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On my run today I was mulling over why Doug Ford has decided to change isolation requirements at the start of the 2022-2023 school year, right as kids head #BackToClass, when every metric (cases, %pos, hospitalizations, deaths) is higher this year than last #SafeSeptember #onted Figures comparing cases, te...
The Minister of Education spent the summer repeatedly stating that he wants Ontario kids to have a normal, stable, and enjoyable school year. He even launched the #PlanToCatchUp and said he would give parents back some of their own money, roughly $70/kid, to help kids catch up.
Despite Mr. Lecce telling parents that our kids will have a normal, stable, and enjoyable school year, he has yet to demonstrate exactly how he will help ensure our kids have the best shot at a safe, uninterrupted, in-person school year, the 4th of the pandemic. #CovidIsNotOver
Read 7 tweets
“How's the air quality in Quebec schools? Here's what we found

As fall approaches, the Montreal Gazette visited several everyday places to see how CO2 levels compare to those measured in classrooms.

Aug 26, 2022”
“The devices do not improve air quality but can be used to gauge whether a room is well or poorly ventilated. Since COVID-19 can spread through the air, they’ve also been used as COVID risk assessment tools.”
“ “If CO2 is increasing in a room, it means you’re not evacuating one of the contaminants accumulating, so that’s probably the case with the others,” explained Stéphane Bilodeau, an indoor ventilation expert and lecturer in the bioengineering department at McGill University.”
Read 29 tweets
Safe September Toolkit!

We are now two weeks away from a new school year, the first pandemic year with no protections in place.
PoPNB presents a toolkit for parents, teachers, and administrators to help understand SARS-CoV-2, how it spreads, and how to protect against it.
A PDF of the full #SafeSeptember toolkit is available on the PoPNB website:…
A shareable version is available on the PoPNB substack:…
Read 3 tweets
Get to work plebs, fuck your health, you must keep working regardless
NHS Federation states: #HumanitarianCrisis #HumanCatastrophe to describe the coming winter through the #ToryCostOfLivingCrisis #NationalHealthCrisis #EnoughIsEnough #EnoughIsEnough

this is a damning indictment if ever there was one!
the NHS Federation has written to govt to highlight an "impending humanitarian crisis" over winter in health of UK citizens #EnoughlsEnough #SocialistSunday
Read 27 tweets
Provinces DID NOT follow “duty of care” when removing universal masking policies in schools.

1) Latest revelations from NB:

Request for justification reveals a single study, later debunked. Study funded by right-wing libertarian group w/ ties to big oil & GBD.😱

See 🧵⬇️:
2) A court challenge in Alberta for the govt to reveal justifications for removing mask protections in schools, revealed that AB gov’s OWN DATA showed that masks reduce COVID-19 cases in schools & in community (less hospitalizations too), yet gov removed masks anyway!

3) That’s 2 provinces shown to use sloppy, cherry-picked studies from dubious sources or making decisions despite data showing otherwise.

Political, not evidence-based.

*All* 🇨🇦provinces who tossed mask protections look guilty of bowing to political pressure, then.
Read 15 tweets

#Wave7 of BA5 is here

#Wave8 of BA2.75 on its heels

Re/infection prevention of #SARS2 is your job on a population level

Please act #FASSST
Here’s what #SARS2 can do to our children now

H/T @itosettiMD_MBA

Re/infection prevention of #SARS2 is your job on a population level

Please act #FASSST
I don’t want #LongCovid for myself or my child,

which can happen no matter how mildly initially infected,

for which there is no treatment or cure

Re/infection prevention of #SARS2 is your job on a pop level

#LongCovid PHO=51-80%…

Please act #FASSST
Read 22 tweets
🔺3k workers (20-69 yrs) perished in #CdnPoli pandemic @CPHO_Canada. Hard to get good official #OSH info . Using #ONpoli @WSIB injury reports & PHU data from
@TOPublicHealth &
to estimate where fatalities might b . #TOpoli #PaidLeave #SickPlan #COVIDZero Image
#Pandemic #ONpoli work hotspots inc warehouse, transport, health, #OntEd, manu, construction, stores & offices. Adj fatalities for #excessdeath as per @MoriartyLab . #DayOfMourning @FredHahnCUPE @HarveyBischof @ETFOpresident @aefopresidence @OECTAProv @SharleenStewart @FolkDawson Image
Read 40 tweets
I have some Thoughts on the issues around the "negativity" of the #ableg leftists, Alberta NDP supporters, and the Alberta NDP (ANDP) in general. Its clear that while these three groups (and subsections) are on the same side, they arent always on the same team (and thats ok)
Lets start with the ANDP as a party - or the "outrage machine" as its been occasionally nicknamed. Where does this come from? Its simple - the ANDP needs to connect with as many voters as possible, and it creates a situation like this:
Lets assume that there are ten issues: jobs, spending, covid19, LGBTQ+ issues, womens issues, policing, O&G/pipelines, agriculture, economy, environment. Lets also assume that 10% of the Alberta population cares about each one of these issues, and no other.
Read 25 tweets
Hello colleagues and parents/guardians:

