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Feb 19th 2023
@LoganSkrzypczak @glenn_payette @VeraVanHorne @WIONews @Twitter2 @elonmusk Here's some more on what you support with #US/#NATOExpanionism & the (#Kiev) #Ukraine preventing #Donbas & Crimea Secession after decades of discrimination & oppression & years of sniping shelling & bombing leading to 18 THOUSAND DEATHS of not just men but women children & aged😱 ImageImageImageImage
@LoganSkrzypczak @glenn_payette @VeraVanHorne @WIONews @Twitter2 @elonmusk Here's a mini-thread from someone else with a few relevant articles on #NATOExpansion and the #UkraineWar😱🤦‍♂️…
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