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Feb 12th 2022
Hi everyone! I'm going to start a new thread as the day goes on - heres what happened last night until approximately 2:00AM /1
It's definitely a stand off now, with the line of police officers facing what seems like a pretty committed group of people - hearing reports that people have brought there children back to #AmbassadorBridge - there are snipers on roofs /2
#Windsor #windsorontario #cdnpoli
Read 46 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
Cops seem to giving the protesters a light show now that injunction is in place - still lots of children at the event, and no officers out of vehicle to be seen /1 #cdnpoli #AmbassadorBridge #windsor
It's hard to tell if pick up trucks are leaving or just going in laps around the block /2 #AmbassadorBridge #cdnpoli #Windsor
Honking is swelling in waves - one trucker at the front closest to the cops expressed concern about starting another one - lots of speculation about tear gas, runner bullets, etc. /3 #Police #AmbassadorBridge #windsor #FluTruxKlan
Read 60 tweets

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