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J'ai été très honorée de pouvoir participer à la 35ème Conférence internationale du @rpfinkotanyi et de voir pendant 2 jours le travail du FPR d'aujourd'hui, avec une forte présence de femmes et de jeunes.
Je ne connaissais, en effet, le FPR que de mes lectures : des témoignages des rescapés, des archives de la période 1990-94 et de mes premiers entretiens avec quelques Inkotanyi à Kigali qui datent de septembre 2022.
Deux jours inoubliables pour moi qui m'ont donc permis de croiser dans la vie réelle ceux et celles que je connaissais des pages d'histoire. (J'avoue que j'ai eu parfois du mal à maîtriser un enthousiasme d'adolescente qui se retrouve face à sa Rock Star préférée.🫣 🫣 🫣 )
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Difficile parfois d'expliquer à mes parents qu'on ne peut pas écrire un livre sérieux en partant, par exemple, seulement du dernier documentaire de Thierry Michel=une ode négationniste au Dr Mukwege. Comme le fait ce livre pour lequel de beaux arbres ont été abattus pour rien... Image
Je lirai bien sûr ce texte pour mon travail. Mais je peux déjà dire sur la seule base de la couverture et de la présentation de l'éditeur que nous y découvrirons une énième fois un portrait imaginaire négationniste de #Kagame qui n'a rien à voir avec la réalité.
Je vous confirmerai si je me suis trompée ou non après la lecture de ce texte.
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Si j'ai bien compris, la présentation / nomination des candidats et l'élection n'ont pas été diffusées en direct sur Youtube. Et même si c'était le cas, vous ne disposez pas de la traduction simultanée en français, en anglais ou en portugais des débats. #Rwanda #Kagame #FPR35
Un excellent exemple de ce qu'on ne peut pas écrire sur le #Rwanda depuis sa salle de séjour confortable à Anvers... 🤭
En fait, avant l'élection du chairman du FPR, un membre du parti a la possibilité de poser sa candidature ou de proposer celle d'un autre membre. C'est la procédure ; ils PEUVENT se présenter. Mais s'ils ne VEULENT pas le faire, les étrangers devraient respecter leur choix.
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Rwandan Economics- THREAD
Economy braved global economic constraints, climate shocks &inflationary pressure to grow at the 8.2% in FY 2022. Sectors that have driven the growth are Service representing 47% of the national GDP, agriculture-25% while Industry accounted for 21%
@TheGreatLakesE1 @Rwandan_Patriot @Rugusuki @RwandaFinance @RwandaOGS @jumuiya @r_rukaka @The_EastAfrican @guardian @business Rwanda’s GDP’s current market value is calculated at US$ 12,681,551,309 (Rwf13,716 billion) in 2022, having grown from up from US$ 10,121,462,424 (Rwf10,930 billion) in the FY2021.
Such metrics shows a remarkable growth in spite of the global economic difficulties owing to the Russia-Ukraine war and effects of the climate change.
#RwOT @RwandaFinance @statisticsRW
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As #M23 approaches the city of #Goma,Uhuru #Kenyatta is getting nervous. It seems that on the agenda,Goma was supposed to fall into the hands of rebels after EAC troops,Ugandan/Sudanese have arrived in Eastern Congo.Then rebels would put the city into the hands of EAC⬇️
2)Why is #Uhuru #Kenyatta seems to be running out of time to send there more #EAC troops and yet existing ones did nothing to stop rebels? Why did he wait until rebels are on the gates of Goma city? Obviously those troops are to create a buffer zone only!…
3)#Kagame now after #M23 troops approaching #Goma,in the speech below, he is accepting that his troops are in Congo.Yesterday he accused Congo of violating agreements!May be its about arrival of those EAC troops that Congo could abandon.But did M23 agree to withdraw their troops?
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President #Kagame speaking at the diplomatic corps dinner: Next month we have another big gathering here, the FIFA congress, which is a huge event and many others.

"We can have people gather here for many things, which is what we wish to see." President Paul Kagame speak...
President #Kagame speaking at the diplomatic corps dinner: I know most of you have many questions. The story on our border [with DRC]. I know it has many perspectives.

