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$ARB has been listed on many top exchanges such as Binance, Bybit, Coinbase,... The current price is 1.4$ => each wallet is airdropped at least 1000$

If you have missed or received less, then do @zetablockchain

I will guide you to experience Zetachain 👇
#FOMO_Airdrop #zeta
ZetaChain is the world's first and only public blockchain that connects all other blockchains. Access all of your assets, data, and liquidity in a single place, securely.
Step 1: Join testnet
- Add Mumbai Testnet network

- Faucet testnet token
+ ETH:
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Tech had always been HDFC Bank’s big weakness. And, @bhavintu led Zeta is set to change that forever! ✅

HDFC Bank’s apps & website have earned a serious reputation for bugs & recurring outages.

Here is all there is to know its Digital 2.0 project meant to solve this 👇
The project was meant to rebuild its consumer-facing tech 🤳🤳

For this, it brought in Zeta with the precondition, that it won't take any new project from another Indian bank for a set timeline.

But, what’s Zeta?
It’s an 8-year-old banking tech startup that has previously worked with likes of RBL Bank, Axis Bank & IDFC FIRST Bank.

However, HDFC Bank’s mandate is Zeta’s most consequential project ever.
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🚨 Missed #Aptos? Don't Miss #ZetaChain

Another Blockchain another thread to see what ZetaChain is all about and what we can do to get on onboard and be ready for @ZetaBlockchain Mainnet? $ZETA

⭕️ Don't forget to like and RT
#AlphaInsiders 🧵🕵️‍♂️⚡️🪂
#ZetaChain is the foundational, public blockchain that enables omnichain, generic smart contracts and messaging between any blockchain. It solves the problems of “cross-chain” and “multi-chain” and aims to open the crypto and global financial ecosystem to anyone. 🧐
ZetaChain envisions and supports a truly fluid, multi-chain crypto ecosystem, where users and developers can move between and appreciate the benefits of any blockchain: payments, DeFi, liquidity, games, art, social graphs, performance, security, privacy, and so on. 🤯
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La Z bianca sui Tank diventa come la nuova "Svastica" utilizzata dai propagandisti filorussi e da chi appoggia la violenza della invasione e conseguenti crimini di guerra. Sui social è un simbolo di riconoscimento. Con questa analisi cerchiamo di capire meglio chi sono gli #Zeta
L'inchiesta verrà pubblicata domani su @RollingStoneita
Analizzando 639mila tweet dei 551 account che mostrano chiaramente la Z della propaganda russa, Le pagine online maggiormente condivise sono spesso legate alla Destra e FakeNews. Segue..
Salta subito in evidenza che sono legati alla ultra destra al complottismo e nel grande gruppo di ex QANON e NoVax, molti dei loro seguitori non hanno paura in utilizzare emoji che rappresentano il saluto romano ✋🏻. segue...
Read 8 tweets
1. A #Zeta101 thread on why options in DeFi don't quite work – yet 🧶😅
2. Hey ZetArmy, wanted to check in and do a quick brief on options in DeFi. Options are without a doubt, one of the most popular instruments for traders to lock in returns, hedge risk, and speculate on prices.
3. Let's talk about why options work in TradFi. Liquid markets mean tight spreads, low fees, and an infinite possibility of strategies. r/wallstreetbets has an entire community of people who love trade options, whether its Thetagang, GME bulls, or TSLA bears.
Read 11 tweets
1. Hey everyone! We are thrilled to start sharing #Zeta101 small dives into options jargon! Image
2. Today we will be covering the difference between a call and put option! Image
3. Call Option: Image
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🌀10PM CDT Update on Tropical Storm #Zeta. Starting to see some steady strengthening trend now with max winds at 70mph. Impacts across parts of SE LA and southern MS remain likely on Wednesday.

