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Apr 17th 2023
Lets do a short #T90 vs #T72 visual diff thread. #T90 is an evolution of the #T72 & was originally supposed to be called T-72U or T-72BU. Also, remember that early #T90S exported were actually #T72 turrets on #T90 hull. The pic is a T-90A Mod 1992 (feel free to correct) #εpsilon Image
But first, how do you know it is a #T90 or #T72 in the first place? Look at the wheels, it should have 6 road wheels with these spoke & cavity type design. If there are 6 cavities (pic 1), it is a newer #T72, if there are 8 (pic 2) older #T72. If there are 8, then confirmed #T72. ImageImage
#T90M's wheel cavities (also called indentations on all #T72 and #T90) extend till the rim edge instead of just short on older #T90A, #T90S and all #T72
Pic 1: #T90M without skirts, identations till wheel rim edge
Pic 2: #T72B3, identations just short of wheel rim edge. ImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv".
Map if the Russian attacks!!!
#russia404 Image
Announced about landing operation in Azov sea. Purpose to open the corridor to Odessa and Pridnestria.
Read 305 tweets

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