at the system level. The same goes for caring for clinicians.
Read 9 tweets

Doug Ford’s PCs starring in:



Almost 9 months into this pandemic, Doug Ford continues to receive not only a pass from mainstream media, but a pat on the back. They willingly participate in his Doug and pony shows, following him around…

…the province in what seems like a never ending campaign for re-election. Yesterday the Toronto Star claimed he has “brought professionalism to the Premier’s Office,” and that he was “poised for re-election.” Strong timely words for a govt that seems a lot closer to crisis…

…then the media will have you believe. If you cut through the facade concocted by govt media relations, their social media team, their polling strategists, you’ll find a simple tale of governing a province through deflection, deceit, & gaslighting, while very few…
Read 25 tweets
Masks + respirators have been important tools in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, we release a new report, which overviews what types of devices are available & considers what it would take to create better ones for future risks. Read:…
Creating more efficient, well-fitting, and comfortable-to-wear devices will help us prepare as a country; we will have a ready supply + surge manufacturing capacity of high-quality devices when another respiratory epidemic or pandemic emerges. (2/9)
Led by Sr Scholar @eric_toner, @TenerVeenema @AmeshAA @BioAndBasebal @haines_clint @anita_cicero reviewed the devices being used today. They found that better devices are possible, but progress in developing + manufacturing them has been blocked by a confluence of factors. (3/9)
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2 Strong Memorial ICU team leaders --Dr. Paritosh Prasad and Nurse Manager Chris Burleigh -- will address #ROC media about how #HCWs are coping after 18 months of #Covid_19 care. 12:45p Follow the discussion here. @UofR #BetterTogether
@UofR Here at #StrongMemorial, we’ve never stopped. Been going 150 mph since March 2020 when #COVID_19 began. We are mentally and physically exhausted, but we still come to work every day, because caring for people is our life’s calling, Dr. Paritosh Prasad, #ROC #FLX #BetterTogether
@UofR There’s been palpable a shift in our community. Early on, we were heroes. Now, we watch protests out our windows. We need support. We need everyone to get through this, Dr. Prasad. #ROC #FLX #BetterTogether
Read 14 tweets
I lost my third #covid patient in less than a week, while working part time, in a rural area hospital that serves around 35k. Last I saw we have a #vaccination rate of 30%. I'm sitting here feeling numb, furious, exhausted, and... ashamed.
Ashamed because I realize some #HCWs have been at this since March 2020, losing multiple patients each day, and I'm wondering if I want to continue a path in #healthcare. I see headlines about 6 ICU nurses walking out in one day and can't blame them at all.
A close family friend is ending her prestigious career as an intensive care pharmacist in a world renown hospital to save her mental health. I've barely been in this 6 months and I'm so tired of knowing and seeing people die who could have avoided this.
Read 7 tweets
I work in a small, rural hospital. Stayed extra after my shift yesterday to shuffle beds, grab call lights, and answer phones while the ER dealt with 3 traumas and a full house after dozens of COVIDs all day. At one point the ER was bringing beds with people to clear bays..
in anticipation of the 3 rigs bringing people in. I never got the full situation, but when I walked out over an hour after my shift ended there were still several law enforcement vehicles there. At one point, the ER had asked my unit to prep a room for a body just for family to..
say goodbye. Meanwhile, that same ER staff had had dozens of COVID patients, way too young, they were trying to admit but I kept telling them we don't have beds or staff (we don't). I could hear the breathlessness and exhaustion in the ER staff when they called to say, "we'll...
Read 17 tweets
1/4We’re stuck in a variant vs vaccine loop. Current UK border control=bandaid solution til IP barriers around max vax production are removed. Indian vax export ban (due to domestic crisis) causing knock-on shortages. Even @BillGates has u-turned to support #IPwaiver @chrischirp
2/4 @Dominic2306 damning revelations on No 10s total lack of #COVID19 strategy further demonstrates why a “wait & see” approach is deadly during outbreaks. @IndependentSage also concerned around #AZ efficacy against #B16172 as some Indian #HCWs testing + after 2 doses @skynewsSam
3/4 @IndependentSage continues to step up & fill the gaping hole in Gov leadership during the largest #publichealth crisis of a generation- pushing for better #globalhealth policy on borders, reforming #TTI vaccine access etc but the UK is risking making the same mistakes again!
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🔺3k workers (20-69 yrs) perished in #CdnPoli pandemic @CPHO_Canada. Hard to get good official #OSH info . Using #ONpoli @WSIB injury reports & PHU data from
@TOPublicHealth &
to estimate where fatalities might b . #TOpoli #PaidLeave #SickPlan #COVIDZero Image
#Pandemic #ONpoli work hotspots inc warehouse, transport, health, #OntEd, manu, construction, stores & offices. Adj fatalities for #excessdeath as per @MoriartyLab . #DayOfMourning @FredHahnCUPE @HarveyBischof @ETFOpresident @aefopresidence @OECTAProv @SharleenStewart @FolkDawson Image
Read 40 tweets
@Eric_Schmitt @SCCMOPD @ksdknews When you see nurses, best thank them too. It’s sheer hell that Mike put them all through, not to mention physicians. These mask-free positions caused thousands statewide to turn blue.
📈🏥⚰️ #MaskUpMO 😷🤝😷

@MONurses @MOMedicalAssn @MOHospitals @MoAcep 🙇🏼
@Eric_Schmitt @ksdknews @MONurses @MOMedicalAssn @MOHospitals @MoAcep a. If you see nurses, best thank them too. It’s sheer hell that Mike put them all through, not to mention physicians. His mask-free positions caused thousands statewide to turn blue. #MaskUpMO 🙏🏼 #HCWs

