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Apr 14th 2022
Within our @snf_ch project @TheSubRise, @sspunil organises a summer school in #Georgia on territorial #challenges & #opportunities for #democracy.
🤝 @StojanovicNenad @unige_en + 3 local universities
✍️🙏apply by 1.5.22
👨‍💻… ImageImage
@snf_ch @TheSubRise @sspunil @StojanovicNenad @unige_en Day1 of our @unil #SummerSchool @LopotaS - general terms + conditions for achieving democratic stability and a great exercise by @NinGozalishvili on #Disinformation 👏🍾👍 ImageImageImage
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Aug 31st 2018
Now watching STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON. Deserved so much more than it got from the Powers That Be. Or shall I say The Powers That Used To Be. The direction by F. Gary Gray is beautiful. Libatique murders the shots. Performances are stellar. Got one nod. Problematic. #WhoDecides
Going on a little rant about F. Gary Gray. If the industry was at all fair, he’d be a household name. But it ain’t, so he ain’t. I remember a conversation with a bunch of Academy members who don’t look like us. Had no idea who he was. He was only admitted to the Academy in 2015.
A director is fortunate if they make one film that folks remember beyond the year it’s made. Gary has multiple classics. As in more than one. More than two. More than three! And he’s broken a major industry threshold in the process.
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