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Jun 18th 2023
#BookTwitter #Bookmark #readingcommunity
நாவல்கள் படிக்க வேண்டும் எனும் ஆர்வம் உண்டு ஆனால் நாவல்கள் அளவில் பெரியவை எனவே சிறிய நாவல்கள் நோக்கிய தேடுதலில் இருக்கிறேன் என்பவர்களுக்காக,
தமிழில் நீங்கள் தவறவிடக்கூடாத 100 பக்கங்களுக்கும் குறைவான, 5 குறுநாவல்களை இங்கே தொகுக்கிறேன்.

புத்தகம் : கிடை

எழுத்தாளர் : கி.ராஜநாராயணன்

பக்கங்கள் : 61

பதிப்பகம் : காலச்சுவடு பதிப்பகம்

விலை : 73

புத்தகம் வாங்க இங்கே சொடுக்கவும் :

(2) Image
புத்தகம் : குறத்தி முடுக்கு

எழுத்தாளர் : ஜி. நாகராஜன்

பக்கங்கள் : 96

பதிப்பகம் : காலச்சுவடு பதிப்பகம்

விலை : 125

புத்தகம் வாங்க இங்கே சொடுக்கவும் :

(3) Image
Read 6 tweets
Jan 1st 2023
Summary of #Java 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 features.
All features in a single tweet. #retweet #share #like #follow #bookmark Good know.
Thread 👇
#Java 19 Features:
- Record Patterns
- Linux/RISC-V Port
- Foreign Function & Memory API
- Virtual Threads
- Vector API (Fourth Incubator)
- Pattern Matching for the switch
- Structured Concurrency (Incubator)
#Java 18 Features:
- UTF-8 by Default
- Simple Web Server
- Code Snippets in Java API Doc
- Reimplement Core Reflection with Method Handles
- Vector API
- Internet-Address Resolution SPI
- Foreign Function & Memory API
- Pattern Matching for switch
Read 13 tweets
Dec 29th 2022
How to build your audience without feeling like you’re BEGGING for attention.

6 tips to get the growth you deserve (without getting cringe in the process):
Most new creators struggle because they:
• Aren’t sure what type of content their audience wants
• Are worried about coming across as spammy or desperate
• Unwilling to promote themselves or their products

These feelings can stop you from taking any meaningful action.
To create content that resonates with your audience without feeling lost,

🔸 Get to know your audience.

Find ways to ask more questions. Interact regularly.

Dig deep into their challenges and understand where they need help.

Then figure out how you can be of service.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 2nd 2022
Summary of All #Java 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 Features. All features in a single tweet. #bookmark #save #pin
Thread 👇 #retweet #follow
#Java 18 Features:
- UTF-8 by Default
- Simple Web Server
- Code Snippets in Java API Doc
- Reimplement Core Reflection with Method Handles
- Vector API
- Internet-Address Resolution SPI
- Foreign Function & Memory API
- Pattern Matching for switch
#Java 17 Features:
- Restore Always-Strict Floating-Point Semantics
- Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators
- New macOS Rendering Pipeline
- macOS/AArch64 Port
- Deprecate the Applet API for Removal
- Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals
- Pattern Matching for switch
Read 12 tweets
Aug 10th 2022
Try this out let me know if any part works for you. Or if you have tried it before #Retweet and #Bookmark this.
Want to get more work done in 2 hours than people do in 2 weeks?

Use these 9 productivity hacks I got from Pickle
1) The 2-day rule
This is simple but effective.
The rule:
Never let yourself go 2 days without doing a habit (ie. meditating, exercising, etc.)

This turns your habit into a game.

When you build a streak, you won’t want to ruin your “score.”

Thus, increasing adherence. Image
2) The 5-minute rule

Struggling with procrastination like me sometimes ?

Tell yourself you’ll only do the task for 5 minutes.

Most of the time you’ll get into flow and keep working.

A simple mindset hack that’ll build momentum.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 15th 2022
Divonne-les-Bains : Karin Schneider, l'insolente qui fait du vin ...
Elle réfléchit déjà au vin qu'elle veut faire l'année prochaine, certainement avec du raisin en culture biologique ou en biodynamique.… #biodynamie
Le Hofgut Rengoldshausen célèbre 800 ans de ferme et 90 ans d'agriculture biodynamique. Depuis la fondation au XIIIe siècle, une ferme progressiste s'est développée et les femmes sont toujours influentes. #Biodynamique…
Château d’Estoublon: le jardin provençal du couple Bruni-Sarkozy Depuis longtemps conduite en agriculture biologique, les vignes se voient appliquer les principes de la biodynamie depuis quelques années.… Image
Read 1517 tweets
May 24th 2022
Summary of #Java 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 features.
All features in single tweet. #bookmark #save #pin
Thread 👇 #retweet #follow
Java 8 Features:
- Lambda expression
- Stream API
- Functional interface
- Default and static methods
- Optional class
- Nashorn – JavaScript runtime engine
- Annotation on Java Types
- Unsigned Integer Arithmetic
- Repeating annotations
- New Date and Time API
#Java 9 Features:
- Java platform module system
- Interface Private Methods
- HTTP 2 Client
- JShell
- Platform and JVM Logging
- Process API Updates
- Collection API Updates
- Improvements in Stream API
- Multi-release JAR Files
- @Deprecated Tag Changes
- Stack Walking
Read 12 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
"As the document states, adverse event reports do not necessarily mean they were caused by the drug in question, but could be due to an underlying disease or other factor."….
Reporting adverse drug events @pfizer…
Read 5 tweets
Dec 18th 2020
#Thread #Bookmark This
Radhey Radhey Jai Shri Krishna

Krishna laid down under a tree and went into Yoga Samadhi. At that time a hunter Jara entered that forest. (1/n)
Jai Shri Krishna 🌸🧡🙏🏻
That hunter misunderstood the moving foot of Krishna as a lurking deer and shot a lethal arrow that pierced into Krishna’s feet. As soon as the hunter reached Krishna, he realised his mistake and pleaded the lord for forgiveness. (2/n)
@LostTemple7 @IndiaTales7 🙏🏻
Lord Krishna consoles him andtell him how his death was inevitable.Krishna says that in his previous birth as Rama in the Tretayuga, Rama killed Vaali (Sugreeva's brother) from behind. (2/n)
Jai Shree Krishna 🌸🧡🙏🏻
Read 15 tweets

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