@alexgarzaMD 🙏🏼 @alexiszotos

@Eric_Schmitt @ksdknews @MONurses @MOMedicalAssn @MOHospitals @MoAcep b. If you see nurses, best thank them too. It’s sheer hell that Mike put them all through, not to mention physicians. His mask-free positions caused thousands statewide to turn blue. #MaskUpMO 🙏🏼 #HCWs

@BluebirdsofMO 🙏🏼 @BigElad 🙏🏼

Read 28 tweets
@AGEricSchmitt @SCCMOPD @ksdknews When you see nurses, best thank them too. It’s sheer hell that Mike put them all through not to mention physicians. These mask-free positions caused thousands statewide to turn blue.
📈🏥⚰️ #MaskUpMO 😷🤝😷

@MONurses @MOMedicalAssn @MOHospitals @MoAcep 🙇🏼
@AGEricSchmitt @ksdknews @MONurses @MOMedicalAssn @MOHospitals @MoAcep a. If you see nurses, best thank them too. It’s sheer hell that Mike put them all through, not to mention physicians. His mask-free positions caused thousands statewide to turn blue. #MaskUpMO 🙏🏼 #HCWs

@alexgarzaMD 🙏🏼 @alexiszotos

@AGEricSchmitt @ksdknews @MONurses @MOMedicalAssn @MOHospitals @MoAcep b. If you see nurses, best thank them too. It’s sheer hell that Mike put them all through, not to mention physicians. His mask-free positions caused thousands statewide to turn blue. #MaskUpMO 🙏🏼 #HCWs

@BluebirdsofMO 🙏🏼 @BigElad 🙏🏼

Read 28 tweets
The @CDCgov Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) emergency meeting on the #JNJ vaccine is ongoing. Currently, they're reviewing known data on 8 cases of thrombotic thrombocytopenia. Follow this thread for updates. 1/ #COVID19 #MedTwitter…
This was the initial @US_FDA announcement yesterday describing the #COVID19Vaccine #JNJ hold. In summary, 6 post-market cases of cerebral venous thrombosis reported as of yesterday (in ~6.8 million doses delivered) prior to the hold.
The awesome @acweyand excellently summarized the data known as of yesteday from the similar #AstraZenaca adenovirus vector vaccines and background on #CVST! #hemetwitter 3/
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@GovParsonMO If you see nurses, Mike, thank them too. It’s sheer hell that you’ve put them all through, not to mention physicians. Your mask-free positions caused thousands statewide to turn blue. 🤒🚨📈🏥⚰️

@MONurses @MOMedicalAssn @MOHospitals @MoAcep @MissouriPress
@GovParsonMO @MONurses @MOMedicalAssn @MOHospitals @MoAcep @MissouriPress a. If you see nurses, Mike, thank them too. It’s sheer hell that you put them all through, not to mention physicians. Your mask-free positions caused thousands statewide to turn blue. #MaskUpMO 🙏🏼 #HCWs

@alexgarzaMD 🙏🏼 @alexiszotos

@GovParsonMO @MONurses @MOMedicalAssn @MOHospitals @MoAcep b. If you see nurses, Mike, thank them too. It’s sheer hell that you put them all through, not to mention physicians. Your mask-free positions caused thousands statewide to turn blue. #MaskUpMO 🙏🏼 #HCWs

@BluebirdsofMO 🙏🏼 @BigElad 🙏🏼 @Brianontheair
Read 28 tweets
Excited to share our (@BlakeJodian @kartc @hmaddd28 @BobbieLMcKee @chris_cogle) paper on #COVID19 #VaccineHesitancy in patients with #Cancer & caregivers, & impact of an educational #Webinar in Healthcare (@MDPIOpenAccess)! A #tweetorial... #MedTwitter 1/
-Pre-pandemic rising #VaccineHesitency (#PublicHealth threat by @WHO in 2019)
-April 2020, Fisher et al (@AnnalsofIM) reported ~57% of 991 reported the intention to receive a #COVID19Vaccine (⬆️since then)
-Limited data on successful interventions to combat #vaccine hesitancy
2/ Image
-Jan 8, 2021 @UFHealthCancer, @WellFlorida, & CCRAB hosted a Webinar to improve knowledge & vaccine enthusiasm amongst Cancer and caregiver populations in North/Central Florida
-264 participants
-205 completed pre-Webinar Survey
-105 completed post-Webinar Survey
#patientchat 3/ Image
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I’m tired

In December, I wrote in @zeynep’s newsletter, Insight, about vaccine prioritization. I used a well-publicized inequity among #HCWs as case study

Major point: first-come, first served systems put the most advantaged & least at-risk first in line…
2/ I’m kicking myself bc I let myself lose track of a shift in my state’s prioritization scheme. As of yesterday, all childcare workers and K-12 teachers in particular are eligible to get vaccinated...
3/ I’ve been trying to help the teachers at my kids’ daycare get vaccinated. Only one is 65 yo+. Several others are just shy of that, Black women in their early 60s or late 50s (amazing women who’ve cared for my children w intention & purpose the past 6 years)
Read 22 tweets
🚨🚨[1/n] We are a team of researchers based @UniofExeter, @Cambridge_Uni and @UofGlasgow studying the impact of the #COVID19 pandemic on the #health and #wellbeing of healthcare workers.
[2/n] If you are a #HCW in the UK, we would like to invite you to participate in our @HCWSurvey to understand how the #COVID19 pandemic is affecting you: Thank you so much for all your work!
[n/n] If you are not a #HCW, please #RT and spread the word so that #HCWs are aware of this survey: Thank you! #wellbeing #healthcareworkers @TheBMA @GMC @NHSuk @TheDA_UK @NHSDevonCCG @RDEhospitals
Read 3 tweets

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