Recently, we had a summit in Bujumbura concerning the same matter. President Paul Kagame.
President #Kagame: The problem between us and DRC even involves other people. It has now been more than 25 years.

"Things keep happening in cycles, in fact, every after five years." President Paul Kagame.
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President #Kagame speaking at the diplomatic corps dinner: I am happy to be with you, and thank you for answering our invitation positively. President Paul Kagame speaks at the diplomatic corps dinner
President #Kagame: I welcome the new envoys who presented their credentials earlier today. I wish to thank various partners, through the representation, we have here of ambassadors and high commissioners. President Paul Kagame speaks at the diplomatic corps dinner
President #Kagame: What we have achieved through our partnership is a lot more than just a 'thank you'.

"This helps us to deliberate on what we can do further, evidently for the people of our nations." President Paul Kagame speaks at the diplomatic corps dinner
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Now that #M23/RDF massacred hundreds of innocent #Congolese in #Kishishe and get caught on red-handed,what do we expect next?
1) We should expect them to massacre more people secretly, manipulatively and brutally & do everything possible to accuse it on the Congolese government! Image
2)The strong manifestation denouncing a genocide in Congo,prepared by Rwanda has one goal:it's a counterattack to the Kishishe massacres they committed to make sure Congo has an image of genocidaires to neutralize their own massacres and to put Congo 🇨🇩 on the defence position! Image
3) #M23 are Tutsi who claim to fight for their rights but instead genocide other 🇨🇩 tribes.When there is hate speeches caused by their killings,M23 denounces hate speeches instead of stopping their killings.The Tutsi too should denounce M23 that causes hate speech towards them! Image
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1)After the people of Congo getting peace,who will be blamed for their extreme misery? Rwandans? Hello No! Did Rwandans elect Kagame? Does Rwanda have a really parliament? Aren't Rwandans suffering the same way like Congolese? Western nations will carry the blame! This is why⬇️ Image
2)The same tactic that was used by Kagame's RPF to invade Rwanda,the same way they are using on Congo.They cry that the Tutsi are mistreated as a reason of their invasion. In Rwanda,they invaded in the form of 1959 Tutsi refugees,but it was an excuse,though Tutsi refugees existed
3)Museveni,Kagame & NRM had already committed a genocide against #Acholi in Uganda and blamed it on Obote. So when the Clinton Administration decided to back them,they knew they were backing genocidaires to invade Rwanda,meaning genocide wasn't to come as a suprise⬇️ Image
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1)Gone are the days when I thought #colonization was about skin color but I was wrong,black people can colonize other black people.A circle of #Tutsi #supremacists heavily supported by western nations are doing whatever it takes to colonize Africa on behalf of their masters! Image
2)The world's most admired president,Paul #Kagame,is doing to #Congo what King Leopold II of Belgium failed to accomplish.While King #Leopold killed more than 8 millions of #Congolese,Kagame is outnumbering him,he has killed more than 10 million and still killing with impunity! Image
3)Since colonization ended,they had to look for new ways to do it. Crazy #Kagame and his team of damn #fools took the job.They work as agents to former colonizers.They use their black skin to fool Africans and yet cause the same sufferings that the colonial era did to #Africans!
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1)Still doubting M23 is a Rwandan rebel group attacking Congo?Get to know who is Bosco Ntaganda,a Rwandan born in #Kinigi,a war convicted criminal,nicknamed terminator,ex CNDP chief of staff,PFLC General Staff,linked with to M23,rebels all created by Rwanda.Member of 🇷🇼 RPF too
2)Whenever 🇷🇼 's RPF create a rebellion to invade a neighboring country,they search people who would be used as #agakingirizo(A condom)As condoms are thrown as garbage after use,Major Will Ngoma,a congolese,if M23 was to seize power in 🇨🇩,he would be thrown as a used condom in 🗑
