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Aug 2nd 2020
1...Albertans continue to vent their concerns regarding MOH @shandro via our online poll (…).
3 days in, 1500 replies and what is the verdict so far?...2
2..98.7% or respondent Albertans say they do not trust the competency of Ty Shandro! But 97.4% of those same Albertans do trust their family doctor. Meanwhile 95.2% would prefer to see @shandro leave Alberta instead of doctors. What are those Albertans saying? Lets have a look..3
"Not only is the UCP the most deplorable Government I've seen, they are the most corrupt. When my 75 yo parents who are wildly conservative, are opposed, we, Alberta, have a BIG problem."

"They have failed and should be fired."
Read 13 tweets
Jul 28th 2020

Pediatricians and school health specialists are describing the Jason Kenney's plan to reopen schools as dangerous.

They're calling on the UCP to offer more support before classes start in September

THREAD #ableg #abhealth #abed #SafeSeptember #abdocs4pkids
"This UCP plan as it stands is essentially a large, human-scale experiment without safety nets to see what will happen to kids, their teachers & their respective families. - Dr. Tehseen Ladha, a pediatrician with a Master in Public Health

2/ #ableg #abhealth #abed #abdocs4kids
She said any notion by the UCP Government that children are unlikely to be infected by the virus is highly questionable, pointing to a recent study out of South Korea that found children over the age of 9 spread COVID-19 at a rate similar to adults.

3/ #ableg #abhealth #abed
Read 20 tweets

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