Lets break down each specific threat one at a time...(1/6)
1. 💨 Wind: Strong winds will be the primary threat when #Zeta makes landfall. These winds may lead to isolated to scattered power outages, some tree damage and even some damage to some structures - especially near the center of the track. (2/6) #lawx #mswx
2. 🌊 Storm Surge: Moderate/major coastal flooding is possible in the Storm Surge Warning areas. Highest water levels are expected during the high tide cycle Wednesday, lasting into the overnight hours before water levels come back down Thursday. (3/6) #lawx #mswx #Zeta
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Aunque la #TormentaTropical #Zeta ya salió de territorio yucateco, la alerta de la @CNPC_MX marca trayectoria de alejamiento y alerta en color naranja por lo que se pronostica que continuarán lluvias y vientos moderados ... (1/6)
... que no representan mayor peligro para el estado.

Por tal motivo, en #Mérida y en todo el estado hoy martes, a partir de las 4 de la tarde, se permitirá la reanudación de los siguientes giros comerciales esenciales como supermercados, gasolineras ... (2/6)
... y todos los relacionados con las actividades médicas y hospitalarias.

Aquellas actividades comerciales y profesionales que consideren que cuentan con las posibilidades y condiciones para reapertura a partir de esa hora también podrán hacerlo ... (3/6)
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Ba’ax ku yúuchuj yéetel k’a’amkach iik’ #TormentaTropical #Zeta, bejla’ tres u sáastale’, u t’aan Centro Huracanes #Miami.

🔴 Yáax yiik’elo’obe’ jaats’naj #Popolnah, #Tizimin, las 11 áak’ab lunes. (1/5)
🔴 Jach chúumuk’ áak’abe’ te’ ku jaats’ yóok’ #FelipeCarrilloPuerto, #Chemax, láayli’ bey chak iik’al categoría 1 u muuk’e’.

🔴 Tres u taal u sáastal ka uya’ab u chan jaats’ tu xaman-lak’inil u noj kaajil Jo’, #Mérida, bey tormenta tropicale’ ba’ale’ xma’ cháakil. (2/5)
🔴 5:30 u sáastal a’ala’an u jóok’oj u tuuch tu kaajil #DzilamDeBravo.

🔴 U yiik’elo’obe’ unaj u jaats’o’ob tu kaajil Jo’ tak bejla' 2 chíinil k’iine'. U jach naats’il kun u’uybil Jo’e’ las 7 sáastal, le kéen jóok’ok u bin káak’náab, aktáan #Telchac (66 km ti’ #SacNicté). (3/5)
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Les comparto información importante de la última actualización de las 3:00 am de la #TormentaTropical #Zeta del Centro de huracanes de #Miami.

🔴Los primeros efectos del #Huracán se sintieron a las 23:00 horas en #Popolnah, #Tizimín. (1/5)
🔴A las 12 horas se localizó en tierra sobre #FelipeCarrilloPuerto en #Chemax, como #Huracán Categoría 1.

🔴A las 3:00 am comenzaron algunos efectos de #TormentaTropical en el Noreste del municipio de #Mérida, aunque sin lluvia. (2/5)
🔴A las 5:30 am saldría el centro del ciclón por #DzilamDeBravo.

🔴#Mérida está en la frontera del mapa de vientos, por lo que parte del municipio seguirá con efectos de viento hasta las 14:00 horas. (3/5)
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Bix u taal chak iik’al #Huracán #Zeta tak bejla’ 9 áak’abe’, u t’aan Centro Huracanes #Miami.

🔴 U yáax jaats’ chak iik’ale’ tu yóok’oj #SantaMartha, #Chemax, úuchij, bejla’ lunes 26, 6:30 u yéek’same’entale’. (1/4)
🔴 Bejla’ jach chúumuk áak’ab kun jats’ #SanFelipe, #Chemax, yéetel u yiik’elo’ob chak iik’al #Huracán categoría 1.

🔴 Tu noj kaajil Jo’e’ las tres u sáastal u káajal u jaats’ bin, tak las 9 u sáastal martes 27. (2/4)
U jach naats’il kun jaats’e’ 77 kilómetros ti’ #SantaMaríaChí, seis u sáastal.

🔴 U tuuch le chak iik’alo’ #Huracán 6:30 u sáastal kun jóok’ol u bin, naats’ ti’ #DzilamDeBravo. (3/4)
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Les comparto información importante de la última actualización de las 21:00 horas del #Huracán #Zeta del Centro de Huracanes de #Miami.

