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The #PutinHitler system of fear can’t solve its people problems.
Regime choice ist external distraction of opinion + internal destruction of people
#negotiate ignores that wars, not war serve its purpose.
#ukraine only more of the same.
Long #thread 1/22
Western approval ratings used by #Russia at gunpoint explains the repeated requirement for wars, not war.
Not external factors, as #negotiate likes to make believe.
Reason to stop war will not work for a system, which needs to start wars and only stops to prepare for the next. 2
#negotiate speak in terms of resources & solutions omits, it requires a productive system to work for output. All #terrorists systems quickly deteriorate to their single core asset, which is fear, not productivity. #Russia is the mother of fear, fed by western appeasement. 3/22
Read 23 tweets
🇷🇺🗑️Invasoren bringen ihre Waffen von der Front nach Hause und eröffnen dort Feuer auf Menschen.…
#UkrainWillwin #RussiaisATerroistState #PutinHitler
#ORCSmustDIE #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWarCrimes #Russian
1/1 Bei der Durchsuchung eines Soldaten aus Kursk, der auf dem Heimweg über die Krim war, fand ein Mitarbeiter der Staatlichen Inspektion für Straßenverkehrssicherheit in seinem Rucksack ein Val-Gewehr, eine Makarow-Pistole und 300 Schuss Munition.
2/1 Im Gebiet Samara fanden Mitarbeiter des Straßenkontrolldienstes eine Makarow-Pistole und zwei geladene Magazine im Auto eines Soldaten aus Tscheljabinsk, mit dem er aus dem Krieg nach Hause kam. Auf einem Bahnhof im Gebiet Woronesch wurde bei einem Soldaten eine
Read 10 tweets
"Нацисти не впали з Марса і не зґвалтували Німеччину, — сказав він. — Можливо, у таке вірили ті, хто покинув Німеччину у 1933 році. А я ще роками жив там. Я слухав їхнє гавкання по радіо, 👇
#russiaisateroriststate #putinhitler #russianazistate
👆грубе кровожерне гарчання на зібраннях. Це вже не була якась одна партія. То була Німеччина." - Еріх Марія Ремарк "Тіні в раю"
При простій заміні слова "#Німеччина" на "#росія", ми отримаємо повне відображення сьогоднішньої дійсності.👇
👆Саме тому, як і Німеччина, після падіння режиму гітлера, росія має пройти той самий реабілітаційний шлях. Денацифікація, денуклеарізація, обмеження армії. 👇
Read 4 tweets
"Нацисты не с Марса свалились, и они не изнасиловали Германию. Так могут думать только те, кто покинул страну в тридцать третьем. А я еще прожил в ней несколько лет. И слышал рев по радио, густой кровожадный рык на их сборищах. 👇
#putinhitler #russiaisateroriststate
👆То была уже не партия нацистов, то была сама Германия." - Эрих Мария Ремарк, Тени в раю

При простой замене слова “#Германия” на “#россия”, мы получим, полное отражение сегодняшней действительности. Именно поэтому, как и Германия,👇
👆после падения режима Гитлера, россия должна пройти тот же реабилитационный путь. Денацификация, денуклеаризация, ограничение армии. 👇
Read 4 tweets
"The Nazis did not fall from Mars and they did not rape Germany. Only those who left the country in '33 can think that. I still lived there for a few years. And I heard the roar on the radio, the thick bloodcurdling roar at their gatherings. 👇
#putinhitler #russ
👆That was no longer the Nazi party, that was Germany itself." - Erich Maria Remarque, Shadows in Paradise

By simply replacing the word "#Germany" with "#russia," we get a complete reflection of today's reality. 👇
👆That is why, like Germany, after the fall of Hitler's regime, russia must undergo the same rehabilitative path. #Denazification, denuclearization, restriction of the army. 👇
Read 4 tweets
#AssadHitler #PutinHitler

Wojna w Syrii poligonem doświadczalnym Rosji

W 2019 r. lotnictwo syryjskie zbombardowało 4 syryjskie szpitale

Nabad al-Hayat jest jednym z ponad 50. syryjskich zakładów opieki zdrowotnej zbombardowanych od kwietnia 2019 r. W taki oto sposób,
za pomocą bezwzględnych ataków sił powietrznych, dyktator Syrii Baszar al-Assad stara się zmiażdżyć ostatnie ogniska oporu.

