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Dec 11th 2018
THREAD: Republicans in multiple states are using their #lameduck legislative sessions to cheat the system in a blatant attempt to entrench their own power and undermine the will of the voters. Craziness has been going down in WI, MI, NC, and OH. Let’s dig in: 1/
Last week, Wisconsin passed measures to cut early voting and strip powers from the incoming Dem Governor @Tony4WI & Attorney General @JoshKaulWI. This was after Republicans lost all statewide offices in November. #WIPowerGrab. #WisconsinisWatching 2/
If that sounds desperate and shady to you, oh, it was. The GOP was literally handing out copies of their hastily written bills and Dems had to beg for time to read them before voting literally in the middle of the night. (I know because I was up waiting all night!) 3/
Read 25 tweets
Dec 8th 2018
Robin Vos, one of the architects of the WI Power grab has an op-ed in @USAtoday justifying his actions. If you know the history of WI politics, its an incredibly disingenuous piece of propaganda. So here is some context...1/…
Vos’s main justification for stripping powers from Evers is that Evers hinted he might drop the Medicaid work requirement Scott Walker introduced and *did not campaign on it.*
So Vos is saying, if you didn't campaign on a policy, you shouldn't adopt it. 2/
The Medicaid work requirement is a big deal. Should have been more of a campaign issue. Vos is right there. However, Walker also did not want to talk much about it. He even pushed CMS to wait until after the election to approve the waiver. 3/…
Read 13 tweets
Dec 5th 2018
After an all night session, the WI Senate just voted to restrict early voting and remove powers from the new Dem Governor and Attorney General.
By one vote.
Campaign ads can say, accurately, that every WI GOP Senator made the deciding vote to pass this legislative coup.
Basically, apart from the crazy idea of running a separate election to choose their favored Supreme Court candidate, the WI GOP got most what I described in my op-ed on the #WIPowerGrab.
They are counting on people forgetting what happened. Don't.
The Assembly has not voted on the #WIPowergrab, and Walker has to sign it. But the Assembly has a large GOP majority, and Walker has said he will sign the bills. This was done by one vote in the WI Senate, in the middle of the night. #DemocracyDiesInDarkness
Read 5 tweets
Dec 3rd 2018
Public comments for the #WIpowergrab have started. Tune in:
The first speaker notes that what is happening in Wisconsin is happening in Michigan, and has already happened in North Carolina. #WIpowergrab #RespectMyVote
"I voted for @joshkaulwi because I thought he would have the same powers as and authority as the CURRENT Attorney General. Do not abuse your authority" #WIpowergrab #RespectMyVote
Read 12 tweets
Dec 3rd 2018
The hearing room in the Wisconsin State Capitol is surreal. The author of the power-grab bill, which would essentially undermine the election, refused to testify. We're all only just learning what these sloppy, sweeping bills would do. And they could be voted into law *tomorrow.*
Meanwhile, the man chairing the hearing, Rep Nygren, angrily gavels the room to silence whenever people clap or hiss. So the fill-every-seat crowd is reduced to expressing their agreement via jazz hands.
I kid you not. The chair of the one hearing on the #WIpowergrab is so aggressive in policing crowd reactions that jazz hands are, for those who don’t want to get kicked out, the only remaining option.
Read 3 tweets
Dec 3rd 2018
"this is not a two-way conversation" says JFC chair John Nygren as he kicks someone out of the room while lecturing them saying that nothing they are doing is undemocratic
.@ChrisTaylorWI points out that very few Extraordinary Sessions in the history of Wisconsin - about a half-dozen since 1928 - and none that were designed to reduce the power of the incoming Governor and Attorney General.
We are in new territory.
Nygren interrupts and threatens to cut off female Dem legislator for not asking a question. Male GOP representative literally says "I'm going to answer my own question" and does so without interruption.
Read 60 tweets
Dec 3rd 2018

In WI, Republicans—who lost in Nov—are trying to undermine democracy by stripping power from the incoming Dem governor & AG (see thread). Time is SHORT. Here's what you can do...

Want to fight the Republican power grab in Wisconsin? No matter where you are, you can call WI voters in key areas to tell them what's going on and urge them to call their state senators, 9am-10pm CT. Volunteers needed!
If you're in Milwaukee, head to the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO at 6333 W Bluemound Rd on Mon 10/3 & Tue 10/4 from 10a to 7p to join the in-person phone bank & call voters in key districts. When people hear what's happening, they're outraged. Go! Go!
Read 9 tweets
Dec 3rd 2018
As Ari says: the power grabs in WI and MI should be a massive national story. Every indication I’ve seen is that when people know what’s going on, they’re outraged—but few know. Democracy dies in darkness. Who do you hope covers this? Tag in replies.

Still not a single story in the New York Times about the obscene lame-duck GOP power grab underway in Wisconsin.
NEW: The @WashingtonPost website just posted this great AP story by @sbauerAP.

“It goes to the heart of what democracy is all about,” Evers said... “I think it’s the wrong message, I think it is an embarrassment for the state and I think we can stop it.”…
Read 13 tweets
Dec 3rd 2018
Flight booked. Madison, see you tomorrow.
And here we go.
All I want for Christmas is my democracy back. #WIpowergrab
Read 37 tweets
Dec 2nd 2018
THREAD: Republicans are sore losers and cheaters. Their key strategy consists of undermining democracy to stay in power.

Case in point: what's happening in Wisconsin & Michigan during their shady lame duck sessions. 1/
Democrats swept statewide offices in both MI & WI but fell short of taking over their state legislatures due to gerrymandering.

In their final days of trifecta control of both states, the GOP is scheming for a power grab to change the rules and undermine democracy. 2/
In Wisconsin, the GOP is trying to strip power from the governor, attorney general, and secretary of state - all offices that will be occupied with Democrats in January. 3/
Read 11 tweets
Dec 2nd 2018
#Michigan #GOP lame-duck session have introduced Bills to strip the DEM Gov, Attorney General & Secretary of State of key powers before Dems take over leg
@michresist asking people to go to Lansing on Tues 12/4
Here's the Committee Members considering the Bills ⤵️
House Speaker Tom Leonard, the DeWitt Republican who lost the attorney general's race by 3 percentage points to Nessel, called the bill "good government reform."
Phone: (517) 373-1778
Protest Lame Duck Session #Michigan #GOP #MIpowergrab
Michigan State Capitol December 4 09:30-12:00
Event here:…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 1st 2018
BREAKING—as in breaking democracy: a truly shocking & naked power grab underway in Wisconsin. Dems won every statewide race this Nov. Now, the GOP unveiled sweeping bills to straightjacket the Gov & AG, stomp on early voting, & lock in power on state Sup Court. Votes THIS TUE. 1/
The #WIpowergrab is so awful that it's literally keeping me up at night. The plans have been rumored for weeks, but the WI GOP waited until Friday afternoon to unveil their stack of bills, plans ONE hearing on Monday, and votes on Tuesday. So opposition is needed *now.*
In Wisconsin, right now, the GOP has total control: the governorship, both chambers of the state legislature, and a majority on the Supreme Court. That's one big reason why Trump won WI in 2016—because they'd rigged the rules. Now they want to prevent Dems from unrigging them.
Read 41 tweets

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