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Mar 5th 2023

Election activists: Take a moment, breathe, and look around.

🧵 1/25

#ElectionFraud #ForeignInterference

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As with @Thaleresq, all of the discussion I see is focused on who delivered the message & how it was delivered.

Based on discussions last night, @CannConActual & @realjoeoltmann saw more info & are justifiably frustrated that it wasn’t all put in the public sphere. 2/25
I agree with them. No one should be allowed to sequester information about our elections.

The public deserves to know everything.

But why aren’t we talking AT ALL about the information that was presented?

Why are we always so focused on the messenger? 3/25
Read 25 tweets
Dec 24th 2022… #HoHoHo
Don't you know?
Obama quietly signed this Act creating the "Ministry of Truth" in 2017.
Trump (Q)uietly signed The Insurrection Act as soon as he took office.
That's how he survived and endured this whole crazy show you've been watching.
Read 5 tweets

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