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Feb 1st 2023
Limp response to #RepealTheGRA petition from @CabinetOffice

The 2004 Act is "effective," "balanced" and grants individuals their "wish," so women & children - the majority - just have to tolerate deprivation of safety, privacy & dignity.

The 2020 position, following Stonewall's GRA reform/"self-ID" push, is no longer current. How can @cabinetofficeuk not have moved on in response to events, including @scotgov debacle? The voting public knows gender laws are absurd & harmful. Debate must happen #RepealTheGRA
And if @RishiSunak doesn't clean up the gender mess on his watch, it'll just become a replay of the "Tory sleaze" saga. Reality matters!

Read 17 tweets
Oct 3rd 2018
@phoenix_de @guyverhofstadt Die Bürgerrechte der @The3Million sowie @BritishInEurope finden trotz allem zu wenig Gewichtung! Die EU hat nur dann eine Zukunft, wenn sie sich weniger von Lobbygruppen&mächtigen Wirtschaftsunternehmen leiten lässt&ein Bürgerparlament installiert,das mit entscheidet&konrolliert!
@phoenix_de @guyverhofstadt @The3Million @BritishInEurope @Eu27K @julienfouchet1 @inthebrickhouse @fairvoteuk @Lawyers4EU @UKEUchallenge @voiceseurope @AndrewAtter @julie4nw Another problem,UK democracy is hijacked by populists.@guyverhofstadt“Europe has a 5th column in its ranks:Putin's cheerleaders who want to destroy Europe&liberal democracy:LePen,Wilders..use Kremlin money&intelligence. Farage's friend Banks colluded with Russia 2deliver #Brexit
@phoenix_de @guyverhofstadt @The3Million @BritishInEurope @Eu27K @julienfouchet1 @inthebrickhouse @fairvoteuk @Lawyers4EU @UKEUchallenge @voiceseurope @AndrewAtter @julie4nw @julienfouchet1 “Our pan-European movement @Eu27K wants to mobilise people in all of the 27 states so that people understand why the UK is leaving the EU–they don’t know in the memberstates that this Brexit is illegal.We aim 2 create a support committee in each of the 27 states.“
Read 51 tweets

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