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Feb 10th 2023
As #M23 approaches the city of #Goma,Uhuru #Kenyatta is getting nervous. It seems that on the agenda,Goma was supposed to fall into the hands of rebels after EAC troops,Ugandan/Sudanese have arrived in Eastern Congo.Then rebels would put the city into the hands of EAC⬇️
2)Why is #Uhuru #Kenyatta seems to be running out of time to send there more #EAC troops and yet existing ones did nothing to stop rebels? Why did he wait until rebels are on the gates of Goma city? Obviously those troops are to create a buffer zone only!…
3)#Kagame now after #M23 troops approaching #Goma,in the speech below, he is accepting that his troops are in Congo.Yesterday he accused Congo of violating agreements!May be its about arrival of those EAC troops that Congo could abandon.But did M23 agree to withdraw their troops?
Read 6 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
Kosovo où l'agent français "Le Serpent" est devenu jusqu'à président #UCK

Depuis, le Kosovo a sur son sol la plus grande base militaire 🇺🇲 en Europe #Balkanization #YinonPlan

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Jul 6th 2022
"The Evolution of Strangers and Foreigners"

🧵 Today's SFI Seminar by @DoctorBugs (@Smithsonian)…

cc @templeton_fdn
First, a loop back to his LAST (2020) SFI Seminar on 3D structure of living systems from biofilms to rainforest canopies:

And his #ComplexityPodcast episode on ideas from that talk and this one:…
"People often think of societies as cooperative, but some societies are NOT very cooperative. I prefer to put the focus on them as groups."

"Societies are just one aspect of belonging. There are groups *within* societies & that's what psychologists mostly focus on."

Read 15 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
Américains et alliés compromis, eux, font des

<< Guerres Propres >>

#Gladio Image

#Ukraine the everlasting present

Ukraine's independance through an american's eyes

by @RussiaTodayNews… Image
Actifs financiers gelés !

un patriarche de 2 présidents américains

a eu les siens aussi gelés !

#PrescottBush était en affaires avec les nazis

#Skullnbones 322

gendre de #Walker………
Read 25 tweets

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