🔴 Los primeros efectos con vientos de #TormentaTropical se sintieron hoy lunes 26 a las 18:30 horas ... (1/4)
... en la comisaría #SantaMartha de #Chemax.

🔴 Hora de impacto 12:00 de la madrugada en #SanFelipe, Chemax como #Huracán categoría 1.

🔴 En #Mérida afectará con vientos de #TormentaTropical, de las 03:00 a las 09:00 horas del martes 27. (2/4)
Punto más cercano 77 kilómetros de #SantaMaríaChí, a las 06:00 am.

🔴 El centro del #Huracán saldría a las 06:30 horas del martes 27 en los alrededores de #DzilamDeBravo. (3/4)
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(1/6) 🌀 7PM CDT Update on Hurricane #Zeta. No major changes this evening as #Zeta continues towards the NW with an eventual, brief landfall expected across the Yucatan later tonight. We are still anticipating impacts, some major across the area Wed & Thu. Stay tuned! #lawx #mswx
(2/6) Hurricane and Tropical Storm Watches remain in effect for a large portion of SE LA and coastal MS. Strong, potentially damaging winds may be possible in association with #Zeta late Wednesday through early Thursday. #lawx #mswx
(3/6) Storm Surge Watches remain in effect all across coastal SE LA and coastal Mississippi including portions of the Tidal Lakes. Minor inundation may begin as early as Tuesday, with rising levels primarily during high tide cycles through Wednesday and early Thursday #lawx #mswx
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Les comparto información importante de la última actualización de las 15:00 horas del #Huracán #Zeta del Centro de Huracanes de #Miami.

🔴 Los primeros efectos con vientos de #TormentaTropical se sentirán hoy lunes 26 a las 18:30 horas de la tarde ... (1/4)
... en las comisarías de #Chemax.

🔴 Hora de impacto 12:30 de la madrugada en las comisarías de #Chemax, como #Huracán categoría 1.

🔴 En #Mérida afectará con vientos de #TormentaTropical, de las 03:00 a las 15:00 horas del martes 27. (2/4)
Punto más cercano 64 kilómetros de Sac-Nicté, a las 08:00 am.

🔴 El centro del #Huracán saldría a las 07:00 horas del martes 27 en los alrededores de #DzilamDeBravo.

🔴 Los efectos como #TormentaTropical se dejarían de sentir a las 16:00 h en #Chuburná, #Progreso. (3/4)
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Debido a que la #TormentaTropical #Zeta se aproxima a #Yucatán, en el caso particular de los municipios del Oriente del estado anunciamos que el día de hoy a partir de las 2 de la tarde deberán suspenderse todo tipo de labores de negocios y actividades no esenciales ... (1/5)
... y hasta nuevo aviso, excepto las que tienen que ver con seguridad, salud y protección civil y los supermercados podrán operar el día de hoy hasta las 4 de la tarde. #TormentaTropical #Zeta

Ubica tu municipio:

ALERTA NARANJA: Buctzotz, Calotmul, Cenotillo, Espita ... (2/5)
... Panabá, Río Lagartos, San Felipe, Sucilá, Tizimín, Cuzamá, Hocabá, Hoctún, Homún, Huhí, Izamal, Kantunil, Sanahcat, Sudzal, Tekal de Venegas, Tekantó, Tepakán, Teya, Tunkás, Xocchel, Bokobá, Cacalchén, Cansahcab, Dzemul, Dzidzantún, Dzilam de Bravo, Dzilam González ... (3/5)
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2020 continues being 2020:

➡️ Now that we have #Delta, only two storms remain (#Epsilon and #Zeta) before we tie with 2005.

➡️ We've broken a whopping 22 naming records this year. Only two storms this season were not the earliest named of their respective letter in history.
Here's another one:

➡️ When #Delta makes landfall, 2020 will beat 1916 as the season with the most landfalls in history.
Correction: It is *three* named storms this season that have not broken earliest naming records! #Arthur, #Bertha, and #Dolly. 22 of these records have been broken.
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