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Dec 8th 2022
1/ You all ready to learn??? ⏲️ for another teaching case, #neurotwitter #medtwitter #neurorads!!!
2/ Young adult who has been having dysuria for several days, who also has developed LE weakness leading to difficulty with ambulation. Did have an #URI last week but feels completely improved from that.
3/ Denies numbness, no back/neck pain, no trauma. On exam, has 4/5 strength in bilateral lowers, full strength uppers, has ¾ reflexes on patellar and Achilles with 5-7 beats clonus at the ankle, toes are down-going. No sensory deficits. What’s in your differential? 🤔 Think #UMN
Read 12 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
The #UMN @UMNews reportedly sent out this notice about temporary increased law enforcement presence on campus and in #Dinkytown and #MarcyHolmes the next two weekends.

Still no mention or condemnation of the terroristic fireworks attacks that spanned two days last weekend. ImageImageImage
Find our extensive coverage of the incidents and injuries received by victims here:…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
Multiple reports of a male throwing fireworks at people, and also a group trying to kick in a door and throw fireworks.
12xx 7th St SE

--Over 100 people involved, and people are injured. EMS started.
Suspects throwing the fireworks are wearing white masks.

Police arrived and said the group they dealt with prior was 7 to 10 Somali M wearing "scream masks."
Sounds like we're having a reprise.

Read 5 tweets
Oct 30th 2022
One injured with a burn from being struck by fireworks.
19th and University Ave SE (Church St SE)


The victim reportedly is female injured by fireworks thrown at her.
A 19-year-old female was transported to the hospital with "minor traumatic injuries to her legs from fireworks."
Read 4 tweets
Aug 24th 2022
#UMN Safety Forum is underway.
--President Joan Gabel
--Dr. Cedric Alexander, Minneapolis Community Safety Commissioner
--UMPD Chief Matt Clark will provide updates on addressing safety around campus and will respond to questions and concerns.
President Joan Gabel gives an overview of the recently formed Strategic Safety Advisory Committee. The committee oversaw the #Dinkytown safety pilot project that placed barricades and pylons across roads in the area.
Gabel said MPD and HSCO will provide extra patrols in off-campus areas. MPD during the week, HSCO from 4 p.m. to midnight, 7 days a week.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 2nd 2022
Responders in the area of 5th and Oak St SE on a report of gas smell or odor. They say they will be shutting down some roads due to a significant smell.
Starting HAZMAT response.
11:25 Image
Buildings are being evacuated, including Williams Arena. 11:35

"Large petroleum spill detected in the sewer."

Making its way into campus.

Responders recommending people stay away from all manhole covers near the area.

Read 18 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
Report of person with a gun and 10 shots fired near Burrito Loco #Dinkytown.
People running away.
418 13th Ave SE
--Police arrived, gunshots came through the window
--Possibly two people shot, per security
--Police hear screaming
--No victims on site, hospitals notified
UMPD located a scene near 13th Ave SE and 5th St SE.
Window at Burrito Loco.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 30th 2022
Explosion on University Ave SE. Multiple manhole covers have been blown off between 17th and 18th Ave SE.
Report of fire at 1717 University Ave SE, site of the explosion.
2nd Alarm being called.
Read 21 tweets
Jun 4th 2022
Surveillance video provided to @CrimeWatchMpls captured the audio of the #UMN area shootout on frat row early Saturday morning. One person can be seen firing shots down an alley. A barrage of gunfire can be heard. A 15-year-old boy was shot.
Yellow = 1721 University Ave SE, problem property Student Co-op housing.

Orange arrows show direction the people were running and the shots fired down the alley toward 18th Ave SE. Image
Read 4 tweets
Nov 5th 2021
Another fire at Lake St and Girard Ave S. #UptownMpls
The little commies are stomping their tiny feet in a tantrum tonight.
In case you're wondering which terrorist commies are likely behind this and/or who are inciting the burning of #Mpls, see below. The list includes a "Community Faculty" member of the #UMN @umn_ssw School of Social Work.
Great school ya got there 🙄
School of Social Work:
(612) 625-1220, email Image
Read 4 tweets
Jun 12th 2021
State Patrol in a pursuit through #UMN area 14th and University Ave SE. White Dodge Charger, plate FLT92*.
Sounds like this pursuit made its way to #NEMPLS and the suspect bailed on foot at 16th and Lincoln St NE. 02:43
Suspect may have broken into a house at 16th and Lincoln St NE.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 30th 2021
MPD confirmation on last night's double shooting in #Dinkytown that resulted in one dead and another hospitalized w/non-life threatening injuries. Three guns were recovered at the scene.
Police not looking for more suspects.
No danger to the public.

ME will ID the fatality.
As a refresher, this is at least the third double shooting in #Dinkytown since the first of the year.

The #UMN has confirmed that neither of the victims were students.
Read 4 tweets
May 26th 2020
Now live tweeting the daily Minnesota COVID19 briefing. For full coverage, go to
On the call MDH's Jan Malcolm and Kris Ehresmann.
Globally: 5.5 mil cases, 346K deaths. US: 1.6 mil cases and more than 98K deaths. MN: 21,960 confirmed cases. Additional 2K+ over the long weekend. Case doubling (impt metric). Aiming for 7 or shorter, now at 16 days for doubling.
Read 39 tweets
Oct 16th 2017
Just got some good news, I’m teary, and I’d like to share a #thread since a lot of you are like family. This is especially for new parents.
So, today, our son’s transfer application to the University of Minnesota was accepted. He’ll start in January. We are truly #UMNPROUD.
4 years ago, I looked at #umn as a safety school … even though I graduated from there. I was the fathead dad of a kid w/A average & 34 ACT.
Read 18 tweets

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