I'm pleased to be assigned to the #TDSB Learning Centre 4 - Virtual Elementary School. My home school is
@WBurgessTDSB, where I was the Teacher-Librarian. More links and information coming. #SafeSeptember ->…
Parents and guardians experiencing account and password issues should look for this message at the following link:…
Support is also available for #TDSB Brightspace users. ->…
Read 3 tweets
.@AndreaHorwath up now at the Ontario Legislature debating her motion to cap class sizes at 15, wonders why the government didn't ready a back to school plan sooner. The plan that came out ignored advice from Sick Kids to keep class sizes small. #topoli #onpoli #onted
As a result we have class sizes of 28, 30, 32, and 35. (Norm's note: I have heard of classes of at least 28 in my ward). These sizes put extended family at risk. We've seen photos of desks less than 1 ft apart, with 30 little ones crammed in a classroom #topoli #onpoli #Onted
When desks are touching, how can teachers ensured items aren't being shared by kids. Physical distancing is impossible in these situations. Kids are also being crammed onto school buses. How can drivers keep these many kids safe and apart? #topoli #Onpoli #Onted
Read 24 tweets
THREAD: My speech at the groundbreaking of the new École à la Découverte in Elsinore-Chambery & to Ed Minister LaGrange:

It’s a pleasure to join you on the traditional territory of Treaty Six & of the Metis people. Congratulations to the École à la Découverte community 1/ #ableg
This is an important milestone in a long journey towards a building that can accommodate all of the students that want to learn here. Many young families are choosing to live in North #YEG, Castle Downs in particular & Im so happy that they will have a new Francophone school 2/
to serve them. Many of those students have parents who serve in the Canadian Armed Forces & many of those members have come to AB from Francophone communities elsewhere in Canada. ItS so important to our military community & our broader community, that we have strong 3/
Read 10 tweets
Last month I launched the @OntLiberal Party's Students in Schools Action Plan. Moms and dads across Ontario are desperate for leadership and need clarity about how students and education workers would be going back to school (1/4).
Now, just a week away from Labour Day, two million Ontario students are preparing to go back to school over the next few weeks. Parents, students and educators are anxious about their safety. They need answers now (2/4).
That's why we're here today to launch a new website: where parents, teachers, and education workers can share their stories - so Doug Ford is forced to hear their voices. Even if it means playing your testimonial in the Legislature (3/4).
Read 4 tweets
We've been compiling info on school reopening plans across the country. No clear winner yet, but Nova Scotia seems the best, Quebec the worst

We're going to keep updating this as more info comes in, and you can check here…

#masks4canada #SafeSeptember
School reopening depends on all of these important factors being optimized
1) Masks for children of all ages can be difficult to accept, but evidence is increasing on their effectiveness. @ChildLifeMorgan goes over some basics on how to prepare your kids for school
Read 12 tweets
Ontario #students, #parents, #grandparents, #teachers, #eduworkers #doctors, #nurses, #frontlineworkers, #busdrivers, #businessowners, and EVERYONE ELSE who is concerned that a failed #OntEd plan will undo all our efforts of the last 6 months: we need your voice...
Share a selfie video w/
to share your concerns and push for SMALLER CLASS SIZES based on evidence & expert advice.

We need submissions by FRI., AUG. 28. They will be compiled & edited to create a video open letter.

Follow the script, but make it your own:
Dear Premier Ford,
I am _____ (your name, profession, whatever you want to share)
I live in ____ (where are you in #Ontario?)
I want smaller class sizes b/c _____ (share whatever you like; why is this important to you?)
Please reduce class sizes. Smaller is safer.
Thank you.
Read 4 tweets
Feds transfer $381M to ON to top up the almost $800M that the province has provided to #SchoolBoards to better ensure a #SafeSeptember @opsba…
Reopening Plan Implementation: $200 million =
$100 million to complement the health & safety of school reopening plans, in consultation with local public health units, including the hiring of custodians, HVAC, improvements, internet connectivity for students & other local needs +
$30 million to support additional PPE for schools.
$70 million for the temporary hiring of educators as required.
Read 8 tweets
Listening to the @JustinTrudeau Back to school press conference. He says school matters, and getting them back to school safely with confident parents really matters. He tells a story of a family concerned w/going back to school; they want a #SafeSeptember. #topoli #onted #onpoli
.@JustinTrudeau says we must follow all local public health advice, and to provide the funding necessary to take action for a #SafeSeptember. The federal government is investing up to $2 billion through the Safe Return to Class fund. Our children must be our top priority. #onted
The announcement is designed to support Provincial Governments, and is flexible for provinces to use towards PPE or remote learning or anything else school related. Also announcing $112 million for First Nations Schools. #cdnpoli #Onpoli #onted #topoli
Read 8 tweets
Today @Sflecce referred to the collective voice of Ontarians expressing concern about his flawed reopening plan as "noise" he'll ignore.

