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Mar 4th 2022
@JMKuukkanen @ArthurJChapman @heirnet @histassoc @1972SHP @HTENUK @RichardEvans36 @UCLpress Thanks, this discussion fits into one we have off and on about "knowledge". Increasingly, I come to see knowledge (and therefore also results of research) to be possible as relational, as not to be isolated from perspectives, from what @ArthurJChapman referred to as .../2
@JMKuukkanen @ArthurJChapman @heirnet @histassoc @1972SHP @HTENUK @RichardEvans36 @UCLpress 1/... "knowING" (if I am understanding him correctly). The perspectives can (and need to be) broadened, but they are inseparatibly (spelling?) linked to the position of the knowing one, even, nay, especially in propositional form. If I share such a proposition by s/o, is it .../3
@JMKuukkanen @ArthurJChapman @heirnet @histassoc @1972SHP @HTENUK @RichardEvans36 @UCLpress 2/... simply identical - or do I consent from my point of view/experience/research etc., ADDING that nothing from here contradicts is, thus not merely putting it onto the heap of independent propositions, but enhancing its quality, offering others another facet to it to be .../4
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Jul 21st 2020
6 months ago, we were in #Montgomery, #Alabama, & when we stopped by Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church, our tour guide, Wanda (standing in 3rd pic), mentioned about Rep. #JohnLewis’ diagnosis of pancreatic cancer so we mentally wished him a speedy recovery. ImageImageImageImage
A few days ago, Rep. #JohnLewis passed away. He was the youngest & last survivor of the #BigSix civil rights activists - one of them being #MLK. #RestInPower

#civilrightsmovement #FreedomRider #martinlutherking #themarchcontinues @eji_org @splcenter #BlackLivesMatter #BLM
“Freedom is not a state; it is an act... Freedom is the continuous action we all must take, & each generation must do its part to create an even more fair, more just society.” - #JohnLewis, 2017
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