3)When #RPF invaded Rwanda in 1990-1994,they had #udukingirizo(Condoms),meaning those #Hutu people to be used to portray a fake image of the rebellion.Real people behind the rebellion remain a secret,until u discover who they were when it's too late!Condoms are killed after war!
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1)How does a #rebellion start?Where do they get funds?One missile shot can cost as much as 1 million$!#Rebels & #superpowers sit down & bargain!Rebels wants to get in power & superpowers wants to #loot your country's #natural #resources almost for free!Then #contracts are signed!
2)Right now were are talking about #M23!Obviously they already signed contracts with superpowers to loot Congo's natural resources freely. Congo to defend itself is also obliged to sign contracts to sell its resources to get funds for war. So M23 is pushing Congo into slavery!
3)Many times #rebels can sign #contracts to invade neighboring countries in the future!When you see a war in your neighboring country, be careful,you don't know where it will end to!As you watch #African #wars on #TVs,better know rebels may have actually sold all of you!Trust me!
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1)When #Kagame told #Kikwete,former president of Tanzania 🇹🇿"I will wait & hit you at the right time!"Kikwete quickly chased those Rwandan refugees,mainly Tutsi who fled in 1959 to Tanzania after the fall of the monarchy!They were considered as Tanzanians!Why did he do that? Image
2)Kikwete knew how Kagame was busy sowing divisions in the region. On the map,in Kagera & Kigoma provinces of Tanzania,they are tribes of #Ha, #Hangaza, #Haya,#Shubi...closely related to Rwandans with similar dialects. Kagame was to use those refugees to create another Congo! Image
3)So if Rwanda's false theory is tolerated in Congo and accept that all these tribes are Rwandophone,it means Rwanda has the right to invade Tanzania as next on their agenda!I wonder why Africans keep quiet while they are being divided in and out! Image
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1)How long shall it take for these western #newspapers to stop demonizing the Hutu?They keep feeding the world with lies intentionally!More than 2 millions of Hutu refugees who fled to Congo didn't flee because they had killed the Tutsi!They fled #RPF's horrible killings in 🇷🇼! Image
2)After 1994,the mainstream media created that narrative,that Hutu who crossed to Congo were killers,to justify the RPF's invasion on Congo!RPF had the benefit of killing all the Hutu intellectuals to hide it's own crimes and superpowers wanted to loot Congo's natural resources!
3)That's why the mainstream medias always conclude their articles on Congo,that instability there started after those who took part in the genocide fled into Congo.They do that to hide you that actually instability in Congo started when they armed Rwanda to loot Congo's riches!
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1)There is fear among #Rwandans that #Kagame's army is planning to invade Rwanda(Self invasion)and act as if it's #FDLR,so that they can massacre people and blame it on FDLR,to seek a buffer zone between Congo & Rwanda!They are looking a way out of the situation in Congo 🇨🇩! #RPF Image
2) They go & wound cows belonging to the Tutsi genocide survivors or kill one of them & start a rumor that it's the Hutu who did it.They kept doing that secretly until we realized it's them who have been doing it!It was done to instill fear into the Tutsi to gain their loyalty! Image
3)#Kagame's Technicians(Meaning Manipulators in Rwanda) attacked Kigali city years ago,after General Kayumba Nyamwasa fled to South Africa!Nyamwasa was blamed for it to tackle his popularity!After u fall out with them,they always make sure they tarnish u to demonize and finish u! Image
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Dans cet extrait de vidéo de plus de 5 min qui circule sur le net, le Président #Kagame 🇷🇼 explique :
"Le Congo a beaucoup de problèmes. Mais, au lieu de chercher à les résoudre, il les aggrave. Nous avons conseillé au Président Tshisekedi comment régler ces problèmes.../1
...notamment la question des populations rwandophones. Mais, il a choisi de les résoudre à sa manière.
La MONUSCO qui consomme beaucoup d'argent est devenue aussi un problème pour le Congo.
J'apprends que les FARDC ont fait alliance avec les FDLR pour combattre le M23...,/2
..., en lieu et place de combattre les FDLR. Ce problème est complexe, j'imagine simplement qu'il trouvera solution grâce à la méditation de Lorenco et de Uhuru Kenyatta.

