Covert abuse need not be #BehindClosedDoors- much of it, nowadays, is online and none is more deeply misunderstood than #mobbing campaigns.

It is almost always malicious and relies on rumor, innuendo, intimidation, humiliation, discrediting, and isolation.
One of the main reasons bystanders do nothing is because they are simply not aware of how mobbing campaigns operate.
They would never admit what they are doing. They play the “I've done nothing, it’s someone else “ card.
Their aims are:
*Character assassination
* To ensure others distance themselves from the targeted individual.
* Inciting others to mock, goad, provoke the target into responding.
The ringleader relies on the knowledge that the target is hyper vigilant and will be aware of a smear campaign specifically targeted towards them.
Because of the bespoke nature of the abuse, not everyone will be privy to the triggers and so will be oblivious to what is going on.
The natural reaction for a victim of #mobbing is to highlight what is going on &the common response of those around the victim is disbelief.
They protest their innocence VERY LOUDLY.
This is key.
It is VERY LOUD and VERY disproportionate.
This will be shared widely and copiously to *drown out* THEIR part in this campaign.
They understand that to intervene is to become a target themselves, which they want to avoid- at all costs-especially if there are reputations that can be harmed.
to understand how to evidence a PATTERN of behaviour.
This is crucial because abusers consistently pull the wool over the eyes of others- including police & courts.
They do this by:
*Playing the victim.
If we are truly serious about tackling abuse, this is where we must look.
Conference on Coercive Control 2020