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Feb 7th 2023
#Breaking Delhi High Court holds that 'virginity test' conducted on a female detainee or accused is Unconstitutional and in violation of Article 21 of the Constitution and right to dignity.
#DelhiHighCourt #VirginityTest Image
Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma holds that conducting virginity test not only amounts to interference with the bodily integrity but also psychological integrity of a woman.
This will have serious and profound effects on the mental health of a woman, the court says.
"Conducting a virginity test on the pretext of reaching truth regarding allegations against her (female detainee) will amount to infringement and violation of her right enshrined in Article 21 and explained in the judgment of D.K. Basu v. State of West Bengal."
Read 17 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
Let's #Endvirginitytest 🙏🏽
#SouthAfrica: A South church has carried out virginity tests on their single female worshippers and issued certificates of virginity to those that passed the test.
According to the church, the test is said to be an effort to encourage chastity among the
ladies in the society.
The church identified as Nazareth Baptist Church is located at Ebuhleni, northern part of Durban in South Africa.
It was gathered that the church carried out a free virginity test on ladies who attend their church and are 18 years and above.
It is an annual
event carried out by the church and at the end of the test, a Certificate of Virginity is awarded to the successful ones.
Also, a white mark of purity is placed on the forehead of the virgins.
The test is usually conducted in the middle of every year and the certificate issued
Read 4 tweets

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