This shows utter contempt for the people of this province.
Apologize, Mr. Lecce. Then resign.

To be clear: violent threats are not acceptable. Ok, that's out of the way.

But to characterize legitimate, justifiably harsh criticism as 'bullying' is wrong (oh, poor powerful MoE with full weight of the govt machine behind him) & to dismiss it as mere "noise" is offensive.
*Absurd this even has to be clarified. But, just for the record.
Read 3 tweets
1/ #VENTILATION is a key factor in #SafeSeptember for #onted. In this thread I'll cover:

🔸My immediate 3 asks of @sfleece and @fordnation

🔸A suggested room-by-room assessment and implementation methodology

🔸Who to follow Photograph of a rusty rooftop classroom exhaust fan that was
2/ My immediate asks of Ontario:

1⃣ Update the Guide to Reopening Ontario's Schools to add #ventilation, currently absent. I recommend using Schools for Health: Risk Reduction Strategies for Reopening from Harvard School of Public Health…
2⃣ Also update the Guide to Reopening Schools to reflect current knowledge regarding the relative importance of airborne transmission of COVID-19 compared to surface transmission.
Read 39 tweets
I keep seeing photographs of K classrooms full of tables two metres apart with chairs for kids to sit in spaced out away from each other. I keep wondering, what makes us believe that 3, 4, and 5 yr. olds will spend their whole day sitting at tables? (A threaded tweet.)
When behaviour happens (& it will, based on the environment itself), then what? This is not the child’s fault. @susanhopkins5’s message here really resonated with me:…. What are the limits, & then what CAN we do within those limits?
Maybe there’s little that we can do. I 100% agree that safety has to come first. But tonight, my heart aches for our learners — some of whom are coming to school for the very first time. I want them to want to come back again. I want a #SafeSeptember that allows this to happen.
Read 4 tweets
This just out: @AmyTanMD and I make the case that by not mandating masks for K-12 children in schools, we are playing Russian roulette with the health of our children, educators and communities.


#SafeSeptember #Masks4Canada @DFisman @AshTuite
1. Children represent ~3–9% of COVID-19 infections. This fraction is rising in the US due to testing and increased exposure. Although children have less severe symptoms than adults, why some children get sicker and a rare few die is still unknown.…
2. Children transmit COVID-19 to household and non-household contacts with resulting severe outcomes, such as death. Expectant mothers infected with COVID-19 tend to have more severe outcomes than other women of reproductive age.…
Read 8 tweets
My kids know that they had COVID and they understand that they were sick for an unusually long time because of it. Yet 2 of my kids have recently protested that they "don't care if they get COVID again!" when reminded that they need to keep their distance from their friends.
Now imagine a classroom full of 30 kids who "don't care if they get COVID" because they just want to play with their friends like normal. How is one teacher supposed to stay on top of every interaction all day long to keep kids safe?
Small class sizes aren't just about the physical space needed to distance; they're also necessary if one adult is going to effectively monitor and enforce distancing, mask wearing, and proper hygiene. #SafeSeptember #CovidandKids
Read 3 tweets
Scores of Alberta teachers and educational assistants have come forward to the NDP Opposition to say they’re ready and willing to help make schools safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, but lack of funding from the UCP has left them on the sidelines.

#abed #ableg #SafeSeptember Image
The minister claims it’s impossible to hire enough staff, but the truth is she hasn’t even rehired the staff our schools had earlier this year.
Only days after promising to keep the education system intact through the pandemic, LaGrange fired more than 20,000 education workers on March 28, including educational assistants who were supporting students with complex needs. She promised they'd all be rehired -- they haven't.
Read 3 tweets
#COVID19 in #Ontario [Aug 18]:
40870 known cases* (125 new cases)
2793 total deaths (4 new deaths)

See THREAD for more graphs📈⬇️
#covid19Canada #COVIDー19 #onhealth #COVID__19 #COVID19ontario #onpoli #SafeSeptember Image
A closer look at #COVIDー19 daily changes in #Ontario

New cases: 125
New deaths: 4
New resolved: 90

Thicker lines = 7 day moving averages.
#COVID19 #COVID19ON #covid19Canada Image
Confirmed cases of #COVID19 in #Ontario by likely acquisition & public health unit reported date.

#COVID19Ontario #Covid_19 #onpoli
Graph source:… Image
Read 8 tweets
Scores of Alberta teachers and educational assistants have come forward to say they’re ready and willing to help make schools safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, but lack of funding from the UCP has left them on the sidelines.

THREAD #abed #ableg #safeseptember
After promising to keep the education system intact through the pandemic, LaGrange fired more than 20,000 education workers on Mar 28, including educational assistants who were supporting students with complex needs. She promised they would be rehired - they were not.
Michelle LaFrance, is an educational assistant in Blackfalds who was working for Red Catholic Schools, the district LaGrange used to be the chair of. She was laid off in the spring as one of the more than 20,000.
Read 11 tweets

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