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Jun 5th 2022
#Arlington #COVID19 #Cases

VDH outbreak list now reports 78 linked COVID-19 cases, the result of attending or working at #Taylor elementary school in late April and May. It’s one of the larger documented school outbreaks in Virginia since they began keeping track.
#Arlington #COVID19 #Cases

VDH outbreak list now reports 41 linked COVID-19 cases, the result of attending or working at #ArlingtonTraditional elementary school in May.

The new variants are so contagious spread to family members is extremely common after exposure at school.
#Arlington #COVID19 #Cases

VDH outbreak list now reports 19 linked COVID-19 cases, the result of attending or working at #Discovery elementary school in May.

Why are we tolerating so much COVID in schools and putting infectious kids & teachers back into schools every week?
Read 9 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
#Arlington #COVID19 #Cases

😡: Almost no students who are exposed are being told directly of exposures or quarantined.

We encourage parents w/COVID+ kids to DIY your own reporting to parents and families where you can; assume APS isn't going to notify exposed. It's up to you. Image
#Arlington #COVID19 #Cases

The worst school, with >13% of its students catching COVID in Jan, is #Montessori Public School.

MPSA was found to be one of the worst schools for ventilation + parents reported a lack of implementation for outdoor lunch in Jan. for some classes. ImageImage
#Arlington #COVID19 #Cases

So far, YTD, two dozen Arlington public schools have had more than 10% of their student body test positive for COVID-19.

In such an environment, removing masks when community transmission is so high seems like the ultimate folly. Image
Read 11 tweets
Aug 23rd 2021
1/ It would be easy to call out some of the schools that have done little for #APSOutdoorLunch, because they have a "can't do" attitude. But today, we're going to call out some of the bright points. Hope to see more of the "can do" attitude across APS, like these examples:
2/ Kenmore 2020-21: Cafeteria staff noted that #APSOutdoorLunch has turned out to be more organized, more relaxed, quieter, less stressful, and less restricted for them and for students. Thanks @apskenmore for keeping our kids safe!
3/ Barcroft 2020-21: The community @BarcroftEagles came together to keep students safe: donated yoga mats, sit-upons, and stumps made #APSOutdoorLunch a fun part of the day last spring.
Read 16 tweets

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