Podejrzewano, że Rosja bombarduje szpitale w Syrii. Do pewnego czasu nikt nie był w stanie tego udowodnić.
W 2019 r. 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕹𝖊𝖜 𝖄𝖔𝖗𝖐 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖘 (@nytimes) zebrał obszerny materiał dowodowy pochodzący z wielu źródeł, który bezpośrednio wiąże Rosję z nalotami dywanowymi na cztery szpitale w ciągu zaledwie 12 godzin.
Read 49 tweets
Kyiv after the Russian missiles strikes.
BBC reporter in Kyiv
Read 13 tweets
"We can repeat" - a sacred phrase used by #Russians over the past few years, has now taken on a completely different meaning - not the one our grandfathers put in when they defeated #Nazism in #WorldWarII.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of #Ukraine, 🇷🇺 troops have repeated the crimes of the #Nazis, committing atrocities against #Ukrainian children, women and the elderly…

But the list of what modern 🇷🇺 inherited from #NaziGermany does not end there…

Read 4 tweets
Another village liberated by the 72nd ZSU brigade.
Russian POWs on the ground.
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Three destroyed russian T-72B3, Staromaiors'ke village, Donetsk oblast.
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Balls of steel.
Ukrainian pilot takes off during the shelling of the airfield.
It saves the fighter jet (IMO is MiG-29).
Read 638 tweets
1/4 This is Timofei (Tima) Sergeitsev, Mr.Genocide, 🇷🇺 author of recent manifesto of #GenocideOfUkrainians in @ria_novosti titled “What to do with Ukraine”.
The collective punishment is kinda Tima’s theme. Tima wants to rid Ukraine of Ukrainians. Even of the name “Ukraine”.
2/4 Ukraine’s “guilt” is, of course “nazism” that permeates all walks of society & needs to be systematically “cleansed” for at least one generation. In his articles he explains how: via mass killings, forced labor camps and other nice things.

#PutinHitler #StandWithUkraine
3/4 During #PutinsWar we’ve seen why they need all this “nazism” ploy: as justification, the reason to kill. Every 🇺🇦 who doesn’t embrace #RussianInvasion is a nazi. I.e. deserves to be killed. As simple as that. “Denazification” is a euphemism for “we kill whoever we want”.
Read 4 tweets
What happens in your country when the Russian world comes. These are the Georgian villages in the occupied Tskhinvali region (AKA south ossetia). Russians have totally eliminated these Georgian settlements.
Kurta village BEFORE - AFTER
#RussianWarCrimes #PutinHitler
Dzartsemi village
Wanat village
Read 9 tweets
Units of the Russian Army that committed atrocities in the Kiev oblast (Bucha, Gostomel, Irpen)

- 64 brigade of 35 Army, Eastern Military District;
- 5th team of 36 Army, Eas. Military District;
#Russia404 #NaziRussia #PutinHitler #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
- 137 Airborne Regiment of 106 Airborne Division
- 104th and 234th Air Assault Regiments of 76 Air Assault Division
- 14th and 45th Special Purpose Brihgades
- 63th Police Special Purpose Unit of Rosgvardia;
- 155th Naval Infantery Birgade of Pacific Fleet
- 331 Airborne Regiment of 98 Airborne Division
Read 3 tweets
Baudet staat aan de kant van dictator Poetin, oorlogsmisdadiger, die zijn bunker nog niet uit is geweest omdat hij daar te laf voor is. Forum gaat niet naar de 2e kamer om een echte man te zien spreken. Baudet is laf. #Poetinbunkerboy
#zelesnky is een held.
Toch wel interessant om te zien hoe alle #baudetstaatsvijand lovers, #PutinIsaWarCriminal kont kussers, mensen die dol zijn op #PutinHitler dictators, #desinformatieverspreiders en ander tuig onder hun stenen vandaan kruipen. Mooie lijst om te blocken. #Baudetlandverrader
De #Russischestaatspropagandamachine staat op volle toeren te draaien🤡
Read 6 tweets