Au lieu de chercher à résoudre les problèmes de son pays, mais le Président Félix nous accusé.../3
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Feb 23 2022: "#WHO facilitates 194 member states to introduce digital #vaccination certificates... WHO will make it easier for its member states to introduce digital vaccination certificates in the future... It is intended to serve as a standard procedure..." #DigitalID
"#WHO is therefore supporting member states in building national & regional trust networks & verification technology. The WHO's gateway service also serves as a bridge between regional systems. It can also be used as part of future #vaccination campaigns..."

"Digitization keeps the world running. Digital #vaccination certificates like the EU's are key to this...The gateway will interact w/ other parts of the system already developed by WHO...This will also give hints for regional & national setups to be followed by the implementers."
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2) After reading @michelawrong's memoir "Do Not Disturb" of Patrick Karegyeya, a former Rwandan intelligence chief killed about eight years ago in South Africa, @AndrewMwenda has written an article showing how it is a one-sided and racist account that lacks context.
3) Wrong is a compelling writer. Do Not Disturb (that is the title of the book) is a captivating read, riveting with scintillating details. One can easily think it is well researched – that is if they are ignorant of the realities of post genocide Rwanda.
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Annual WEF commences tomorrow w/ #DavosAgenda.

Key theme: rebuilding #trust - in order to obtain new social #contract - required for global #greatreset that will secure/serve ruling class & corporate power expansion.

Accounts to follow, followed by Klaus Schwab account:
The "new social contract" will be sold via the global rebranding of capitalism. #StakeholderCapitalism is the branded concept of a capitalism w/ #Purpose.

"CEOs [] are rightfully concerned about the increasing fragility [] & the threat to capitalism..." #BRT #Imperative21
[Accounts appear in order chosen by account admin.]

5th & 6th accounts followed: #GlobalShapers & Young Global Leaders. Youth are a key target demographic, to be shaped/molded for #GreatReset. Jan 2021: Global Shapers opens 444th hub in Morocco #Africa:…
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In this NYT opinion ⁦⁦piece Bret Stephens makes the case against Susan Rice as VP. He questions her judgment citing her multiple policy and diplomatic failures on the African continent, notably her role in the #Congo war and support for Paul #Kagame.…
“Starting in 1998, several million people died in what came to be known as the second Congo war. It began when Rwanda and Uganda invaded the #DRC (...)Rice strenuously denied that the United States had encouraged the invasion.”
“Rice seems to have taken the view that the best U.S. policy was to “look the other way” as Rwanda and Uganda went to war.”
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@ContactIbuka En cadeau de Noël, un magazine français ouvre ses pages à 2 négationnistes du génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda. Avant-dernier thread pour démonter les ressorts de l’article de Judi Rever.

Partie5⃣: #Kagamé maître du monde
Si après tous les efforts de Judi Rever, vous croyez encore que le #génocide des Tutsi a été mis en œuvre par le gouvernement intérimaire hutu power, c’est pour une seule et unique raison : Paul Kagamé vous contrôle, à votre insu… ou pas.

Comment ?
➡️#Kagamé Superstar

C’est entendu: le monde vénère M.Kagamé tel ces idoles intouchables (MLK-Gandhi-Jésus) consacrées (postmortem) par les élites occidentales.
Rever le dit: "Kagamé est bien vu du monde entier parce qu’il a fait croire qu’une majorité de Hutus a tué les Tutsis."
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🇷🇼 Se cumplen 25 años del inicio del Genocidio de #Ruanda, considerado una de las mayores masacres de la historia reciente en la que fueron asesinados alrededor de 800.000 tutsis y hutus moderados en apenas 100 días. Os contamos más en este hilo ⬇
Para comprender el genocidio es necesario estudiar la historia en todo su conjunto y analizar los diferentes acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar a nivel regional e internacional. Existen numerosos mitos entorno a la clasificación étnica, el origen del conflicto y sus consecuencias
Los hutus (etnia bantú) llegaron a #Ruanda en el siglo VI, donde ya residían los twa (pigmeos) desde hacía 1000 años. Posteriormente, los tutsis, etnia nilótica procedente del norte, llegaron en el siglo XV. Los tutsis pronto instalaron su hegemonía mediante la dinastía nyiginya.
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