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Jun 20th 2023
An extra segment of debate in the @HoCChamber occurred for Bill #C42 tonight and here's a short thread with my reaction: #cdnpoli #endsnowwashing
Man, we succeeded in branding. Almost every elected official who spoke referred to Canada's AML regime weakness as snow-washing. There was also recognition that 45bn to 113 bn annually is being laundered into #Canada. Our work was heavily referenced by all parties.
On 25% vs 10%: This is better suited for study during the PCMLTFA hearings this summer. Yes, it could be possible to reduce the threshold in the bill, yet there would be a lot of pushback from Canada's business community and by FINTRAC reporting entities. Not worth it.
Read 10 tweets
May 20th 2021
Which are some stylized failures of Risk Management?
It is the only subject when turned into a profession, which fails to deliver in SVA terms in most of the cases, as witnessed now outside the Insurance Sector
Insurance is a different game because the profession is led by well-trained quantitative professionals such as Actuaries
Why it has not worked well outside the Insurance Sector/s?
The multiple reasons for the failure of Risk Management and Auditing Departments at firms could be the following =>
Read 20 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
With everyone talking about #fascism these days... here's #LAAS (Labour Against Antisemitism) spokespersons Euan & Emma policing the internet and demanding action taken against a Labour MP for posting a perfectly respectable article.

What's that? Did I hear #WitchHunt?
Here's Tal Offer of the #BOD getting in on the act. Those who've allowed - and still allow, this weaponisation of antisemitism to occur, have a lot to answer for.

Anyone care about our democracy?
Read 9 tweets

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