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Jan 16th 2021
This is a very informative and accessible (to non-scientists) explanation of how selenium gets into water, food, and animals, and how the Grassy Mountain coal mine would be likely to affect selenium levels in the Oldman River and throughout the watershed. 1/n
#Alberta #aboli
"[T]he top three sources of man-made selenium contamination worldwide in order of greatest to least are:
1. Mining
2. Irrigation
3. Feedlots
The Oldman River and South Saskatchewan watersheds already have large feedlots and supply irrigation." 2/n
"If additional pressures from a new coal mine were added to these watersheds, this area would be unique in the world as having all three top contributors to selenium contamination." 3/n
@JonathanWNV @HMcPhersonMP @SPhillipsAB @row1960 @DrewPAnderson @Pembina @cpawssab
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May 11th 2020
1/6 BREAKING: Our new report with @envirodefence @equiterre reveals 70% of Alberta’s oil sands are foreign-owned, but Canadian taxpayers are still paying giant subsidies to keep the industry afloat:… #abpoli #cdnpoli Image
2/6 We’ll say it again for the people in the back: Foreign funders were hiding right in @jkenney backyard all along! The Big 5 companies transferred $8B in profits in 2019 to their mostly foreign shareholders, while government subsidies have increased in the past 5 yrs.
3/6 It’s outrageous that @JustinTrudeau @ Bill_Morneau are still considering bailing out foreign-owned oil companies with Canadian tax dollars, when these same companies send the majority of their profits overseas - and employ a tiny fraction of the Canadian workforce.
Read 7 tweets

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