This ⬆️ has no doubt happened because #VladimirPutin has instructed his military leaders in the field to commit atrocities against #Ukraine citizens as a means to demoralize them. Take note,…
Read 3 tweets
A small thread on the mind of #Putin. 🧵

To understand Putin you must understand Ivan Ilyin. This well-recognised fascist intellectual was around more or less a century ago. See the link below to get a better idea of his frightening totalitarian vision..…
What I find even more compelling is the response to Ilyin and his 1925 work "On The Use of Violence to Resist Evil" (fun title!) and the outright concern about where this sort of path can lead *even then* - pre-Hitler, pre nuclear weapons, pre Cold War, pre terrorism etc etc
Another leading thinker N. A Berdyaev produced a polemic on Ilyin called, "The Nightmare of Evil Good."

The full text is here:…
Read 8 tweets
Russian Army continue to resupplying the Ukrainian Army.
Two Russian trucks with ammunition.
Thanks Putin.
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Russian Mi-24/35.
I watch this again and again.
The pilots of a Russian jet in Chernihiv, one killed during landing other is injured.
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Read 1032 tweets
Fastest EU-membership negotiations ever, even faster than @Eurosurveillanc's rapid response.

Congrats @vonderleyen, @ProfKlausSchwab, @georgesoros.
Ah, btw. Uncle @ProfKlausSchwab, why did the @KremlinRussia_E hide this link?

It's just 4 months ago. Memory-holed?

Asking for my mommy.… Image
Ah, btw. @ProfKlausSchwab, why did you hide Putin's @wef-profile?

Why would you do that? Klaus?

I had to extra-retrieve it from That's not user-friendly.

Archive: ImageImage
Read 84 tweets
New day, new thread with updates about Russian military invasion in Ukraine.

Today would be the 5th day of the war.

There are tons of news on Twitter already, but I feel compelled to share the most notable updates that I'm seeing in Ukrainian news outlets.

Today Ukrainian delegation will be having negotiations with the Russians.

They'll meet at Belarussian border. (Russians are already there waiting, Ukrainians are on the way.)

Somehow I'm pretty sure that Russians will have some utterly ridiculous demands.

But we'll see...
One of the officials in Ukrainian delegation is Davyd Arakhamia, who I happen to know personally.

(He co-founded TemplateMonster, where I used to work at some point.)

The guy is super smart and I have zero doubts in his negotiation skills. 💪

Wish them luck. 🙏
Read 21 tweets
En el video “nazis y drogadictos” ucranianos armando bombas molotov en un bosque.

Hasta la nona está ahí :)

Yo que #PutinAsesino me apresuraría a firmar la paz y retirarme antes de sufrir un desastre peor que en Afganistán 👊🏽

Primero la señora de las semillas de girasol puteando a un soldado ruso.

Luego un conductor proponiendo a tropas que se rindan.

Abuelas filmadas fabricando molotov.

Ahora un campesino choreando un blindado 🤣

¿Dónde te fuiste a meter #PutinHitler?👊🏽

Read 5 tweets
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv".
Map if the Russian attacks!!!
#russia404 Image
Announced about landing operation in Azov sea. Purpose to open the corridor to Odessa and Pridnestria.
Read 305 tweets
As I said yesterday, the russian army assault started this night.
MLRS salwo.
Missile strike to the city of Mariupol.
Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv".
Map if the Russian attacks!!!
#russia404 Image
Read 101 tweets

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