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Nov 8th 2020
In Dec19 & Jan20,I tweeted about possible shipment of weapons from #Turkey to #Libya by #AeroTransCargo.They ordered me to delete my tweets,I refused & then they threatened me & I ignored. Now they are threatening every media that publishes my articles to cut my financial income! ImageImage
PTISI & DIASTIMA is one of the magazines that they have sent letters to threaten its editor. In this magazine, I have articles about Air Forces of Iran, Israel, Greece, France & etc. Nothing about the shipment of weapons by AeroTransCargo but they are trying to scare them! ImageImage
Despite the fact my articles are about world's air forces in these magazines, but their lawyer,@Paul_Tweed has kept sending threatening letters to these magazines!His goal is to scare them &force them to stop their cooperations with me.They want to put me under financial pressure Image
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